On Bryce Fitzgerald...

Personal Attacks
I honestly couldn't believe it, lol. I ignore him, so only see his emoji reactions or get a "ignored member" flag if someone else quotes him.

It's not like I dislike Cway or Angry Ibis or McNaire. They're just always finding ways to crap on Mario and imply we're headed for doom no matter how good the news is. So of course, when a high value target commits to us, I compliment their commitment and say nice things about Mario, Cway has to face palm my post. It's clockwork.

I planned to un-ignore these guys on 9/1 if we beat the Gators. I expected they would stop being so negative. They promised they would if Mario started winning, no? But I do wonder if these guys are going to be the kind of fans that will throw shade at Mario and the program no matter what. We win the ACC but lose in the first round of the playoffs so we're losers. We're 15-1 but lose in the championship game so we're losers. We win the championship game but Guidry gets hired away so we will be losers. That type of bull****. Time will tell.
Same here on the ignoring. Cgay313 is the only one that’s gotten under my skin. It’s the levitating I know better than you aura of his comments followed by snarky arrogance. Even that I could deal with if there was ever an ounce of humility to be found. I’ll spar with anyone, but if I’m wrong, I’ll hold my hand up. I’m not above apologizing either. Some people in life are. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Skeeter you may remember on shadow's old board,a few years back when Rayshawn Jenkins committed to Miami, Nole80 said he was a good athlete but lacked physicality or shield away from contact and he was supposedly coming in as a wr,then he was moved to safety here,was plenty physical and played in the NFL for years.This kid will do just fine here.
This is a great point. Jenkins wanted to play WR, too. He got more physical at UM. He was bigger than Fitzgerald but similar in many ways.

That doesn’t mean Fitzgerald will develop the same way as Jenkins did, but at least there is a path.
@grover testing the CIS Mope waters on September 1st…

I see an elite Nickle and returner. I've been to a bunch of his games (both basketball and football) and he's an electric athlete. He's quicker than fast and his acceleration is ridiculous. That's a big reason why I think he'd be perfect for the slot where you have to be able to use short area quickness to cover in both directions.
This is way more important than "long speed." 100m and 200m times are almost irrelevant for a football player if he takes too long to get to top speed. I care about acceleration - how quick he covers 5-10-20 yards.
Skeeter you may remember on shadow's old board,a few years back when Rayshawn Jenkins committed to Miami, Nole80 said he was a good athlete but lacked physicality or shield away from contact and he was supposedly coming in as a wr,then he was moved to safety here,was plenty physical and played in the NFL for years.This kid will do just fine here.

Would love it.
DMoney and a couple others hinted to it months ago

Also, really no big hits on his highlights…Even as a centerfielder you expect him to have laid the boom at some point this season, and if he did it would almost certainly be on the tape, right?

Not a knock…I like the tape…playmaker
Gotcha thank you. Highlight tapes can be so misleading and I knew a lot of people here would actually see him in person so I was curious where it was coming from. I remember a few people saying those things about Williams
They’re the three most prominent ones right now I guess. Sinister doesn’t post as much lately and Dwins turned MarioBro so it’s slim pickins.

I hate that I've already wasted time on this in Bryce Fitzgerald's thread. The kid is a great pickup and I'm super happy we landed him. He's exactly the type of recruit that will help stop the mopery over time.

And kudos to D$ for having intel on this before everyone else. One more reason this board is the best.
Yea i didnt expect a columbus kid that was legit to not be a priority for Mario.

Start this kid at corner please...preferably let him learn that nickel spot.

I completely agree on the position. Start at CB. If he improves in the tackling aspect, let him play some safety too.
I hate that I've already wasted time on this in Bryce Fitzgerald's thread. The kid is a great pickup and I'm super happy we landed him. He's exactly the type of recruit that will help stop the mopery over time.
Staff likes him as do a number of posters here, some of whom have good opinions on football. We’ll see in time. It was pointed out to me today that Malachi Nelson got beat out today for the QB job at Boise State by a redshirt freshman. He was the number 1 QB recruit in his class. There were people here who said he was overrated in January when he transferred from USC. They turned out being correct. There’s a contingent here who will bash everyone and everything but there’s others who legitimately raise questions.

One question I have is his speed. People are talking about a 4.48 40 but I’m not sure who timed that and where. I think I saw someone here and/or on the gator board a while back talking about him running an 11.50+ 100. I’d like to see how he runs at a big event. I’m not certain as to where he best fits in right now.
Staff likes him as do a number of posters here, some of whom have good opinions on football. We’ll see in time. It was pointed out to me today that Malachi Nelson got beat out today for the QB job at Boise State by a redshirt freshman. He was the number 1 QB recruit in his class. There were people here who said he was overrated in January when he transferred from USC. They turned out being correct. There’s a contingent here who will bash everyone and everything but there’s others who legitimately raise questions.

One question I have is his speed. People are talking about a 4.48 40 but I’m not sure who timed that and where. I think I saw someone here and/or on the gator board a while back talking about him running an 11.50+ 100. I’d like to see how he runs at a big event. I’m not certain as to where he best fits in right now.

You raise a relevant point about Malachi Nelson.

But we also have posters who told us that we should not have recruited/offered Cedrick Bailey, that he did not have enough stars, would never play, and was only being recruited to try to get Jeremiah Smith.

I have no problems with people getting things wrong sometimes. I still believe there are posters who are never happy with anything (short of signing Jeremiah Smith), so if the Mope Squad is occasionally correct on a recruit "not being that great", then it seems to be more a product of statistics and probability, rather than any keen insights into talent identification.

I trust our coaches. They will not always be right. But they have to live with their choices, rather than just trying to build up a history of hot-takes on a website.
Staff likes him as do a number of posters here, some of whom have good opinions on football. We’ll see in time. It was pointed out to me today that Malachi Nelson got beat out today for the QB job at Boise State by a redshirt freshman. He was the number 1 QB recruit in his class. There were people here who said he was overrated in January when he transferred from USC. They turned out being correct. There’s a contingent here who will bash everyone and everything but there’s others who legitimately raise questions.

One question I have is his speed. People are talking about a 4.48 40 but I’m not sure who timed that and where. I think I saw someone here and/or on the gator board a while back talking about him running an 11.50+ 100. I’d like to see how he runs at a big event. I’m not certain as to where he best fits in right now.
Well if you remember with Nelson, some of us pointed out the kid is the goods when it comes to his upside. BUT he's very raw and he needs time to learn the game. That's why some of us were on board with getting him here as a long term option. Not someone for this year. Just like Moore.