Ok, this story has me freaked the $%#@!& out...

The article is nothing more than rehashed BS. Amazing these guys get paid for this. @AbouttheU05 = College Football has not been right for a while. When Paterno (the man who supposedly represents "everything that is right" about college football college) covers up for a child molester for YEARS for the sake of protecting their program, college football has gone down the *******.

During the summer I heard that the initial feeling was that we would essentially skate considering the source and all the staff turnover. THEN.....the link to Golden turned up and the mood in Greentree noticeably changed. The expectation is no longer 'we skate'

I've been prepared for far worse than most of us wish for ....... since hearing that. This article somewhat confirms it.
For one, only coaches are allowed to do any type of recruiting off campus. It would seem to be a secondary violation as Feldman says. What ****es me off is that nobody at UM had the smarts to say hay, let's make sure the new staff steers clear of Allen. Hill and Barrow had to know the allegations, and they ignored them. If they didn't know the allegations, how does David Reed still have a job.
The article is nothing more than rehashed BS. Amazing these guys get paid for this. @AbouttheU05 = College Football has not been right for a while. When Paterno (the man who supposedly represents "everything that is right" about college football college) covers up for a child molester for YEARS for the sake of protecting their program, college football has gone down the *******.

I should clarify what I mean by hammered as yes, I'm fully aware college football hasn't been right for a while. I've been a Miami fan, not a college football fan, for the longest time now.

Anything more than 15 schollies over 3 years, 5 per year, and maybe 1-2 more years of a bowl ban and I'm done. I'm all about paying for mistakes, even if I think the rules of the NCAA are laughable, but a lot of this is turning into over-exaggerated and repetitive bs. Do I think Miami messed up to a certain degree, of course. Do I think they did it to the extent being portrayed, not even close. Have I seen and heard about the same and worse getting swept under the rug at other places, absolutely.
Only at the UM would you have so many folks who supposedly love the program, from the little rogue booster to his UM alum lawyer.
plus Sean Allen, to the writer, another alum do this to "their" school.


This school breeds snitches.

I can't imagine an SEC school breeding this many traitors and have them remain in the area.
The article is nothing more than rehashed BS. Amazing these guys get paid for this. @AbouttheU05 = College Football has not been right for a while. When Paterno (the man who supposedly represents "everything that is right" about college football college) covers up for a child molester for YEARS for the sake of protecting their program, college football has gone down the ****ter.

I should clarify what I mean by hammered as yes, I'm fully aware college football hasn't been right for a while. I've been a Miami fan, not a college football fan, for the longest time now.

Anything more than 15 schollies over 3 years, 5 per year, and maybe 1-2 more years of a bowl ban and I'm done. I'm all about paying for mistakes, even if I think the rules of the NCAA are laughable, but a lot of this is turning into over-exaggerated and repetitive bs. Do I think Miami messed up to a certain degree, of course. Do I think they did it to the extent being portrayed, not even close. Have I seen and heard about the same and worse getting swept under the rug at other places, absolutely.

I completely share your frustration and view. It has quickly become the haves and have nots. Living in MD and the Northeast for nine years, I grew tired of the Penn State is the only clean program BS. But even the media supported that notion. Enough about Pedo State. I feel like they will not spread ours over three years. I would not be surprised by 20 over 2. But that is solely based on the BS that we have heard in the news (i.e. no corroborating evidence just what was spewed). The reason why this thing is taking so long is likely related to the fact that the crew investigating has had some turnover. That is the only tidbit I took from this article. We do need this to end soon so the BS articles can end.

I am very disappointed by Feldman with this BS Article. But I am not surprised by this at all. **** the rat has a UM Alum as the lawyer.

(Apologies to all for rambling.)
"The worst thing Miami did in regards to Nevin Shapiro was not educating people enough like me to stay away from him and people like him," Allen says, adding that when he has been interviewed by the NCAA, he was told how the school was at fault for not "stepping in and cutting that off."

Allen did say former UM head coach Randy Shannon did try to warn people, both players and staff, about Shapiro: "Randy would say, 'You guys better not be hanging around this guy. He's bad news,'" Allen recalls. "Randy hated Nevin. He told me to stay away from him, but I ignored it. I'd shake my head, 'Yes, uh-huh,' and then go ahead and make more bad decisions."
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Randy at least sniffed this rat out.

Yeah, he sniffed him out alright.
In the meantime, (virtually) his entire coaching staff was cavorting with Shapiro.
Who knows what we'll get, but with LOIC they can go back in time and nail us as a repeat offender. The biggest penalties will likely be very strong show cause penalties against the staff. I'm shocked that Hurtt is still employed. For us, we'll likely get 8-10 per year for 3 years, and one more bowl ban. The finding of LOIC is key. UM has always contended that their compliance was best in business, we'll see.
Who knows what we'll get, but with LOIC they can go back in time and nail us as a repeat offender. The biggest penalties will likely be very strong show cause penalties against the staff. I'm shocked that Hurtt is still employed. For us, we'll likely get 8-10 per year for 3 years, and one more bowl ban. The finding of LOIC is key. UM has always contended that their compliance was best in business, we'll see.

I'll take those penalties and move on all day.
Btw, Feldman seems to feel pretty strongly that we'll get hit with LOIC. If so, looking at massive penalty.

If true , could be a 4 or 5 yr bowl ban for sure with substantial recruiting reductions. Not death penalty but results could be essentially that. Transfers? Maybe.

The Golden aspect of this is nonsense. Simply cant see how the new staff would have known the extent of Allens involvement. They desperately needed to recruit guys with the clock running.

I guess we find out who the real Canes fans are when this goes down.

Oh c'mon
4-5 year bowl ban
Unprecedented bowl ban
More than Penn state, more than USC, nearly death penalty
This fan base has gone psycho
So Miami didn't educate people like him to stay away from Shapiro, but then the Head Coach of the program at the time did in fact tell him to stay away and he ignored it????

If Miami gets hammered over this I'm done with college football for good. I'm so sick of this "let's pretend to be about amateur athletics while letting certain schools do whatever they want" bs. Academic fraud at FSU, money thrown around for suits and lavish gifts by boosters who own a tailor shop at Bama, Cam Newton at Auburn, insert SEC school, WVU and LSU allowing the mentally retarded into their academic institution of lower learning. It's bad enough how incompetent Miami has been on its own the past decade. Add in completely ridiculous rules by the NCAA that 1. Exploit college football players for profit and 2. Are enforced selectively and I've about had it with this fake a$$ sport and it's bs.

Haha this. I'm not even caring or worrying about new yet old article or potential NCAA punishment. If Miami goes down, my following of college football goes down with it. I barely watch any games outside of Miami Hurricane Football as it is.
What do you mean If Miami goes down? Penalties are coming, but there is no chance the death penalty is in play.
What do you mean If Miami goes down? Penalties are coming, but there is no chance the death penalty is in play.

If Miami were to get some outlandish punishment is what I mean by "Goes down"

I don't think it will happen but if it does than I'm done with college football. It would be a very bad joke at this point. I literally have not watched 1 full game outside of the Hurricanes. I'm almost done with the sport as it is.
Lol people expecting PSU like penalties? C'mon man

It may be bad, but definitely not that bad

Anyways we skate
We are fin. Shalala, in any other college, or in any other institution in the World, would have been fired at least, for what has become of the program.