Not breaking news, but…

You have to be a smooth brained tard to believe Dawson is the one that wants to play the sloth paced, complimentary (lol) offense we’re trotting out there right now.
His offenses have went slower than Mario’s in years past. Posted it last week.

Houston sped up by 4-5 seconds per play over last year. They were in the 100s as recently as a few years ago in seconds per play under Dawson
Or Mario didn't like all the praise Dawson was getting for turning around the offense and felt like he needed to insert himself in order to get some of the credit. Egotistical people will do these sort of things.
I think you have a point.Don't think Mario liked it when Dawson shared the story from the Tam game where Mario went to him late and said he wasn't sure we could run the clock out and Dawson said run the clock out I'm trying to end this ************,it was funny but made Mario look like an ***.
Dawson is done here at the end of the season.

Not happy with the amount of meddling by Mario and his boyfriend (Mirabal), and his ideas to fix TVD (limit the thinking by speeding up the pace of the game) has been nixed in order to play “complementary football”.

He’s also getting some heat internally for not being able to script plays to start games to get TVD in rhythm. While this is well deserved, you can’t really roast his *** if one of the fixes he’s pitched has been declined. As a professional, he should be able to come up with a scheme (it’s been 5-weeks) to mask some of this **** and he just can’t.

Two things -

^ I believe it’s true that he’s unhappy, but the source is biased. To me, this is a bit of CYA as the season ends on a major thud. Like Gattis, the stink of this type of prolonged failure is brutal for the resume.
^ TVD’s inability to develop as a player claims yet another OC’s career. It’s no secret I have a personal dislike for him, and this only strengthens my criticism that he’s an unaccountable *** clown.

Believe what you wish, and **** all of your mothers.
**** of a rumor, where is this coming from?
We are so ****ed lol.
I agree 100

If he decided to meddle after our early season success and is still meddling after seeing how we have made a complete 180 for the worse, then it’s over and he will never be more than an 8-4 coach here and we are all wasting our time.
It literally makes no sense, just plain stupid honestly.
I agree 100%. I heard Dawson was gone as well. You kiss good away the 2024 class and the future of the program. The offense will be set back for another 2-3 years minimum.

I couldn't agree more that this team will not reach above mediocrity in it's totality because of of Mario. All he had to do is stay out of the way and let his coordinators do their job. Mario has never been an OC and has no business meddling in the offense other than the OL. He's not going to get a quality OC. He's going to get some young guy who will do what he wants and it will be a failure because Mario's vision of the offense is just some 1990's childhood wet dream fantasy.

I just don't understand Mario. He's a Saban disciple, but has learned nothing.
Oh, he’s going to get a head coach alright, to be the OC………

Joe Morehead

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My Brother…I was thinking the same thing and it’s going to take him to February to make the hire.
Dawson is done here at the end of the season.

Not happy with the amount of meddling by Mario and his boyfriend (Mirabal), and his ideas to fix TVD (limit the thinking by speeding up the pace of the game) has been nixed in order to play “complementary football”.

He’s also getting some heat internally for not being able to script plays to start games to get TVD in rhythm. While this is well deserved, you can’t really roast his *** if one of the fixes he’s pitched has been declined. As a professional, he should be able to come up with a scheme (it’s been 5-weeks) to mask some of this **** and he just can’t.

Two things -

^ I believe it’s true that he’s unhappy, but the source is biased. To me, this is a bit of CYA as the season ends on a major thud. Like Gattis, the stink of this type of prolonged failure is brutal for the resume.
^ TVD’s inability to develop as a player claims yet another OC’s career. It’s no secret I have a personal dislike for him, and this only strengthens my criticism that he’s an unaccountable *** clown.

Believe what you wish, and **** all of your mothers.
Considering what my eyes have shown me the last 4-5 weeks, it aint that farfetched. Watching X come into tight formations and line up in line to block, shrinking the field significantly and a couple other idiotic things from a schematic standpoint IS something that we are seeing now that we did not see early on. Our HC isn’t extremely bright, we know that .. so if this was something that was completely unforeseen and out of the realm of possibility, then I’d push back on the OP … but it isn’t. The man is a gym coach meathead, and I wouldn’t blame Dawson one bit if he chunked the deuces on us.
See my thing with that take is.

If Mario is a locker room meat head and has taken two teams (building one from literally nothing) to conference titles games whose doing this?

Hes done more than Lane Kiffen on paper. Let that one sink in and 57% of the board wakes up and prays to Lord Kiffen.
Well here's the perfect time for a Hail Mary hire. The Bills fans want Dorsey out. Dorsey is a Miami guy so he meets the most important criterion. He also happens to be an exceptional OC, whose stock is down because Bills fans are spoiled. Mullen isn't going to work for Cristobal, but Dorsey might.
That would be the most Miami thing to do, hire a guy who is failing at his current job
"The source is biased"

Yep believe everything and Ghandi says nothing positive ever.

Inside info isn't needed on this one. At every single opportunity, Mario and crew mentioned how important it had been for Dawson to have "evolved" his run game. It was question number 1 here:

1. Will Coach Cristobal truly hand over the reigns to Coach Dawson's presumed style?
Of course, the sensical answer is "well, he brought him in, so obviously." However, we've consistently heard quotes from both Coach Cristobal and Coach Mirabal about how Dawson "has really evolved" and how much of the "run game diversity" he's included in the general spread principles. To me, that naturally indicates they want *their* brand and imprint on the offense.
Thanks for posting this. I somehow missed this breakdown.

Mario meddling in the offense means it really doesn't matter who the **** he hires as his next OC after another inevitably long, drawn out search. He's maddeningly stubborn and wants it to be his way, even if his way is doomed to fail spectacularly.

We went from lighting up a talented Texas A&M squad with 48 points in the first month of the season to regressing into a 2022-esque disaster of an offense. Countless turnovers, slot receivers slowly coming in motion and talking to our senior citizen blocking TE pre-snap to telegraph the play, and neanderthal caveman horse****. That's not just because TVD played through injuries or fell off a cliff mentally.

If Mario can't keep himself out of offensive gameplans, he has no chance of succeeding here. None.
Serious question when did Mario change any game plan or interfere with Offensive play calling????

Yes, THAT is the timeline. The offense got worse when Mario intervened. Not the other major thing that happened with the guy who has the ball all the time. Unless Mario is giving TVD meth before the games him intervening was not the next sequence in your timeline.

1. Dawson has nice offense to start season
2. Mario introduces TVD to meth
3. TVD gets addicted to meth
4. Dawson has possible fix for meth addiction
5. Mario declines meth addiction fix and offense gets even worse
6. Dawson gets heat internally for not fixing offense
Meth? Amphetamines may be necessary for the lack of energy lmao.
His offenses have went slower than Mario’s in years past. Posted it last week.

Houston sped up by 4-5 seconds per play over last year. They were in the 100s as recently as a few years ago in seconds per play under Dawson

Ya I posted it in preseason that recent Houston teams haven't played too fast.