Oh, good lord, you are all over the map in your desperate attempt to white-knight for Castellanos. Are you related to him?
First, you jumped out of the gate by talking up Castellanos on MULTIPLE threads, talking about what a great impact he would have on F$U. Meanwhile, you were giving a halo effect to his mediocre 2023 season, while the reality is that the 2024 season is the one in which he quit on BC.
NOW you are backtracking by saying "he's not the greatest QB on the market" and "he isn't going to be first team All ACC" and "he won't win a Heisman" and "he won't be a high draft pick". And all of that is true, but it doesn't change all the puffery you gave to Castellanos previously.
More importantly, your comments on DJU are hilarious, because of HOW SIMILAR I've said that Castellanos is, and how similar the F$U situation is.
1. You are already giving Castellanos the "he will elevate F$U's offense" accolade, while knowing NOTHING about any other players who will be on this mythical "elevated" offense with him. Which is hilarious.
2. You then rip everyone on the 2024 F$U offense. Which is also hilarious. Because DJU had, essentially, an IDENTICAL 2023 to Castellanos's 2023, and DJU could not "elevate" the much better 2024 F$U offense.
3. You also IGNORE the reality of transitioning the OTHER TEN players on the F$U offense from 2024 to 2025. For instance, this "bad OL" (you forget) was based on SEVEN guys who had a ridiculous number of "starts" at F$U and prior schools. At least 6 of these 7 players were in their final year. So whether the F$U OL was "bad" or "good", they still must replace THE ENTIRE OFFENSIVE LINE. From the Portal. With a 2-10 record, a head coach on the hot seat, and a mostly new coaching staff.
So, sure, if you think that a "playmaker" will suddenly be able to turn around a Portal-restocked TERRIBLE offense, then that's on you. But the cavalier way in which you ASSUME that Castellanos will improve F$U, when DJU could not do the same with a "supposed-to-be-good" team coming off of an undefeated 13-1 year...it's just nutty.
I get it, you fell in love with Thomas Castellanos at summer camp way back in 2013. But you're inventing some HUGE PROJECTION of what Castellanos can do with a TERRIBLE team that is unlikely to get a lot better via Portal Magics. Quite literally, F$U may be replacing TEN starters on offense. How do you think that ONE mediocre QB will "elevate" the F$U offense when he has to deal with a (mostly) new coaching staff and a group of brand-new group of mercenaries?
Stop analyzing whether I'm "Mel Kiper" and admit that you know so little about the F$U returning roster (and where they stand in Portal recruiting) that you are running around GUESSING as to the impact of Castellanos on F$U's offense.