Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

It's a common occurence, it's even happened to our writers and fans a few times over the past 20 years.

It's the off-season mix of optimism, "those guys are wearing my jersey" homerism, and projection, coupled with no OPPOSING competition, only 1s-on-1s and 2s-on-2s.

Quite literally, the F$U media, fresh off of a 13-1 undefeated season, were telling people that the 2024 F$U team could be BETTER than the 2023 team. NOBODY complained about DJU. NOBODY complained about missing on any recruits. NOBODY complained about "only" having a Top 10 or Top 15 NIL program.

And then the losses came, and all of the writers and fans are busy trying to figure out ways to explain how they were SO WRONG a few months ago, and to create fake narratives that justify their insanely misplaced optimism.

Whatever. **** 'em all.
Normally the fans be the one selling pipe dreams that a team that lost everyone with terrible recruiting depth behind it could be better than one that had a great season results wise until UGA. The fact that their reporters were the ones doing it is nothing short of mind boggling. Other than the FSU ball gogglers on here all of us said what is happening is what would happen becauseof their terrible high school recruiting and the preview was in that Orange bowl.
The fall has been fast. Theyre already at the acceptance stage. Comments on TJ Alfords OV to them this weekend.

Hey now, this isn't going to be so funny when Memphis is ahead by 4 late in the game, and they have the ball deep in their own territory, and then they fumble the snap and F$U has a chance to fall on the ball for a winning touchdown, and instead Patrick Payton accidentally kicks the ball out of the end zone for a safety.

Actually, that would be HILARIOUS...
The fact that people keep posting these FSU practice videos to social media is wild. They're either so far up their own a**es that they don't realize it or they're trying to get Norvell fired.
This list is also proof that deboer still has a ways to go before he establishes himself in this recruiting side of the world with blue chips. Not to say this kid doesn't end up being worth a ****. Who knows. But previously bama wouldn't even watch a kids film who only had offers from Alabama a&m,UMass,UGA St & Western Kentucky. Furthermore you know **** well only reason poo has taken an interest in the kid is cause of that bama offer when they know bama won't accept this kids commit. Poo is instantly the front runner . 🤣
The playoff omission killed them as it would have killed anyone in that position. Lets see if they manage to recover in the portal this upcoming cycle. One thing is for sure, is they will be up against the dreaded suck tax if they want to turn it around though. Ole Spanx girl and the chicken dude will have to pony up some bread.
High school recruiting isn't their thing. That's what's killing them. Closing on top high school talent and signing them. That's not a snub that changed that it's norvell and co with their water guns.