Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

So let's get this straight.

They are paying $12M to $13M for NIL. While not the TOP budget for NIL, it is one of the higher budgets. They gave Norvell what he asked for in an NIL budget. They upped their NIL budget numbers from the prior "undefeated 13-1" season, including more money for Portal recruits AND more money for high school recruits. This budget is only a couple million behind Miami's $15M number (regardless of what THEIR internet writers try to tell everyone our NIL budget is).

And yet...over and over and over again...the "official story" is that both returning F$U players AND Portal recruits AND high school recruits wanted more money than F$U wanted to spend. And whose fault is that? There is no limit, except what you CHOOSE to spend. So the reality is that F$U tried to cheap-out, under the double mistaken assumptions that recruits would either love "undefeated 13-1 F$U" and/or love "Norvell's great developmental skillz". Neither proved to be true.

1. Returning players - look, I understand that F$U fans might not want to pay "the returning F$U players" the same amount that they paid to Jared Verse or Trey Benson. I get it. But it's not THEIR money. And at one point, Verse and Benson were ALSO less-proven commodities. So in a world where F$U has had a "13-1 undefeated season" and are bragging about how they are going to be a college blue-blood in either the Big 10 or SEC and pay hundreds of millions to get out of the ACC to get hundreds of millions more, is it really such a stretch to think that the NEXT running back wants to be paid like the LAST running back? Or that the NEXT defensive star wants to be paid 20% more than the LAST defensive star? This is, I don't know, kinda-sorta EXACTLY how the NFL salary structure works. But the F$U fans and writers felt COMPELLED to salary-shame the returning F$U players.

2. Portal players - I have no idea how F$U was so "off" on NIL expectations. Did they HONESTLY not talk about this ONE IMPORTANT SUBJECT before booking plane tickets to Tallahassee? Bizarre. And it is consistent. How many times did Brenda Sonnone mention unrealistic expectations in the course of his article?

3. High school players - Jeremiah Smith is a generational talent, and F$U chose to offer the third-highest NIL money among three competitors. Whose fault is that? And why are we supposed to feel sympathy? Is this the 1980s, where recruits are supposed to pick F$U because the head coach is so nice?

I get it. This is the same crap that Gator fans have pulled for decades. The best players are just...I don't know...SUPPOSED to pick this team, and forsake all others, otherwise they have bad character and/or care about money more than any other factor. AND? Look at the sad sob story that Brenda Sonnone tries to tell, about all the "BAD LUCK" (his words, not mine") that F$U encountered, all the bad timing, all the tough breaks.

Meanwhile, if you sort through all of Brenda's bull****, it is very clear that F$U won certain battles that they prioritized. But how is it anyone else's problem that they chose to WIN the NIL battles for most players who have underperformed for them, while acting financially responsible in other recruitments for difference-makers who could be winning games for them right now?

It is all as I predicted:

1. Prison Mike is NOT such a "Portal Savant" when he has actual competition from other top coaches and other top programs.
2. Nobody is SWOONING for F$U's selling points of "19-game winning streak" and "we develop Portal players but not high school players".
3. The magical culture is overblown and was proven to be so fragile that ONE injury and ONE "snub" has destroyed everything that Prison Mike built up over years (allegedly).
4. Prison Mike got lucky for a couple of Portal cycles, but his eye for talent is not infallible. They took a visit from a possible transfer who retired from football a few weeks later.
5. Prison Mike's development is not much. Even if you want to evaluate ONLY the results of the NFL, the Portal kids don't need as much "development" as they do "exposure" and/or "more reps against better competition".

F$U sucks. Prison Mike sucks. Brenda Sonnone sucks.
They honestly think that cam was theirs to lose? Like they just didn’t pay enough and that’s why he “settled” for Miami?
I saw one of their podcasts complaining of the state of the receiving room and actually say that Jeremiah Smith was verbally committed to them before he picked osu. The amount of lies that their podcasters and writers put out is ridiculous.
I saw one of their podcasts complaining of the state of the receiving room and actually say that Jeremiah Smith was verbally committed to them before he picked osu. The amount of lies that their podcasters and writers put out is ridiculous.

The reality is that a verbal doesn't matter.

Some of these kids overpromise. They don't know how to let down adults whom they respect, by telling them "no".

Regardless of whether Jeremiah Smith "told" one or more people at F$U that he was coming, his top two were ALWAYS Taint and Miami.

Oh, and Jeremiah Smith told multiple people at Miami he was coming to Miami as well. It's just that our fans don't whine about that every five minutes.
Think about the tacit admissions in Brenda Sonnone's article....

1. In order to beat GATECH AND BOSTON COLLEGE, Florida State needs to spend $20M per year in NIL.
2. In order to beat non-ACC-powers, F$U needs a massive talent advantage.
3. Even with WEEKS of speculation on what the impact of the Jordan Travis injury would have on F$U's playoff chances, they were still SHOCKED and UNPREPARED for "The Snub". They didn't know what to say to players. They were busy booking recruiting trips. Honestly, nobody even thought "The Snub" was a possibility?

All of this bull**** that Brenda writes about is a master-class in excuse-making.

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