Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

I thought CIS had the only message board fans who were bi-polar.

This is a touch concerning to me because our collective bat **** crazy is a huge competitive advantage.

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There will be mass seppuku in Tally if BC gets the dub-U on Monday.
ONE game - Friday he was the #1 coach in college ball and Saturday at 6:30 Pm nole fans wanted him gone!!

It’s been an awesome almost 48 hours, but I’m pumping the brakes somewhat for now.

It’s one game. But much more importantly to me, we’ve lost to those dudes 3 years in a row. Idk about y’all, I can definitely point and laugh and wish them the worst, but until we beat them, most of this **** feels empty. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but these endless trolls and memes will be way better after we give them their 4th loss of the season.

Get your mind right.

The Gators die Saturday.
They continue to sugar coat it don’t they . You can pancaked by Georgia tech in the trenches . Jackson went from being a first round pick to a walk on . He remind me of that player they use to have luke . 5 star ln got big he got slow and stiff . Not agressive at all . I don’t care what his top end speed is he is slow off the ball. First 3 steps Matter not some long distance sprint
They’re more mad at the dork “writers” for lying to them about the team being bad than they are at the coaches and program for putting a **** roster together in year 5. It’s incredible. Yes, this is all that fat **** Chris Nee’s fault lmao.
They have really drank the Norvell Kool aid…

I saw a tweet where one of them said.

“of all the portal QBs why did norvell pick DJ?”

Hahahha as if norvell had the clout to take whoever he wanted. He settle for DJ cuz he wiffed.
This is what happens when you try to win with bum quarterbacks. “Oh, we can lean on our veteran offensive line and running game and just make sure DJ manages the game and doesn’t turn it over”. Nah man. Your team is one dimensional and nobody respects the passing game. DJ can complete four yard passes all day and you’ll struggle to score points every week.

They technically scored 21 points but only had two offensive touchdowns. They literally got eight points on two 50+ yard field goals and an uncovered swinging gate two point conversion.
Memphis mike got dju with the swme
Methodology as he guy the rest of his transfers. Big recruiting names that haven’t done anything. Allow me to list them:
Malik benson
Earl little
Roydell williams(had production but meh)
Jalen brown
Marvin jones (young with potential I guess)

DJu is the same. Former five star who isn’t that good