Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

You're 100% correct, on the surface. They absolutely do not have the money. But they didn't have the money to buy out Taggart. Like, at all. And they did anyway. So they're clearly in a worse situation, but trust me, if they go 2-10, he's gone. They'll "find" the money. Believe me.

And what you're referring to RE: tax appropriations is also correct, however they're going after that money because they can. If you can get the money from the citizens of your county, then why pay for it yourself? See: Just about every single professional sports stadium in the world. Just last week the Titans owner said he needs money to fix Nissan Stadium, which is falling apart. No, he WANTS tax dollars. Because he doesn't want to spend his own money. He doesn't NEED the tax dollars.

FSU is absolutely in terrible shape financially. But there are definitely still some proud boosters who have deep pockets. They didn't go from buying Jimbo's classes for years to unable to fix a urinal overnight. But they sure as **** are hoping they don't HAVE to dig into those pockets for another buyout. They will, however, if Mike completely implodes this year. It'd have to be really, really bad. But it's possible.

The far more likely scenario is he goes something like 6-6, 5-7, 7-5 etc and they can keep him. The last thing in the world they want to do is buy him out because they really are strapped for cash. But 2-10 and he is 100.0% fired.
Either way it's a win/win for us. They'll keep muddling along for a decade in mediocrity like we did. They'll waste money like they did with Taggert. Between paying Taggert and corn row Mike, they're paying almost as much as Mario’s salary, but divided into 2 mediocre coaches.

Their fans are delusional with their win over us last year. That made their season. Still, a losing one for 3 (edit: 4 2018-2021) consecutive years. I watched a couple of their YouTube fancasts. They're completely delusional asking if they'll get back to being a national power in 2022. They think 8-4 is back. I commented that Miami fired it's coach for going 7-5, so how's 8-4 back? The best thing that could happen is them going 7-5 or 8-4 and getting their hopes up that they've turned the corner.

Looking at where we are with the staff and organization from what we were is night and day. We were delusional as well after our 10-3 season thinking Manny could duplicate that within a few years. We did not have the organization, the leadership, or the right head coach to become a national power again.

What I've learned and have come to understand from watching Mario operate over the last 6 months is that the top programs operate not only like a successful corporation, but a well funded, well staffed, and well trained military preparing for war. With the organization, the facilities, and strategy in place, the future battles are already won before they've even started.

What the public will see 2-3 years from now will leave them asking themselves how did Miami get back to national prominence? They'll just say Miami bought their players and/or cheated discounting the hard work building a well oiled machine. I could care less WTF the outside world thinks!!! When the world of college football throws its biggest hate at us, we'll know we've arrived and it will be glorious in all its splendor!!!

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But we're not talking about finding a once in a decade $30M to fire the black guy.

We're talking about finding an extra $125M-$250M over the next five years. You saw how hard they had to work to raise the $ to dump Taggart. I just don't see how they come close. This is real money.

I see how they can fire Norvell, but I don't see how it will fix anything without the financial commitment I illustrated above. Rinse and repeat.

Honestly Norvell isn't a bad coach. He's a good $4M coach. Who is trying to compete against $7M-$10M coaches. Same for assistants and support staff. Firing Norvell is the easy part. What you do after that...
They're planning a $120M stadium renovation. That is #1 on the books. I don't know how they'd even get to any of the other things. They already had their locker room face lift this Spring, so I think that's it for facilities other than the stadium.

It's going to be tough to ask boosters for $8M/year for a head coach and additional money for staff after shelling out $100M for the stadium and then trying to get NIL money on top of that.

Maybe they have enough boosters to pull it off. Doesn't appear so the way their collective pan handles for NIL money.
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All except #5. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Seriously though, no, they don't have that money. At all. But they'll find it if they absolutely have to. And they'll absolutely have to if they go 3-9.

They didn't have the money to fire Willie. But they did #'s 1, 2, and 3, essentially, a couple years ago. #4 throws a wrench into it, for sure. But they've been "competing at NIL" for a very long time. They just called it something different. It was called paying kids in duffle bags of cash.

I'm just telling you, if he goes 2-10 or 3-9...or even maybe 4-8 and they're just obliterated against their rivals, he's out the door with a quickness. The crazy thing is, that's the VERY LAST thing they want to do, so even something somewhat average like 6-6 and they'll pass it off as "progress" and keep him.
It's all gravy to me. They either keep him with a mediocre 6-6 or 7-5 record hoping for improvement the next year to 8-4 or he gets fired, then their insanity starts all over again while paying Taggert $3 5 M in 2022 and 2023 while also paying Norvell $4 0M/yr thru 2026. That's just wasted money that doesn't help them. They would then have to find a new coach and staff.

Even if they could afford an $8M/yr coach. They'd be shelling out $15 5M/yr for the next 2 years. That's money that could buy some really good coordinators and staff, but flushed down the toilet. As a bonus, it makes them look completely incompetent.
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They're planning a $120M stadium renovation. That is #1 on the books. I don't know how they'd even get to any of the other things. They already had their locker room face lift this Spring, so I think that's it for facilities other than the stadium.

It's going to be tough to ask boosters for $8M/year for a head coach and additionaloney for staff after shelling out $100M for the stadium and then trying to get NIL money on top of that.

Maybe they have enough boosters to pull it off. Doesn't appear so the way their collective pan handles for NIL money.

Not sure how many people read the article, but the F$U Boosters made a "profit" of just over $5M last year. That means, they raised $5 M more than their expenses. Now, maybe some of those expenses were "buyouts" and "payouts", but still. It's not like that organization is making money hand over fist. I think they raised $58 M and had expenses of $53 M, in a year where they didn't BUILD anything.

So the jury is still out as to whether the F$U Boosters can "raise" the other $100 M (over and above the $20 M they are stealing from the tax money of the Leon County residents).

And while I know that I HATE the F$U SemenHoles, I am being completely fair and even-handed when I say that F$U is stealing tax money from Leon County residents. Make no mistake, there are absolutely places in Florida where the assessment of an extra penny of sales tax can be used for "tourism" oriented projects without ripping off the residents. In Osceola County (where much of the Disney-oriented businesses like hotels and restaurants are located), out-of-area tourists still pay nearly 50% of the ENTIRE sales tax revenue for the entire county.

But no matter what a former F$U football player/current Leon County commissioner tries to tell you, 7 home football games (and the associated sales tax revenue) do not come anywhere close to increasing the sales tax collections to the point where F$U's theft can be excused.

Fvck F$U, and fvck F$U stealing from the taxpayers to fix their rusty urinals.
Exactly. Did you see that quote in the article, from some dude who runs a bank, talking about "imagine if F$U didn't play games here". WHAT? Where are they going to go?

Actually, I hope that F$U threatens to move to Pensacola AND THEN THEY DO IT. Would be hilarious. And appropriate.
They can't do jack!!! They're a state run school. Any move would have to be approved by the state legislature which is made up of alumni from many other schools blocking any such attempt.

It's State legislation that forces FSU and UF to play every year or lose funding. If UM were a public school, we'd be mandated to play UF every year, but UF won't on their own.

That booster is just blowing smoke trying to make it look like a 5 alarm fire.
The Miami Dolphins have been harvested for years...
Season 5 Donna GIF by Parks and Recreation
2-6. No joke, no exaggeration. Maybe F$U will pull off an upset, but I only see 2 sure victories on that schedule.
I hope that is their record. It will guarantee 5 consecutive losing seasons after they take that L from us. I would expect a lot of the fans and players to quit on the their team by then.

I said previously FSU couldn't fire Norvell due to their financial commitment. However, I realize being 2-7 with an embarrassing loss to the Canes will leave the administration no choice but to fire Norvell to appear as if they have some type of standard to uphold, but it won't help. It will set them back even further as a mass exodus of their best players will occur. They'll have a tough time finding a coach. They may have no choice but to bring in Deon Sanders to try to resurrect the program.

What FSU fails to realize, which took us over a decade, is that the changes that must be made are organizational and structural. Just changing the coaches won't do much when you've fallen so far. They see it now. They're having a tough time with recruiting. They can't get WRs in one of the best recruiting cycles for WRs and a weak QB room with no QBs on the roster from their 2020 or 2021 classes. It's hard to get that stink of losing off of you. Unfortunately for them, I think they'll be wearing it for a while.
Not sure how many people read the article, but the F$U Boosters made a "profit" of just over $5M last year. That means, they raised $5 M more than their expenses. Now, maybe some of those expenses were "buyouts" and "payouts", but still. It's not like that organization is making money hand over fist. I think they raised $58 M and had expenses of $53 M, in a year where they didn't BUILD anything.

So the jury is still out as to whether the F$U Boosters can "raise" the other $100 M (over and above the $20 M they are stealing from the tax money of the Leon County residents).

And while I know that I HATE the F$U SemenHoles, I am being completely fair and even-handed when I say that F$U is stealing tax money from Leon County residents. Make no mistake, there are absolutely places in Florida where the assessment of an extra penny of sales tax can be used for "tourism" oriented projects without ripping off the residents. In Osceola County (where much of the Disney-oriented businesses like hotels and restaurants are located), out-of-area tourists still pay nearly 50% of the ENTIRE sales tax revenue for the entire county.

But no matter what a former F$U football player/current Leon County commissioner tries to tell you, 7 home football games (and the associated sales tax revenue) do not come anywhere close to increasing the sales tax collections to the point where F$U's theft can be excused.

Fvck F$U, and fvck F$U stealing from the taxpayers to fix their rusty urinals.
That stadium is a money pit, as are presumably all ancient on campus stadiums. Florida State is going to have to spend the same amount in 15 years just to keep it from crumbling.
That stadium is a money pit, as are presumably all ancient on campus stadiums. Florida State is going to have to spend the same amount in 15 years just to keep it from crumbling.

Yeah, and people forget, all that "Doak expansion" was just putting bricks on the outside of the old erector-set stadium.

Walk around inside the ground level of Doak. It is TERRIBLE.