Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

No. I believe his buyout remains the same. It’s 85% of the money owed if he’s fired. But his original deal ran thru 2025. In December, they agreed to run it through 2026.

Meaning, if he’s fired after the 2022 season, FSU owes him 85% of the money remaining for the 2023, 2024, 2025, and now 2026 seasons. So well north of $15M.
Won't happen even if they win < 3 games. They owe Taggert $3.5 M in 2022 and 2023. So, they'd be paying out about $7.5M in 2023 and still have to pay a buyout for a coach from another school and his salary.

FSU can't do squat. They're resorting to squeezing $20M of taxpayer money for a stadium renovation that the county will divert, if their economic study is approved.
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Won't happen even if they win < 3 games. They owe Taggert $3.5 M in 2022 and 2023. So, they'd be paying out about $7.5M in 2023 and still have to pay a buyout for a coach from another school and his salary.

FSU can't do squat. They're resorting to squeezing $20M of taxpayer money for a stadium renovation that the county will divert, if their economic study is approved.

You're 100% correct, on the surface. They absolutely do not have the money. But they didn't have the money to buy out Taggart. Like, at all. And they did anyway. So they're clearly in a worse situation, but trust me, if they go 2-10, he's gone. They'll "find" the money. Believe me.

And what you're referring to RE: tax appropriations is also correct, however they're going after that money because they can. If you can get the money from the citizens of your county, then why pay for it yourself? See: Just about every single professional sports stadium in the world. Just last week the Titans owner said he needs money to fix Nissan Stadium, which is falling apart. No, he WANTS tax dollars. Because he doesn't want to spend his own money. He doesn't NEED the tax dollars.

FSU is absolutely in terrible shape financially. But there are definitely still some proud boosters who have deep pockets. They didn't go from buying Jimbo's classes for years to unable to fix a urinal overnight. But they sure as **** are hoping they don't HAVE to dig into those pockets for another buyout. They will, however, if Mike completely implodes this year. It'd have to be really, really bad. But it's possible.

The far more likely scenario is he goes something like 6-6, 5-7, 7-5 etc and they can keep him. The last thing in the world they want to do is buy him out because they really are strapped for cash. But 2-10 and he is 100.0% fired.
He'll need to violate his contract for them to fire him, IMO. No way will a department that's hurting financially pay for two coaches to not coach the team while paying another coach. And even if by some remote possibility they do fire him without cause, they'd have to settle on some no-name willing to grind for chump change to dig them out from the grave, which would nearly be impossible in today's game with a strapped department that receives minimal booster support and has limited NIL opportunities.

Oh my how the tables have turned since the Golden-Fisher days! We're in such a good spot right now. FSU could try to scamper to the SEC to try to save itself and become an Ole Miss-type team, but does the SEC really want FSU at this point?
Gentlemen, just let this sink in, FSU is in a dog fight to wrestle away DeAndre Buchanan from:

Eastern Michigan
Georgia Southern
Middle Tennessee
Western Kentucky

Again, let that sink in. And remember we are in May, about six months away from early signing and about eight months away from regular signing day.

You could maybe slightly possibly see it as a last minute addition after the second signing day to fill out the roster in an area of need, but early in the process, this is who they’re relegated to.

If you’re an FSU fan, this has to be your reaction:

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The best part is that IF they get him and IF he has a great season, they'll just lose him to some legit team that isn't...well, you know...

You're 100% correct, on the surface. They absolutely do not have the money. But they didn't have the money to buy out Taggart. Like, at all. And they did anyway. So they're clearly in a worse situation, but trust me, if they go 2-10, he's gone. They'll "find" the money. Believe me.

And what you're referring to RE: tax appropriations is also correct, however they're going after that money because they can. If you can get the money from the citizens of your county, then why pay for it yourself? See: Just about every single professional sports stadium in the world. Just last week the Titans owner said he needs money to fix Nissan Stadium, which is falling apart. No, he WANTS tax dollars. Because he doesn't want to spend his own money. He doesn't NEED the tax dollars.

FSU is absolutely in terrible shape financially. But there are definitely still some proud boosters who have deep pockets. They didn't go from buying Jimbo's classes for years to unable to fix a urinal overnight. But they sure as **** are hoping they don't HAVE to dig into those pockets for another buyout. They will, however, if Mike completely implodes this year. It'd have to be really, really bad. But it's possible.

The far more likely scenario is he goes something like 6-6, 5-7, 7-5 etc and they can keep him. The last thing in the world they want to do is buy him out because they really are strapped for cash. But 2-10 and he is 100.0% fired.
The difference is that pro sports owners can threaten to leave if the city/state doesn't pony up. Even Mississippi has a better team, so there's really nowhere for fsu to go.
You're 100% correct, on the surface. They absolutely do not have the money. But they didn't have the money to buy out Taggart. Like, at all. And they did anyway. So they're clearly in a worse situation, but trust me, if they go 2-10, he's gone. They'll "find" the money. Believe me.

And what you're referring to RE: tax appropriations is also correct, however they're going after that money because they can. If you can get the money from the citizens of your county, then why pay for it yourself? See: Just about every single professional sports stadium in the world. Just last week the Titans owner said he needs money to fix Nissan Stadium, which is falling apart. No, he WANTS tax dollars. Because he doesn't want to spend his own money. He doesn't NEED the tax dollars.

FSU is absolutely in terrible shape financially. But there are definitely still some proud boosters who have deep pockets. They didn't go from buying Jimbo's classes for years to unable to fix a urinal overnight. But they sure as **** are hoping they don't HAVE to dig into those pockets for another buyout. They will, however, if Mike completely implodes this year. It'd have to be really, really bad. But it's possible.

The far more likely scenario is he goes something like 6-6, 5-7, 7-5 etc and they can keep him. The last thing in the world they want to do is buy him out because they really are strapped for cash. But 2-10 and he is 100.0% fired.

But can they afford to:

1. Buy out Cornrow Mike
2. Pay a new coach $8M-$10M
3. Double the staff salary pool
4. Compete at NIL
5. Fix their urinals

...all at once? Add that up and tell me what you get, you know better than me here.

Until then, they won't be playing on an even field.
But can they afford to:

1. Buy out Cornrow Mike
2. Pay a new coach $8M-$10M
3. Double the staff salary pool
4. Compete at NIL
5. Fix their urinals

...all at once? Add that up and tell me what you get, you know better than me here.

Until then, they won't be playing on an even field.

All except #5. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Seriously though, no, they don't have that money. At all. But they'll find it if they absolutely have to. And they'll absolutely have to if they go 3-9.

They didn't have the money to fire Willie. But they did #'s 1, 2, and 3, essentially, a couple years ago. #4 throws a wrench into it, for sure. But they've been "competing at NIL" for a very long time. They just called it something different. It was called paying kids in duffle bags of cash.

I'm just telling you, if he goes 2-10 or 3-9...or even maybe 4-8 and they're just obliterated against their rivals, he's out the door with a quickness. The crazy thing is, that's the VERY LAST thing they want to do, so even something somewhat average like 6-6 and they'll pass it off as "progress" and keep him.
Random off-season topic: What do you guys think their record will be entering Miami?

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LSU, Wake, NCSU, and Clemson are all losses. Duquesne is a win. I'll graciously predict a 2-1 record for them against Louisville, BC and GT. Although it's entirely possible they lose every game besides Duquesne.
All except #5. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Seriously though, no, they don't have that money. At all. But they'll find it if they absolutely have to. And they'll absolutely have to if they go 3-9.

They didn't have the money to fire Willie. But they did #'s 1, 2, and 3, essentially, a couple years ago. #4 throws a wrench into it, for sure. But they've been "competing at NIL" for a very long time. They just called it something different. It was called paying kids in duffle bags of cash.

I'm just telling you, if he goes 2-10 or 3-9...or even maybe 4-8 and they're just obliterated against their rivals, he's out the door with a quickness. The crazy thing is, that's the VERY LAST thing they want to do, so even something somewhat average like 6-6 and they'll pass it off as "progress" and keep him.

But we're not talking about finding a once in a decade $30M to fire the black guy.

We're talking about finding an extra $125M-$250M over the next five years. You saw how hard they had to work to raise the $ to dump Taggart. I just don't see how they come close. This is real money.

I see how they can fire Norvell, but I don't see how it will fix anything without the financial commitment I illustrated above. Rinse and repeat.

Honestly Norvell isn't a bad coach. He's a good $4M coach. Who is trying to compete against $7M-$10M coaches. Same for assistants and support staff. Firing Norvell is the easy part. What you do after that...
I think they've convinced themselves that the previous two coaches butchered the roster so bad that Norvell deserves at least 4 years to get it going. I can't say I disagree with the first part but Norvell isn't really doing much to improve the overall roster so they'll likely be stuck in a mediocre limbo for at least the next two seasons if not longer. Gradual improvement will buy him time. We're all familiar with how that works because you assume incremental improvement will continue so a 5 win season will lead to a seven win season followed by a nine win season. But we all know that's not how it works. We saw Shannon, Golden and Richt all have positive 9 or 10 win seasons and assumed the team would only go up from there, only to see them fall right back to 7-6 a year later. Even Manny's 8-3 season looked like it could be a stepping stone back to double digit wins only to faceplant back to 7-5.
In the meantime fsu boosters have hired multiple private detectives to dig up any 'fire for cause' type **** they can get on cornrows. If that doesn't work, they'll hire some coed to trip him up and help get cornrows out of there. They'll do some desperate math and say the $15 million they save by firing cornrows can be used for the buyout of Deon. **** the urinals... urinals don't win games.