No thread on Martinez?

The rb analytic goat has jumped in the thread, thoughts? We don’t need anyone else input on this other than yours.

My thought is always - these FAMU & Ball St. type games mean very little.

What matters is performance against P4 teams, and:
  • Martinez has averaged 4+ ypc in 17 of his last 18 P4 games (and 5.5+ in 10)
  • Fletcher has averaged 4+ ypc in 1 of his last 5 P4 games
Martinez isn't the guy I have concerns about.

But to be fair - even though Martinez is our most talented RB, I do think he needs to start attacking the hole quicker.
I don't think he was being held out due to performance. It was partly that it was Ball St and why risk Martinez just to pad his statline. The other part is that it's likely going to be a long season and this was a glorified pre season game.

As to why Martinez had 3 yards and 3 carries. It's a function of all the 8 man boxes that Ball ST was running as they clearly were choosing to stop the run and leave themselves open to our passing game which Cam made them pay dearly for. The other reason Martinez may be struggling is that he came from a completely different running scheme at Oregon St who run an outside zone scheme. We run inside zone/Duo and I've said from the beginning that it's going to take some time for Martinez to adjust and that time is going to come during the season in real games not practice or camp. Look for Martinez to have it all click by ACC play give or take a game or two.
Came to say similar. Predict he will have a break out game one or two games into conference play.