Name that Miami likes at WR

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He has some really long arms. His wingspan is top tier. Makes him hard to jam as well.

Btw i think 2 days ago i was listen to the UGA man on dawgnation and they have the problem yall claimed Mario had recruiting WRs. Wouldnt be shocked if Bmac bum a$$ dont be fired after this year. Oh the irony. Their fans are not happy with him and the WR recruiting.

“Miami is at the top right now,” “They spread the ball very well, and they’re doing amazing on offense this year. It’s kind of hard to look past it.”

“I just wanted to make sure it was the right thing I wanted to do,” Carr said. “As far as moving forward, I want to settle down and see how the school that I may go to will use me in their offense. I just wanted to really take the time to find the right spot for me.”

“I’m loving what they’re doing right now as far as airing the ball out,” “They’re throwing the ball, and I’m liking it. I like how they create opportunities for their receivers out wide and stuff like that. I like how they mix and match it.”

Will be at Ga Tech game. Wants to see the atmosphere, etc “I want to see what the offense does as far as throwing the ball and scheming up. I want to feel the vibe in Miami and make sure I can get that good home feeling.”

“It’ll be soon,” Carr said when asked when he would be announcing his commitment
If the Rock is cookin we are fucin............
Does anyone think that with our heavy involvement in WR (i.e., Jeremiah Smith, and current commits) and the impending commitment from Ny Carr, that mayyyybe we get Trader over playing DB? I mean if we get Ny Carr, and Smith along with Chance and that Trader who's p[laying with his boys is col with going to DB. People on the CIS webbings been saying that he's got a higher ceiling there anyway? I have no idea. Either way, some people can dream.

What a sad ******* existence.

This is true and what gotta be said is u can be small and still be physical enough that dbs cant just move u off of your route.

This something i have learned lately by watching what receivers light the league up and who dont.

Also how easy u get in and out of your brakes, no wasted movements and u will look faster than u actually are, look at tae adams and our own reggie wayne every route looks the same until its not. Same with devonta smith, he’s small but he moves so easily and he’s quick and fast asf too and physical enough

Jacolby has some of this too with how easy he moves but idk if he has the natural speed to reach an elite level but i think he has the technique and enough juice that if he polishes it up more he can be alot better
I'm hoping he can be a Hurns type at the next level.
Just think back to last year. Could any of us have ever imagined a top WR recruit, who was commited to the national champs, saying that Miami's offense is just too good to pass up?!

It feels like a dream
I said it in January, WR and DL were a major priority for Mario. I am confident we are about to see the results in a couple of months.
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