@SouthsideAtl since you can’t even attach an image correctly I’ll just do this
It’s not rocket science
I’ve watched Popo since he was a junior in high school. You don’t need to see a lot of plays to see signs positive and negative
When everyone was crowning Kiko last year I was concerned because the dude had no feel for space. No feel for the zone he was supposed to cover moving side to side or especially backwards
But everyone ooohd and aaahhhd when he would Waterboy the QB and made him something he isn’t which was a good LB
And then **** all over him when he wasn’t a good Lb this year
Popo has consistently shown since high school to do things better than Kiko. He did it as a freshman last year and it takes all of about two snaps to see that for anyone that’s ever played the position
Him looking lost this year was a huge concern to me because it was just another clear sign that something was horribly wrong with our defense
Kiko and Wes are who I’ve always thought they were so there’s no need to sit around and overanalyze them to me. Popo was the key indicator of that room getting better to me
And it’s not always about “making plays”
Patterson make a hit and everyone jumps on his nuts talking “5 star 5 star” when he might not even have been in the right position. Then he ***** up and people are like oh man the regression! Nah that’s just getting caught up in the shiny objects most of the time