Jesus Christo.... Wyche isn't a pass rusher! If you think he is you'll be sorely disappointed. He's a run-stopper, gap stuffer, whatever the **** you want to call it. Can he collapse a pocket because of pure strength against d1 OL? That's what I want to know. I don't even think he'll be our best DT this year. You gents need to tempor expectations a bit.
hold the line, take up space!!!
Actually to answer your questions on what UM ask's its dline to do under Al Goldens defense here are two video's that should help you understand our scheme. An also why it is so hard to get most elite DT's that can also rush the passer from the inside position to come to Miami, because our scheme inherently negates their first step quickness advantage.
Wyche needs to get down to 330 lbs to be effective for an entire game. An for those referencing Terrance Cody playing at 350lbs, Nick Saban was ferious he was at that weight because Cody was ony able to play half the number of snaps tey needed from him. Now conder the type heat we have miami and Wyche is going to have serious problems maintaining that 6 second burst for 30 snaps a game unless he drops at least 40lbs in 2 months while maintaining his strength which will be difficult. Now being a Juco player I am going to guess he didn't have the access to a nutritionist and training table; if this is the case then with strict discipline the 40lbs will melt off him easily this summer with the last 15lbs coming off by the time UM heads to Nebraska.
This should be fine because he will have a very limited role against U of L since they will spread UM's defense out and a run up tempo style which will wear him out in 2 series.