Please answer a few question: You have always defended Swasey which is fine by me. You said that players need to be self motivated and coaches have little to do with it.
Why have all the players gotten stronger in the one year with Golden?
Did Golden's organization skills (something you don't believe in) and emphasis on the strength program have anything to do with it?
Why have all the players commented on how much tougher the workout program is now?
Did the players just decide to workout harder or did Golden have something to do with it?
Were players and coaches (inc Swasey) lazy under Shannon?
First off i said coaches have very little to do with player development
1. Silly question. Under what coaches have all the players gotton weaker? What evidence do you have to show either way?
2. Another wierd question. What does Golden's orginizational skills have to do with someone getting stronger? have you ever been part of a S&C program? nevermind
3. All what players? maybe b/c it's tougher but i don't know what they did before and neither do you.
4. can't answer b/c i'm not there.
5. don't know. i'm sure there were some just like there are some under golden.
All those questions are dumb b/c there isn't enought info to answer any of them.