Miami @ Louisville - 10/19/24

That last drive is still a killer. 3 plays, no time ran off the clock, and all the momentum if you score and likely prevents that 3. Just too many missed opportunities with even being up by 7 right now.
Yup if there’s ever a time to start showing wrinkles you never have that is it…

Perfect time to really put some distance between us and them and start the second half off with the ball again…

Mario needs to have a coaches only meeting and ask them wtf they’re doing…. Guidry is on thin ice with me… I wouldn’t be mad if he’s replaced this offseason he simply isn’t getting the best out of the talent that 120+ D1 schools would love to have
I'm not call for his firing at all. I'm calling for him to stop stunting so much and play more sound D and letting the Dline do their thing instead of helping the offense with some of the calls.

I know Guidry's scheme is dependent on the back 7 to be good....and this back 7 is deficient in positions and struggles to tackle in space.
Ok yeah I 100% agree on that. My original post was in response to the people calling for Guidry to be fired. Saw multiple posts. Yeah we can be less cute I agree. But too many dudes taking it too far
Gave up 270 yards on D. I know we have a lot of mental lapses but the film is out on our D and Guidry had a chance to use the bye week to use that to our advantage and instead we're just running the same things and making the same mistakes.

We're lucky to be winning this game.

Let's hope we dominate the 2nd half like we have all year and end up making this game not close.
Were we getting new players on D during the bye week?
We need to come out strong, score a TD on the opening drive and DOMINATE the next 30 mins...


If our game goes late they will move it to ESPN+ and start the Bama/Tenn game on time.
I said this game would tell me a lot about chances this year at winning the ACC. Are we a complete team that took the best punches from Cal and VT, but still managed to win, or are we really a 7 or 8 win team if we had any QB other than Ward? I think it's increasingly clear its the latter. Guidry and his defense are buttcheeks.
He’s in the Gurvan Hall, Amari Carter conversation for worst safety ever at Miami. The only defense I will give Highsmith is that he was a converted safety after 2 years at qb.
And even They were far better than Harris. That’s how bad he is
I don’t think that anything can be fixed with the defense. It’s straight trash. This all falls on Mario and his horrible off season moves with the defense. We lose two NFL caliber safeties and he brings in nobody.
We make a tackle on that running play and their kicker has to try and make a long FG again….nope not Miami…let’s give up 40 yds right up the middle so he can kick an extra point….its never easy
He’s in the Gurvan Hall, Amari Carter conversation for worst safety ever at Miami. The only defense I will give Highsmith is that he was a converted safety after 2 years at qb.
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