Miami is about to make a power move

January 9th

I know my opinion doesn't mean much, but if Cooney only brings Mark Pope then that's not a success by any means. Pete and Geo said he will net multiple guys and that's the only way he really is a success. I'm talking at least 5 guys or we should have hired someone that can get that many.
You are absolutely correct. If he only gets Pope then there's nothing to brag about.

5 next year? or like total?
Pulling 5 guys solo is kinda a lot to ask in 1 year.
Desperation move would have been more appropriate.

How is it desperation trying to add another guy who can help? Bama has 100 coaches on staff. Jimbo is trying to get fsu to give up the money to get all those extra coaches like bama. You cant not do nothing when everybody around you is making moves.

Hiring a hs coach so you can hopefully land pope next year is desperation. It is not the same thing as Bama adding sark. Bama is not hiring hs hanger ons to land kids.

You do know pruitt came from high school?

He is not being hired for his coaching acumen. He is being hired bc he is supposed to be able to deliver kids. This is like golden putting ice Harris in an administrative position.
I know my opinion doesn't mean much, but if Cooney only brings Mark Pope then that's not a success by any means. Pete and Geo said he will net multiple guys and that's the only way he really is a success. I'm talking at least 5 guys or we should have hired someone that can get that many.
You are absolutely correct. If he only gets Pope then there's nothing to brag about.

5 next year? or like total?
Pulling 5 guys solo is kinda a lot to ask in 1 year.

Total, I mean the more the better but if he reels in at least five during his tenure that we otherwise would not have gotten than it's a success in my opinion. Just my opinion of course.