Miami Flo's Predictions

I hope Flo hits on these recruitment predictions, and if he doesn't, he's just sharing what he has for shareable info with fans. All good, no harm IMO.

Now, on the Mario as our HC nugget. I listen, read, and consume a TON of content and the first I heard of this was from D$ on the CIS pod. It was basically to the equivalent of it..."this all sounds and feels familiar going back to Coker, Shannon, Golden, Richt's...unfortunately we are experts in this process....I believe this ends with Cristobal going to Miami." Sorry if I have misquoted you D$. I think the pod was right after the Michigan State debacle.

Two weeks later, everyone from 247 to Youtubers, etc were taking Mario to Miami, but D$ was first.
D$ obviously has sauces… This isn’t an either/or thing. But Mario to UM started to be a thing after the bama loss.

He is familiar with the place. I'm glad he didn't go there, people can still look at things objectively, not sure when that became a crime. As if im his adviser. Lol
Yes they can and maybe I'm being a little harsh on Gainesville. But he should never have gone to UF.
We have a terrible duality here. You have man who want only good news and if someone makes a prediction and it doesn't come to fruition they attack them mercilessly. Then you have the people who act like people who make predictions should not be criticized when they get things wrong. Both sides are nonsense. As far as i can see the only reasonable person doing predictions consistently is @Cribby , he says what he knows, then checks and updates as it changes. If you make predictions and either stick to it while the news is changing or don't make people aware that things have changed, then take the heat for being wrong.

This is a message board and as soon as u don't conform, man turn into the gator tears. You can't point out that last week was a let down, even if you acknowledge we are gonne be fine in the long run come signing day. You are supposed to blow orange and green smoke up people *** to make them feel good. If u say the staff missed on someone, the cult comes for u, they start talking about Manny and where we were, as if 2 things cant be true at the same time.

Bottom line is multiple people built up last week to be this epic move we gonna make which could land us in the top 5. It was so good we were telling man not to commit and was fine with players going elsewhere. It didn't come to past and that's where the outrage came from, we didnt miss on some players, we got no commits.

We very could be and most likely will be fine in the long run doesn't mean last week wasn't a let down. But also at the end of the day, we must all take responsibility if we take what people say as fact or 100% happening. Know when its over and time to step back and patience is required.

Also i respect everyone right to come for people who try to come for them. U make a comment, and because man don't agree they call u dumb, stupid, ***** and all variations of those term. Don't cry when man respond in kind
This is a dangerously reasonable comment.

Also, Cribby da gawd.
D$ obviously has sauces… This isn’t an either/or thing. But Mario to UM started to be a thing after the bama loss.
I'm just going by my recollection of it all. At the time, I watched all of Flo's stuff (still do watch a lot), read every 247 board, etc, and D$ was the first to at least mention it out in the open as a "feeling" and how in his perspective this "all ends."

Go to the 17:25 mark in this pod. I remember clear as day hearing this. Rewound it like five times. Haha. And here we are!!!!

Flo like that guy Mando whatever and a bunch of other people who spend the entire day tweeting about the canes are just Super Fans (stuck in video game mode). tough to see a grown *** adult doing that.
Not sure why, but Flo is a lightning rod that generates a lot of hate on this board. To me, he's just someone that loves the Canes and has sauces. I don't think his sauces are in the same league as @Cribby or @LeedsCane, but he has broken news that eventually turned out to be true. The haters will tell you he misses on all his predictions. So I think its worthwhile to track his predictions (sorta like Crystal Ball accuracy on 247). The good news is we should be able to get feel for his hit percentage pretty quickly cause he's got a number of near term predictions outstanding. Its not like he just regurgitates what he sees on 247 and other boards. These are predictions that as far as I can tell, Flo was first out of the gate with:

So here's the list we're going to track:

  • Friday 7/22: Flo predicted that multiple commits to other schools would attend the BBQ. Later confirmed by @DMoney
  • Friday 7/22: Flo said its very likely multiple flips could happen at the BBQ. Results TBD
  • Flo predicted 6-8 weeks ago that that 2024 recruits were going to make a huge statement at the BBQ. Results TBD
  • Flo predicted last week that DT recruiting will heat up like an inferno in the next 2-3 weeks. Results TBD
  • Sunday, 7/24: Tonight Flo predicted we get a minimum of 3 commits in the next week and most likely 4 commit. These seven days include not just the BBQ but all six days leading up to the BBQ. Results TBD

Idk why this is even a thing Flo is legit if anyone comes to practice or campus you might run into him with some coaches as I have this past spring which he was kind enough to introduce me. All his donations go directly to the players & helps them out with more than just that. Flo is more than connected thats why you see Coaches/Prominent alumni/Players/recruits on his channel. Side note some insiders/reporters ask members of team flo for info iv seen it on zoom or they pay for his private discord. It doesn't need to be source wars between the actual good ppl we have. Finally his prediction of atleast 3 this week seems pretty accurate from what I heard. #GoCanes
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Idk why this is even a thing Flo is legit if anyone comes to practice or campus you might run into him with some coaches as I have this past spring which he was kind enough to introduce me. All his donations go directly to the players & helps them out with more than just that. Flo is more than connected thats why you see Coaches/Prominent alumni/Players/recruits on his channel. Side note some insiders/reporters ask members of team flo for info iv seen it on zoom or they pay for his private discord. Finally his prediction of atleast 3 this week seems pretty accurate from what I heard. #GoCanes
It’s a thing Because CIS is full of unhappy old men.
Flo like that guy Mando whatever and a bunch of other people who spend the entire day tweeting about the canes are just Super Fans (stuck in video game mode). tough to see a grown *** adult doing that.
The guy w thousands of CIS posts is now gonna crack on the Dude w a dozen or so players on NIL deals?
Thank you, again.

When oh when will people accept the outsized role that money plays in recruiting. And of course not just since NIL but also pre-NIL. But in the NIL world, I am quite confident we did not exceed and possibly did not match the money on Kirkland, Aguero and Alinen.
Why? Because we did not value them as much as other schools. This is the reality so rather than crying or screaming about our coach's ability to recruit know that money will almost always be the deciding factor for the vast majority of recruits.
Who decided Kirkland wasn’t worth the NIL money — Mario or Ruiz and Co.?

Or do Ruiz and others have a budget to work within and they are advised by Mario?
Idk why this is even a thing Flo is legit if anyone comes to practice or campus you might run into him with some coaches as I have this past spring which he was kind enough to introduce me. All his donations go directly to the players & helps them out with more than just that. Flo is more than connected thats why you see Coaches/Prominent alumni/Players/recruits on his channel. Side note some insiders/reporters ask members of team flo for info iv seen it on zoom or they pay for his private discord. It doesn't need to be source wars between the actual good ppl we have. Finally his prediction of atleast 3 this week seems pretty accurate from what I heard. #GoCanes
Tbh it doesn’t have to be this way. If you don’t like those guys don’t watch, if you think I’m fos block me or skim by my posts lol. It doesn’t have to be a war. It’s not that serious to me, we’re all cane fans.
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Idk why this is even a thing Flo is legit if anyone comes to practice or campus you might run into him with some coaches as I have this past spring which he was kind enough to introduce me. All his donations go directly to the players & helps them out with more than just that. Flo is more than connected thats why you see Coaches/Prominent alumni/Players/recruits on his channel. Side note some insiders/reporters ask members of team flo for info iv seen it on zoom or they pay for his private discord. It doesn't need to be source wars between the actual good ppl we have. Finally his prediction of atleast 3 this week seems pretty accurate from what I heard. #GoCanes
Only on message boards do they kill a “super fan” that helps the very program they love.
No one is above criticism. Can I be uncharitable? Sure, and I'm willing to accept correction. I have a job that is under constant scrutiny from people within my organization and especially from those outside. That's the job. I signed up for it. I expect it. No one is critical because they hate Miami's football team or the university. The presupposition shouldn't be, "Oh, I can't believe he is being critical, he must not like Miami" or, "he must not think we are all on the same team". That's not the presupposition, the starting point. I expect people to be reputable, clear, concise, and ethical when it comes to their craft. That is what I expect of myself, that's what I expect of others. I hope you understand. I'm sorry to Flo and those who support him if I offended you with my criticism.
Who decided Kirkland wasn’t worth the NIL money — Mario or Ruiz and Co.?

Or do Ruiz and others have a budget to work within and they are advised by Mario?
IMO, Mario/someone on the coaching staff, creates a list and assigns a monetary value to each player. I don’t know how the market is set for the first NIL deal from a school, but that first deal must set the market for any subsequent deals. And when school A outbids school B, school B then has to decide whether it will find more NIL money for the player.
This is a very weird free market because 1 of the 2 entities that receives the player’s services; the school, is technically uninvolved in the NIL deal. But how else can a business know how much to offer other than to know what the other NIL deals are, and by knowing what value the school has placed on the player.
As an example, why would a UM affiliated business offer a million dollars to a 6th offensive lineman? Answer, it would not (barring some major marketing draw like the 2 female basketball players). So the reality is that the school and the NIL businesses must be working hand in hand otherwise the businesses would offer NIL money to a player that the school doesn’t really want.
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That’s really cool. I had no idea he did that so thanks for the info. I don’t watch any of these shows but now I will check it out. Very cool move on his part.
Donations can be any amount. He brings the kids on as part of their NIL deal for like 10 minutes every so often. Never puts them on the spot for info. Just keeps it light.