Miami Flo's Predictions

We have a terrible duality here. You have man who want only good news and if someone makes a prediction and it doesn't come to fruition they attack them mercilessly. Then you have the people who act like people who make predictions should not be criticized when they get things wrong. Both sides are nonsense. As far as i can see the only reasonable person doing predictions consistently is @Cribby , he says what he knows, then checks and updates as it changes. If you make predictions and either stick to it while the news is changing or don't make people aware that things have changed, then take the heat for being wrong.

This is a message board and as soon as u don't conform, man turn into the gator tears. You can't point out that last week was a let down, even if you acknowledge we are gonne be fine in the long run come signing day. You are supposed to blow orange and green smoke up people *** to make them feel good. If u say the staff missed on someone, the cult comes for u, they start talking about Manny and where we were, as if 2 things cant be true at the same time.

Bottom line is multiple people built up last week to be this epic move we gonna make which could land us in the top 5. It was so good we were telling man not to commit and was fine with players going elsewhere. It didn't come to past and that's where the outrage came from, we didnt miss on some players, we got no commits.

We very could be and most likely will be fine in the long run doesn't mean last week wasn't a let down. But also at the end of the day, we must all take responsibility if we take what people say as fact or 100% happening. Know when its over and time to step back and patience is required.

Also i respect everyone right to come for people who try to come for them. U make a comment, and because man don't agree they call u dumb, stupid, ***** and all variations of those term. Don't cry when man respond in kind

Really a six month ban? Lol
You miss the point completely.
No I’m not Flo, nor do I know flo. Nor do watch his show. However, by your response I assume you are one of the sore baby loser ingrates I was referring to. You **** your self, and get a life.
Jesus Christ
I didn’t, I started preparing people for a bad weekend early in the week. Then said neither was happening when most still had them “ coming“.
Well that’s great 4 u 🐐. I’m glad u didn’t have them (Coming) pause! That’s why ur the 🐐. Keep us enlightened with ur info. We enjoy it & **** who don’t! Go Canes
Back in September, Flo mentioned that UM isn’t actually broke, talked about some numbers and stated:
- Mario is going to be the HC next season
- Zo was coming with him
- The admin had all the money needed to hire an elite staff
- Money would be pumped into the program like never before

I figured he was lunatic, so When I asked here if anybody else heard this… I was tarred and feathered.

This was back in September. Dude knows someone in the program who is willing to talk to him. He’s got a bunch of players on NIL, so he obviously hears from the players side too. But in typical CIS fashion, we call him names and hurl insults.
Not sure why, but Flo is a lightning rod that generates a lot of hate on this board. To me, he's just someone that loves the Canes and has sauces. I don't think his sauces are in the same league as @Cribby or @LeedsCane, but he has broken news that eventually turned out to be true. The haters will tell you he misses on all his predictions. So I think its worthwhile to track his predictions (sorta like Crystal Ball accuracy on 247). The good news is we should be able to get feel for his hit percentage pretty quickly cause he's got a number of near term predictions outstanding. Its not like he just regurgitates what he sees on 247 and other boards. These are predictions that as far as I can tell, Flo was first out of the gate with:

So here's the list we're going to track:

  • Friday 7/22: Flo predicted that multiple commits to other schools would attend the BBQ. Later confirmed by @DMoney
  • Friday 7/22: Flo said its very likely multiple flips could happen at the BBQ. Results TBD
  • Flo predicted 6-8 weeks ago that that 2024 recruits were going to make a huge statement at the BBQ. Results TBD
  • Flo predicted last week that DT recruiting will heat up like an inferno in the next 2-3 weeks. Results TBD
  • Sunday, 7/24: Tonight Flo predicted we get a minimum of 3 commits in the next week and most likely 4 commit. Results TBD

Here we go again...
Back in September, Flo mentioned that UM isn’t actually broke, talked about some numbers and stated:
- Mario is going to be the HC next season
- Zo was coming with him
- The admin had all the money needed to hire an elite staff
- Money would be pumped into the program like never before

I figured he was lunatic, so When I asked here if anybody else heard this… I was tarred and feathered.

This was back in September. Dude knows someone in the program who is willing to talk to him. He’s got a bunch of players on NIL, so he obviously hears from the players side too. But in typical CIS fashion, we call him names and hurl insults.
I hope Flo hits on these recruitment predictions, and if he doesn't, he's just sharing what he has for shareable info with fans. All good, no harm IMO.

Now, on the Mario as our HC nugget. I listen, read, and consume a TON of content and the first I heard of this was from D$ on the CIS pod. It was basically to the equivalent of it..."this all sounds and feels familiar going back to Coker, Shannon, Golden, Richt's...unfortunately we are experts in this process....I believe this ends with Cristobal going to Miami." Sorry if I have misquoted you D$. I think the pod was right after the Michigan State debacle.

Two weeks later, everyone from 247 to Youtubers, etc were taking Mario to Miami, but D$ was first.
He didn’t say before the BBQ.

He said “by this time next week” which means 10pm Sunday.
Please re-read my comments in context. My OP said in 7 days which is inclusive of the BBQ. @P-Tizzle said yea, it's a no-brainer that there will be commits at the BBQ. I then replied that the 7 days could include recruits announcing before the BBQ, not just at the BBQ.
I hope Flo hits on these recruitment predictions, and if he doesn't, he's just sharing what he has for shareable info with fans. All good, no harm IMO.
Exactly! Recruiting isn't an exact science. You could have the best sauces in the world and a 17 year old gets on the stage and changes his mind on the fly. No way to account for that. We've seen too many Alex Collins type announcements to think otherwise.

I appreciate the insights from all the sources. Add them all together and you get some very solid intel.
There will definitely be multiple commits by then, possibly more. The “24 class should start jumping in too. Bryant and Kinsler should be the next two up.

You'd think that "within the next 7 days" would be clear to all. However, it clearly is not so that is on me. I've updated the OP

These seven days include not just the BBQ but all six days leading up to the BBQ.