Miami Flo's Predictions

That was a bad decision by him. Imo opinion he should have gone to UF. It's near to him and he seems like someone who gonna get home sick living in a strange place. And if he need that kick in the rear he might go in a shell and high tail back to Florida. Worse he should gone to MSU cuz it seems his people and them have a good relationship. We can check this post in a few years.
Family is moving to Houston. That’s roughly 3 hours so not far

This **** really ****es me off.
There are few people that have some inside knowledge and are generous enough to share it with people on the board, or on their YouTube shows. Some times it doesn’t work out due to recruiting being a completely unpredictable, ever changing, and fluid, especially when money is involved.
Then when a recruit changes his mind or pushes out his commitment date, some people lose their mind and start attacking the people that just provided input based on what they heard, like a bunch of immature spoiled brats.
I’m grateful for the information Cibby, Leeds, Flo etc. provide and hope they keep it coming but if I had any inside information, I wouldn’t bother sharing due to the ingrate’s.
I’m sure these same losers are the same way in real life and can not handle bad news or adversity. I feel sorry for them, their family and friends. They probably treat them as bad or worse when challenges come up.
**** good post. It had to be said.
Throughout the entire coaching search, I tuned into his show. He makes tons of predictions without claiming any names or any real insight.

His predictions are typically like this:

“Miami will hire big time coordinators”. No crap; Mario won’t hire a Dan Enos.

“I expect a few guys to commit at the BBQ”. No crap; that’s one of the reasons for the BBQ.

Those aren’t really predictions.

For instance, a prediction is, “these certain players will commit” [provide names] or “Mario is looking at this coordinator” [and provide name]. Those are predictions.

Cribby isn’t vague. Flo is 100% vague with his predictions. And if you can’t see that a. You are Flo, 2., you’re his lover.
When did this turn into Cribby vs Flo? I don't know Flo too well and like you said, Flo doesn't really make predictions so I'm going to go with Cribby every single time.
Btw PK was a take, it was the Nil side of things that caused Miami to move on. He was big bag hunting and he wasn’t that guy.
Thanks for that info.
Confirms what I thought about his recruitment.
I always thought there was mutual interest but we never seemed to be going all out for PK.
It’s a good sign they are prioritizing their targets and assessing their value. He’s not Samson. They need to focus on him and DL going forward, assuming we get Bryant.
I hope Flo hits on these recruitment predictions, and if he doesn't, he's just sharing what he has for shareable info with fans. All good, no harm IMO.

Now, on the Mario as our HC nugget. I listen, read, and consume a TON of content and the first I heard of this was from D$ on the CIS pod. It was basically to the equivalent of it..."this all sounds and feels familiar going back to Coker, Shannon, Golden, Richt's...unfortunately we are experts in this process....I believe this ends with Cristobal going to Miami." Sorry if I have misquoted you D$. I think the pod was right after the Michigan State debacle.

Two weeks later, everyone from 247 to Youtubers, etc were taking Mario to Miami, but D$ was first.
I'll keep saying it. Making predictions are a double edged sword. When positive predictions turn negative, fans go on an emotional roller coaster ride of the highs to the lows. They will be looking for someone to place their anger towards and that will be the person supplying the information who made the predictions.

Predictions are what gets people to click on links and/or watch/listen to podcasts. So, when fans throw hate, it comes with the territory.
I’ve been somewhat critical in the past of him only because the few shows I did watch just felt like him throwing crap against the wall with vague generalities. I’ve got nothing against him and still listen occasionally because I’m a sucker for canes talk. I don’t doubt he’s at least somewhat plugged in
IMO, Mario/someone on the coaching staff, creates a list and assigns a monetary value to each player. I don’t know how the market is set for the first NIL deal from a school, but that first deal must set the market for any subsequent deals. And when school A outbids school B, school B then has to decide whether it will find more NIL money for the player.
This is a very weird free market because 1 of the 2 entities that receives the player’s services; the school, is technically uninvolved in the NIL deal. But how else can a business know how much to offer other than to know what the other NIL deals are, and by knowing what value the school has placed on the player.
As an example, why would a UM affiliated business offer a million dollars to a 6th offensive lineman? Answer, it would not (barring some major marketing draw like the 2 female basketball players). So the reality is that the school and the NIL businesses must be working hand in hand otherwise the businesses would offer NIL money to a player that the school doesn’t really want.
At what point does FL law allow a company to start negotiations with a recruit? Everyone assumes negotiations begin during the recruiting process, but I read that NIL couldn’t be used as an inducement, so the player had to be committed to the program first.
At what point does FL law allow a company to start negotiations with a recruit? Everyone assumes negotiations begin during the recruiting process, but I read that NIL couldn’t be used as an inducement, so the player had to be committed to the program first.
I have read the same about FL law but I think this has become a completely unenforced law. Keep in mind that even if a law is on the books someone has to care enough to investigate and arrest and prosecute. I can’t see any police department making an arrest for pre-commitment NIL.
But more importantly, I think the schools (all of them) and affiliated businesses are wording the NIL deals to complex with the law. But its all bull**** right now.
I have read the same about FL law but I think this has become a completely unenforced law. Keep in mind that even if a law is on the books someone has to care enough to investigate and arrest and prosecute. I can’t see any police department making an arrest for pre-commitment NIL.
But more importantly, I think the schools (all of them) and affiliated businesses are wording the NIl deals to complex with the law. But its all bull**** right now.
Makes sense. Thank you.
I'm just going by my recollection of it all. At the time, I watched all of Flo's stuff (still do watch a lot), read every 247 board, etc, and D$ was the first to at least mention it out in the open as a "feeling" and how in his perspective this "all ends."

Go to the 17:25 mark in this pod. I remember clear as day hearing this. Rewound it like five times. Haha. And here we are!!!!

Dmoney was first with Mario to Miami. I remember it very vert well.
They both said it in September, around the same time, probably got the info from the same staff members. My question is what does it matter? Is it a competition
This. ^^^

In my opinion, it’s petty and childish to be in competition over who said what first.

We are all Canes fans, and the end result should be what’s important.

Everyone that is bringing info and tidbits to this board should be in it not for their own glory or to stroke their own egos, but to help bring real and important news about our Canes.

@Cribby, @DMoney, @LeedsCane, @1murhurricane @Boarcane, @Da Jumbo Mutombo, @Gocanes1990, @Hoyacane1620 and guys like Flo, Rasta, Brad Tejeda, are all true Canes and trying to do the best they can for the kids and for the program.

More people should just learn to take everything with a grain of salt, and to say “thank you”, since none of the aforementioned are obligated to share anything with any of us on this free site.