Miami Flo's Predictions

-Dallas Wilson
-Tyler Williams

(Lose Upshaw to captain cocaine)

-Solomon Thomas
(Probably lose one guy as replacement)

-Elijah Griffin
-J Hilson



(Probably lose one guy in secondary if we bring in these guys. Merritt to captain cocaine, too?)

Final class

Qb- Nickel
Wr-Toney, Wilson, Williams
Te-Schott, Gilbert
OL-Buchanon, Thomas, Alofaituli, Wilkerson, Campbell

DL-Scroggins, Newton, Griffin, Hilson, Simpson
LB-Nix, Marcelin, Wiley
CB-Pickett, Antoine, Hanks, Fitzgerald
S-Wallace, Stubbs

Top 5 class/best secondary in the country/Mario made it personal there.

I don’t think Pickett flips. Sucks but he is enamored with Corey Raymond for whatever reason.
The negativity around UF has barely started compared to what it will be when they lose 6 of their next 8 games (they could realistically lose the next 8 of 8 games). To me their only remaining winnable games are: UCF, Kentucky, FSU.

We'll see what happens then.

Facts. Their death spiral was on pause until Miss State, kick starts again this weekend. I don't like UCF either. But they'll beat the Gator and then all **** will break loose among UF fans and boosters.