Miami and financial support

This has been a crux of every HC here dating back to at least Shannon. Over the last 5 HCs (and maybe Coker, but I didn't pay enough attention then), even when Miami has recruited well, there have always been a position or two where they have struggled disproportionally to the other positions.

DTs and CBs have been a recurring problem across many of the coaching regimes (CB in particular is infuriating given S Florida) and Mario has decided to continue that tradition but also has thrown QBs into the mix and is apparently trying to make up for lost time by handling that position so spectacularly poorly (hopefully he can correct that in the portal this year).

WRs and LBs have also taken turns as positions where Miami has struggled when doing well at all or most of the other positions.
The only position costing us games this year outright is QB.

It's not even close. The DT narrative is nonsense when we have the 11th ranked rushing defense in America.
The only position costing us games this year outright is QB.

It's not even close. The DT narrative is nonsense when we have the 11th ranked rushing defense in America.
You are right and I should have been clearer... DT is not costing us this year (and neither is CB), it is absolutely QB that is the biggest problem by far and costing us THIS year, but I was specifically addressing the comment:

"His decision making in regards to staff and play-calling is in no way worth 8 million a yr....and although his recruiting has been good, it hasn't been in regards to several key positions."

He has done well at recruiting most positions, but those 3 we have struggled and DT and CB are likely to become a problem on the field (although not as bad as QB) if they are not figured out.
Regardless of all that, It's becoming apparent it wasn't the best hire. His decision making in regards to staff and play-calling is in no way worth 8 million a yr....and although his recruiting has been good, it hasn't been in regards to several key positions.
Bro you keep making this about him making $8M acting like it’s sooo much money. You’re living in the past, thinking about how much But h was getting paid and the admin was refusing to pay him or something. It’s a lot, but it isn’t even top 10 money. Literally JUST among public universities, there were 12 coaches making more money. And there is zero chance Riley at USC isn’t making more. So Mario is literally barely a top15 paid coach.

**** He is making less than $1M/yr more than Norvell and Napier as the in-state competitors. And he very obviously was a higher-profile and more proven coach coming from Oregon than either of them.

Y’all keep bringing up his salary acting like it’s crazy. It really isn’t. Has these two years results been worth that salary? No, but it’s also not going to be surprising when next yr if we get a top portal QB he all of a sudden will be…
You are right and I should have been clearer... DT is not costing us this year (and neither is CB), it is absolutely QB that is the biggest problem by far and costing us THIS year, but I was specifically addressing the comment:

"His decision making in regards to staff and play-calling is in no way worth 8 million a yr....and although his recruiting has been good, it hasn't been in regards to several key positions."

He has done well at recruiting most positions, but those 3 we have struggled and DT and CB are likely to become a problem on the field (although not as bad as QB) if they are not figured out.

I disagree on DT and CB

Let me explain. Highschool recruiting elite level kids at those positions has been below average.

That's being generous.

Portal? Above average.

Deen and Gore were cried about all summer. We just rolled a true frosh and richards against FSU whom I was told would torch us.

QB play? If we had Malik Rosier we may be undefeated. Never seen anything like it. Ever.

We need two portal QBs and the highschool kid.
Bro you keep making this about him making $8M acting like it’s sooo much money. You’re living in the past, thinking about how much But h was getting paid and the admin was refusing to pay him or something. It’s a lot, but it isn’t even top 10 money. Literally JUST among public universities, there were 12 coaches making more money. And there is zero chance Riley at USC isn’t making more. So Mario is literally barely a top15 paid coach.

**** He is making less than $1M/yr more than Norvell and Napier as the in-state competitors. And he very obviously was a higher-profile and more proven coach coming from Oregon than either of them.

Y’all keep bringing up his salary acting like it’s crazy. It really isn’t. Has these two years results been worth that salary? No, but it’s also not going to be surprising when next yr if we get a top portal QB he all of a sudden will be…
Stop with the living in the past and Butch BS.. ...I'm well aware it's 2023. I promise you, I need no lessons financially.
We are worried about the win/loss record, and the recruiting... suck tax isn't going down.... need the NIL to win in football...
Speak for ya own hood. Hoe$ offering half off round hea...

This simply isn’t true. Also, if we are in debt over it, then you would know. They would have taken out a tax exempt bond issuance to fund it. But that also doesn’t mean they are in debt. In fact, if they paused it because of a lack of funding, then that literally means they cannot be in debt over the facility.
like i said it was "my understanding".......
like i said it was "my understanding".......
I’m not talking about the UHealth part. We have Miami’s financials. The 990 and AFS. We know how profitable they are. Bond issuances are also publicly available. We may not have access to contracts like at state schools but have the rest.
Look, anyone gullible enough to believe that pile of horse****...deserves to be mocked.

Particularly the breathless "here's what another AD had to say" nonsense.

None of that **** is true. None of it.

First, anyone who understands UM and its building projects KNOWS that half of the facility being built in the surface parking lot of the Wellness Center...IS A PARKING GARAGE...and that side of campus desperately needs it, as the new dorms will NECESSITATE more parking. As well as the loss of the surface parking at the Wellness Center. Does anyone HONESTLY believe that we are building palatial new dorms, but then consigning those students to having to park a mile away to take a shuttle bus every day? Yeah, that's not happening.

Second, as to the "can't afford it" ridiculousness, we literally can't afford NOT to do it. Even if football sucks, we have a ranked basketball team. Our baseball team just signed the #6 recruiting class. The new football building allows ALL OTHER SPORTS to have better facilities. And if we have ANY shot of impressing the Big 10, it's not by cheaping out at the last minute. Regardless of how expensive it might be, we need those facilities. ****, we needed them 20 years ago. By the way, how much money does the new Student Center bring in? If anyone thinks that the Rathskeller revenue offsets what that building cost...pure insanity...

Third, where is this miraculous debt? Oh my gosh, Mario's been on the job for less than 2 years. We haven't even gotten our revenue share for 2023-24 yet. We certainly haven't built anything in the Wellness Center parking lot. But these liars would have you believe that we have ALREADY gone into some massive debt over this. It's the most asinine thing I've read within any of these realignment threads. HOW? How have we already gone into debt? Does anyone use even a TINY bit of skepticism when reading that OBVIOUSLY MOTIVATED anti-UM bull****?

I don't know how many times I've had to say this in the past, or into the future, but CAPITAL EXPENDITURES are fundamentally different from operating expenses. They just are. People give money FOR BUILDINGS because they want their names on buildings. They want legacy. It's not about "ROI" or whatever that dopey post would have you believe.

Now, if the NIL and Hurricane Club money streams are a bit smaller after a few losses, who knows. Actually, I know people who know, and I haven't heard that yet. COULD it happen? Sure, it "could". But if donors are quitting part of the way through Year 2...well, who knows, I guess someone could, but how is it that this ONLY happens to Miami? It's just nutty to invent 4 pages of a post that purports to give "inside information" that has no basis in fact, and that is only tailored to the worst fears of our most skittish *****-made fans.

So I'd simply say this. Where is the GaTech balance sheet? Where is the Clemson balance sheet? Where is the Miami balance sheet that shows all this debt? Dan wasn't pushed out of GaTech or Clemson. The two campuses are a few hours apart, you'd think that if his behavior was so problematic, we would have heard something by now. I live in Atlanta and I have NEVER heard that Dan put GaTech into massive debt. Was it expensive to renovate one of the oldest stadiums in the country? Yes it was. Was Dan responsible for that? No. Did it need to be done? Yes.

I hate Twatter and Instacrap and all those sites. I had to read about this stuff on my computer, because when someone sent me a Twatter preview, the screenshots were too small to read. But maybe some of you with courage and a command of the facts can inform Genetics that all of that stuff was highlyl motivated and designed to hurt Miami. Someone must fear us and our desirability, to make up FOUR PAGES of bull**** like that.

And let's be clear. I am NOT saying that everything is perfect. If you went back and figured out how long it took us to build the Ryder/BUC/Watsco, you would know that sometimes things in Miami take a while.

As one of my fellow friends and posters just texted me earlier today, the UM School of Business now provides MASSAGES. And as I responded, UM has come a long way since it claimed poverty when the Student Government tried to get them to pay for more lighting on campus and a pedestrian bridge over US 1.

Miami has money. Stop believing every "sky is falling" fake story, even if a guy like Genetics re-twats it.

And grow some balls and tell Genetics that none of that crap is true.
Aren’t you literally the guy who insisted TVD was our best chance to win against NC State? I’ll pass on your opinions my man.
My people are telling me that the University of Miami has been in deep, advanced discussions with Arquitectonica to re-build the entire campus, as a 125-story arcology. It will be "the most advanced educational-athletic campus experience the world has every aspired to." Stay tuned 📻🎙
LMAO. Some people just don't realize how much money flows through these colleges. It's **** near a money laundering operation.

Miami aint broke.
This, plenty of $$ there, and they are finally starting to spend it. Mario NEEDS a better O, but anyone thinking that this hasn't been a lot of work to just get to where we are is crazy.
Stop with the living in the past and Butch BS.. ...I'm well aware it's 2023. I promise you, I need no lessons financially.
Look whatever the reason you keep bringing it up, Norvell and Napier are both making >$7M/yr. Mario is making $8M/yr. It's time to stop using the $8M number like it's some insane amount that no other coaches are getting. Relatively, he's not being over paid.

It's the same story when people complain that we are paying him away too much for recruiting to not be top 5... Uh hes recruiting better than he's paid lol...