Matt corral 5 qb

Are we on that kid?

The highlight thing posted is nowhere near accurate though. He's got 17 offers right now from quite a few majors. He's almost 6'5 226ohio state & sc are obsessed with him & he pays them no mind... He's all about us & once he gets an offer it's a rap.

Posted from previous 2019 thread:

Not sure if he grew 2 inches and 30lbs in 3 months but he seems to be an athletic QB and is already bigger than Perry.

Taisun Phommachanh ( 247 | ESPN | Rivals | Scout | hudl)

Looks like he is trying to get open for next year.... participated in 3 Openings this year.

Sitkowski, Artur QB 6-5 215 40: 4.97 SH: 4.46 PB: 36.5 VJ: 26.8 SPARQ: 76.73
Phommachanh, Taisun QB 6-3 196 40: 4.97 SH: 4.69 PB: 35.0 VJ: 28.2 SPARQ: 65.79 (4/30/17 NJ)
Phommachanh, Taisun QB 6-3 194 40: 4.89 SH: 4.47 PB: 37.0 VJ: 28.6 SPARQ: 77.79 (4/23/17 DC)
Phommachanh, Taisun QB 6-3 192 40: 4.94 SH: 4.7 PB: 31 VJ: 26.7 SPARQ: 56.58 (2/26/27 Miami)

Not as big as Sit but has a better PB and VJ and faster 40 already. he may grow to be 6'4"-6'5" and should come into college around 215 in 2 years. Surprised that he doesn't have a higher VJ since he plays BBall as well but a good athlete for a QB.

As I've attempted to explain to people in the past on here very rarely are those measurements accurate in camp settings... He's bigger & significantly faster than that. The majority of info on him comes from either his 8th or 9th grade years.**** be here for paradise & you'll see.

So he's a 2019 kid? I guess we can target him then and then target max Johnson in 2020

We haven't decided if tai is coming out in 19 or 20. Academically he can do either.

If Sits thinks we are garbage and recruiting against us then:

1. Why would he still be committed to us and not commit somewhere else?
2. Why would the staff still accept his commitment and not dump him??
3. What's his motive? Why would he want other top commits to drop us? Is he trying to recruit our class to another school?

I don't doubt that he may have said some ****, but the story does not add up...

The story doesn't add up because the usual on here happens. You get a piece of the story then fill in your own blanks. #1 he doesn't recruit against us. He had an issue that stemmed from the spring game. He voiced his issue to 12 of our commits and asked everyone if maybe we should decommit. When richt tried to check him on it he said that he was just basically testing everyone to make sure they were strong on their commitments. Yet since then he's been sure to make it known it's all just business. That it's business for the schools so it should be for them too. Make sure we're making the decision that's best for us.
LB during the Butch era I believe.

We had a LB from Brooklyn in the early 2000's. I don't want to say anymore because maybe he doesn't want to be known. I don't know. RVA kind of let it out of the bag. I was trying to think of all the Brooklyn players I remembered and I thought of Steve McGuire and Robert Bass, but I forgot Dee.

Saw his business websites with photos of wallpaper that looks like the weekly grocery ads from the Giant Food chain in the D.C. area. I would recognize those anywhere.

Back in the day the people on Grassy were not too kind to him during his UM days. He showed them with a long NFL career...if I've got the right guy. I still remember his hits in the national all star game, maybe it was the Army All-America game. I think there was only one national game like that back then.

I go back to watching HS all star games when there was no national all-star game, just interstate like Ga-Fla, Big 33 (Pennsylvania vs. Maryland, or Ohio, or some other state all star team). I remember when they had the Cali-Florida game.
I'm only repeating what I believe Dee has stated or what has been stated on the board.
We thought he was that guy from Brooklyn but apparently he's not.

Hard to understand your cryptic message.

So, he's not Leon?

That would be logical conjecture given that we have not had a lot of players from Brooklyn and I can only think of one LB from the Butch era who had a Brooklyn connection. As a matter of fact, I don't remember if Leon was recruited by Butch or came in after Butch left. Poor Leon was subject to ongoing abuse from our fans on Grassy for quite some time. Despite the fact he was perhaps the highest rated HS LB when we recruited him he never seemed to measure up to his predecessor, who i guess was Vilma. It got so bad that even Leon's mom was posting defending her son on that board. I felt sorry for him. I'm glad he seemed to have a decent NFL career that lasted longer than most.

By the way, I saw somewhere that you said you grew up with the sons of the owner of Lum's. What part of Miami were you from and when did you go to high school? I'm probably an old timer. Started following the Canes as a small kid in the mid-50's and left south Florida in '63, while I was still in HS. To say that things have changed is an understatement. It seems 3/4 of the major HS football programs did not even exist when I left. Schools were just on the verge of integrating. Most top athletes were white, at least as far the media and attention. A while back I think I posted a link to a website with some Orange Bowl history. It had a copy of the All-City team from the mid-60's. One of the top DL's was Willis McGahee's father. There were a few African-American players scattered among the players honored, but it was mostly white.

Since your an old school fan I'll give you a caveat I don't give others. #1 everyone simply assumes when I was coming out of high school that it was from Brooklyn. #2 my father started on the same team as Burgess Owens. That's the last time I'm gonna talk bout this stuff. That's probably too much. I get my amusement from watching everyone guess who I am. Out of all this time I've only seen 2 people get it right.

That's OK, BrooklynDee. So you're not Leon Williams, who is now a photographer and it was weird when I found his website and saw a room with walls plastered with the weekly ads from a grocery chain. Now, it so happens that as a retiree on a fixed income who pores over the grocery ads every week for deals, I recognized that those were the ads from the Giant Food chain, which is a major chain in the mid-Atlantic, especially, the Washington, D.C. area:


I hope Leon is doing well. He was a highly coveted recruit coming out of Brooklyn and we had to beat out Penn State for his services. He might have had some limitations in his play that led to a lot of nastiness from fans on Grassy's site. It really bothered me--these are still college kids, after all. We got spoiled after having the teams we did from '80-'82. I was glad that Leon was able to establish himself as a solid NFL player long enough, I hope, to get a pension. In his rookie year he had 17 tackles against the Bucs while playing for the Browns. He was a 4th round pick--obviously the Browns thought more highly of him as a football player than did a lot of the anonymous people who used to trash him on Grassy. It was so bad his mom got on the board to challenge some of the haters.

I'm just ranting a bit because I realize these are kids and they most often are doing their best and we were fortunate that he chose us when he could have gone anywhere.

Moving on. I find that fascinating that your father played with Burgess Owens. A couple of months ago I posted something here about Burgess. He's a very intelligent guy who thinks very independently and recently published a book on his conservative views. His views are, to say the least, not typical of most in the African-American community. I've heard him on the radio and did see an interview on TV, I think. Burgess came to us from Tallahassee, spurning the hometown team, and became an All-American. That was the early '70s, when our program began a period of decline after some pretty decent success in the '60's. Our '66 and '67 teams were pretty good. I think we beat USC in '66 or '67. That '67 defense was awesome, led by Ted Hendricks, had some other studs, including Bob Tatarek, Tony Cline, etc. My friend **** Sorensen was Harding Award winner in '69, I think; his roommate Ted Hendricks won it in '68.

The program started to decline in '68 or '69. I looked back at some of the freshman teams (freshman played other freshman teams, they were not eligible back then for varsity play) and noticed that one reason for our decline were the small classes. We couldn't recruit the very large classes that our competition, the state schools, could. We also played a lot of national powers regularly, like Notre Dame, and a lot of SEC teams. In the early '70's, we had some terrific players, like Burgess, Chuck Foreman, and Rubin Carter. Still, just not enough talent. I'm not sure we had the greatest coaching staffs, either. Fran Curci's period was controversial. As I recall he dumped us to take a job at Kentucky and tried to take the recruits with him.

The '70's were like the dark ages. I was out of the area and couldn't ever see the team. No internet, no cable, etc. Technology had not yet been invented. A decade of mediocrity and trying to play a suicide schedule for which we didn't have the talent. We had some great individual talent, but not throughout the roster.

I guess Burgess and Rubin Carter overlapped. I talked to Rubin in the late '80's while he was an assistant with Howard Univ. Steve Wilson took over Howard and some staff had been let go from the Broncos and followed him. I'm fascinated by the fact, BrooklynDee, your father played with Burgess. I had trouble getting those links to work--I'll try later to see if I can get them working.

Here's some current stuff on Burgess, who was an all-time great at the U:



Burgess is a Mormon. He criticizes Kaepernick who repeats a lot of the criticisms I used to hear about our society in the '60's and '70's. Things were a lot worse back then. I would think that Burgess would have experienced a lot more discrimination and prejufice growing up when he did, especially in the deep South, as Tallahassee was. I'm not trying to get on soapbox, but I respect Burgess not so much for his views, but his willingness to listen to have and espouse views that are at odds with many others.

Anyway, sorry for writing such a long post. I really get very absorbed in thinking about and discussing UM football history. It's been a passion for so long. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without UM football in my life. Especially since I never attended the school.

Thanks BrooklynDee for the information, and thanks for your very interesting observations and posts about recruiting. It's just fascinating and I always love reading your posts.
Last edited:
OK, honest question for Dee, as I believe you have tremendous insight into this issue for the Class of 2018.

WHAT DO YOU PERSONALLY THINK WE SHOULD WE DO (and/or what do you think the coaches will do)?

1. Stick with Sitkowski, hope for the best (solid senior year, maturity, takes Richt's coaching well, either never plays because of Perry or eventually earns a spot)
2. Take a chance with Corral
3. Throw a Hail Mary and try to get into the mix with Fields
4. Go after someone completely different
5. Some combination of multiple answers above
6. None of the above, double-down on 2019 and 2020 efforts.

I would assume that if we go with #6 above, our primary guys to be relied upon are Perry and Weldon.

Well what were gonna do is #1 . Richt is a very loyal dude & he believes in artur & he likes his family. Thinks he can really teach him up to be the next Stafford. What I think we should do is toss him to the wind & recruit cade fortson who will commit to us basically on the spot. I think fields is a whole bunch of hype & fortson will be better when it's all said & done. We definitely won't touch corral. Kid is a ticking time bomb who will take down multiple people with him.
We had a LB from Brooklyn in the early 2000's. I don't want to say anymore because maybe he doesn't want to be known. I don't know. RVA kind of let it out of the bag. I was trying to think of all the Brooklyn players I remembered and I thought of Steve McGuire and Robert Bass, but I forgot Dee.

Saw his business websites with photos of wallpaper that looks like the weekly grocery ads from the Giant Food chain in the D.C. area. I would recognize those anywhere.

Back in the day the people on Grassy were not too kind to him during his UM days. He showed them with a long NFL career...if I've got the right guy. I still remember his hits in the national all star game, maybe it was the Army All-America game. I think there was only one national game like that back then.

I go back to watching HS all star games when there was no national all-star game, just interstate like Ga-Fla, Big 33 (Pennsylvania vs. Maryland, or Ohio, or some other state all star team). I remember when they had the Cali-Florida game.
I'm only repeating what I believe Dee has stated or what has been stated on the board.
We thought he was that guy from Brooklyn but apparently he's not.

Hard to understand your cryptic message.

So, he's not Leon?

That would be logical conjecture given that we have not had a lot of players from Brooklyn and I can only think of one LB from the Butch era who had a Brooklyn connection. As a matter of fact, I don't remember if Leon was recruited by Butch or came in after Butch left. Poor Leon was subject to ongoing abuse from our fans on Grassy for quite some time. Despite the fact he was perhaps the highest rated HS LB when we recruited him he never seemed to measure up to his predecessor, who i guess was Vilma. It got so bad that even Leon's mom was posting defending her son on that board. I felt sorry for him. I'm glad he seemed to have a decent NFL career that lasted longer than most.

By the way, I saw somewhere that you said you grew up with the sons of the owner of Lum's. What part of Miami were you from and when did you go to high school? I'm probably an old timer. Started following the Canes as a small kid in the mid-50's and left south Florida in '63, while I was still in HS. To say that things have changed is an understatement. It seems 3/4 of the major HS football programs did not even exist when I left. Schools were just on the verge of integrating. Most top athletes were white, at least as far the media and attention. A while back I think I posted a link to a website with some Orange Bowl history. It had a copy of the All-City team from the mid-60's. One of the top DL's was Willis McGahee's father. There were a few African-American players scattered among the players honored, but it was mostly white.

Since your an old school fan I'll give you a caveat I don't give others. #1 everyone simply assumes when I was coming out of high school that it was from Brooklyn. #2 my father started on the same team as Burgess Owens. That's the last time I'm gonna talk bout this stuff. That's probably too much. I get my amusement from watching everyone guess who I am. Out of all this time I've only seen 2 people get it right.

That's OK, BrooklynDee. So you're not Leon Williams, who is now a photographer and it was weird when I found his website and saw a room with walls plastered with the weekly ads from a grocery chain. Now, it so happens that as a retiree on a fixed income who pores over the grocery ads every week for deals, I recognized that those were the ads from the Giant Food chain, which is a major chain in the mid-Atlantic, especially, the Washington, D.C. area:


I hope Leon is doing well. He was a highly coveted recruit coming out of Brooklyn and we had to beat out Penn State for his services. He might have had some limitations in his play that led to a lot of nastiness from fans on Grassy's site. It really bothered me--these are still college kids, after all. We got spoiled after having the teams we did from '80-'82. I was glad that Leon was able to establish himself as a solid NFL player long enough, I hope, to get a pension. In his rookie year he had 17 tackles against the Bucs while playing for the Browns. He was a 4th round pick--obviously the Browns thought more highly of him as a football player than did a lot of the anonymous people who used to trash him on Grassy. It was so bad his mom got on the board to challenge some of the haters.

I'm just ranting a bit because I realize these are kids and they most often are doing their best and we were fortunate that he chose us when he could have gone anywhere.

Moving on. I find that fascinating that your father played with Burgess Owens. A couple of months ago I posted something here about Burgess. He's a very intelligent guy who thinks very independently and recently published a book on his conservative views. His views are, to say the least, not typical of most in the African-American community. I've heard him on the radio and did see an interview on TV, I think. Burgess came to us from Tallahassee, spurning the hometown team, and became an All-American. That was the early '70s, when our program began a period of decline after some pretty decent success in the '60's. Our '66 and '67 teams were pretty good. I think we beat USC in '66 or '67. That '67 defense was awesome, led by Ted Hendricks, had some other studs, including Bob Tatarek, Tony Cline, etc. My friend **** Sorensen was Harding Award winner in '69, I think; his roommate Ted Hendricks won it in '68.

The program started to decline in '68 or '69. I looked back at some of the freshman teams (freshman played other freshman teams, they were not eligible back then for varsity play) and noticed that one reason for our decline were the small classes. We couldn't recruit the very large classes that our competition, the state schools, could. We also played a lot of national powers regularly, like Notre Dame, and a lot of SEC teams. In the early '70's, we had some terrific players, like Burgess, Chuck Foreman, and Rubin Carter. Still, just not enough talent. I'm not sure we had the greatest coaching staffs, either. Fran Curci's period was controversial. As I recall he dumped us to take a job at Kentucky and tried to take the recruits with him.

The '70's were like the dark ages. I was out of the area and couldn't ever see the team. No internet, no cable, etc. Technology had not yet been invented. A decade of mediocrity and trying to play a suicide schedule for which we didn't have the talent. We had some great individual talent, but not throughout the roster.

I guess Burgess and Rubin Carter overlapped. I talked to Rubin in the late '80's while he was an assistant with Howard Univ. Steve Wilson took over Howard and some staff had been let go from the Broncos and followed him. I'm fascinated by the fact, BrooklynDee, your father played with Burgess. I had trouble getting those links to work--I'll try later to see if I can get them working.

Here's some current stuff on Burgess, who was an all-time great at the U:



Burgess is a Mormon. He criticizes Kaepernick who repeats a lot of the criticisms I used to hear about our society in the '60's and '70's. Things were a lot worse back then. I would think that Burgess would have experienced a lot more discrimination and prejufice growing up when he did, especially in the deep South, as Tallahassee was. I'm not trying to get on soapbox, but I respect Burgess not so much for his views, but his willingness to listen to have and espouse views that are at odds with many others.

Anyway, sorry for writing such a long post. I really get very absorbed in thinking about and discussing UM football history. It's been a passion for so long. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without UM football in my life. Especially since I never attended the school.

Thanks BrooklynDee for the information, and thanks for your very interesting observations and posts about recruiting. It's just fascinating and I always love reading your posts.

Its a very small world my friend. Funny you mention ****. My father told me many stories about him. Burgess & Ted are my god father's. At desperate points they were both roommates with my father. Do me a favor though please. By what I just told you it should be pretty simple to know who I am. Please keep it to yourself though please. My father passed roughly 7 or so years back... some of the best most insightful conversations I've had throughout life have been with Burgess. He really is an AMAZING man and I'm fortunate to have him as family. I go over to Ted & janets house on a regular. She always ttys to get me to help her with her orchids while Ted & I talk football. Real small world...
We had a LB from Brooklyn in the early 2000's. I don't want to say anymore because maybe he doesn't want to be known. I don't know. RVA kind of let it out of the bag. I was trying to think of all the Brooklyn players I remembered and I thought of Steve McGuire and Robert Bass, but I forgot Dee.

Saw his business websites with photos of wallpaper that looks like the weekly grocery ads from the Giant Food chain in the D.C. area. I would recognize those anywhere.

Back in the day the people on Grassy were not too kind to him during his UM days. He showed them with a long NFL career...if I've got the right guy. I still remember his hits in the national all star game, maybe it was the Army All-America game. I think there was only one national game like that back then.

I go back to watching HS all star games when there was no national all-star game, just interstate like Ga-Fla, Big 33 (Pennsylvania vs. Maryland, or Ohio, or some other state all star team). I remember when they had the Cali-Florida game.
I'm only repeating what I believe Dee has stated or what has been stated on the board.
We thought he was that guy from Brooklyn but apparently he's not.

Hard to understand your cryptic message.

So, he's not Leon?

That would be logical conjecture given that we have not had a lot of players from Brooklyn and I can only think of one LB from the Butch era who had a Brooklyn connection. As a matter of fact, I don't remember if Leon was recruited by Butch or came in after Butch left. Poor Leon was subject to ongoing abuse from our fans on Grassy for quite some time. Despite the fact he was perhaps the highest rated HS LB when we recruited him he never seemed to measure up to his predecessor, who i guess was Vilma. It got so bad that even Leon's mom was posting defending her son on that board. I felt sorry for him. I'm glad he seemed to have a decent NFL career that lasted longer than most.

By the way, I saw somewhere that you said you grew up with the sons of the owner of Lum's. What part of Miami were you from and when did you go to high school? I'm probably an old timer. Started following the Canes as a small kid in the mid-50's and left south Florida in '63, while I was still in HS. To say that things have changed is an understatement. It seems 3/4 of the major HS football programs did not even exist when I left. Schools were just on the verge of integrating. Most top athletes were white, at least as far the media and attention. A while back I think I posted a link to a website with some Orange Bowl history. It had a copy of the All-City team from the mid-60's. One of the top DL's was Willis McGahee's father. There were a few African-American players scattered among the players honored, but it was mostly white.

Since your an old school fan I'll give you a caveat I don't give others. #1 everyone simply assumes when I was coming out of high school that it was from Brooklyn. #2 my father started on the same team as Burgess Owens. That's the last time I'm gonna talk bout this stuff. That's probably too much. I get my amusement from watching everyone guess who I am. Out of all this time I've only seen 2 people get it right.

That's OK, BrooklynDee. So you're not Leon Williams, who is now a photographer and it was weird when I found his website and saw a room with walls plastered with the weekly ads from a grocery chain. Now, it so happens that as a retiree on a fixed income who pores over the grocery ads every week for deals, I recognized that those were the ads from the Giant Food chain, which is a major chain in the mid-Atlantic, especially, the Washington, D.C. area:


I hope Leon is doing well. He was a highly coveted recruit coming out of Brooklyn and we had to beat out Penn State for his services. He might have had some limitations in his play that led to a lot of nastiness from fans on Grassy's site. It really bothered me--these are still college kids, after all. We got spoiled after having the teams we did from '80-'82. I was glad that Leon was able to establish himself as a solid NFL player long enough, I hope, to get a pension. In his rookie year he had 17 tackles against the Bucs while playing for the Browns. He was a 4th round pick--obviously the Browns thought more highly of him as a football player than did a lot of the anonymous people who used to trash him on Grassy. It was so bad his mom got on the board to challenge some of the haters.

I'm just ranting a bit because I realize these are kids and they most often are doing their best and we were fortunate that he chose us when he could have gone anywhere.

Moving on. I find that fascinating that your father played with Burgess Owens. A couple of months ago I posted something here about Burgess. He's a very intelligent guy who thinks very independently and recently published a book on his conservative views. His views are, to say the least, not typical of most in the African-American community. I've heard him on the radio and did see an interview on TV, I think. Burgess came to us from Tallahassee, spurning the hometown team, and became an All-American. That was the early '70s, when our program began a period of decline after some pretty decent success in the '60's. Our '66 and '67 teams were pretty good. I think we beat USC in '66 or '67. That '67 defense was awesome, led by Ted Hendricks, had some other studs, including Bob Tatarek, Tony Cline, etc. My friend **** Sorensen was Harding Award winner in '69, I think; his roommate Ted Hendricks won it in '68.

The program started to decline in '68 or '69. I looked back at some of the freshman teams (freshman played other freshman teams, they were not eligible back then for varsity play) and noticed that one reason for our decline were the small classes. We couldn't recruit the very large classes that our competition, the state schools, could. We also played a lot of national powers regularly, like Notre Dame, and a lot of SEC teams. In the early '70's, we had some terrific players, like Burgess, Chuck Foreman, and Rubin Carter. Still, just not enough talent. I'm not sure we had the greatest coaching staffs, either. Fran Curci's period was controversial. As I recall he dumped us to take a job at Kentucky and tried to take the recruits with him.

The '70's were like the dark ages. I was out of the area and couldn't ever see the team. No internet, no cable, etc. Technology had not yet been invented. A decade of mediocrity and trying to play a suicide schedule for which we didn't have the talent. We had some great individual talent, but not throughout the roster.

I guess Burgess and Rubin Carter overlapped. I talked to Rubin in the late '80's while he was an assistant with Howard Univ. Steve Wilson took over Howard and some staff had been let go from the Broncos and followed him. I'm fascinated by the fact, BrooklynDee, your father played with Burgess. I had trouble getting those links to work--I'll try later to see if I can get them working.

Here's some current stuff on Burgess, who was an all-time great at the U:



Burgess is a Mormon. He criticizes Kaepernick who repeats a lot of the criticisms I used to hear about our society in the '60's and '70's. Things were a lot worse back then. I would think that Burgess would have experienced a lot more discrimination and prejufice growing up when he did, especially in the deep South, as Tallahassee was. I'm not trying to get on soapbox, but I respect Burgess not so much for his views, but his willingness to listen to have and espouse views that are at odds with many others.

Anyway, sorry for writing such a long post. I really get very absorbed in thinking about and discussing UM football history. It's been a passion for so long. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without UM football in my life. Especially since I never attended the school.

Thanks BrooklynDee for the information, and thanks for your very interesting observations and posts about recruiting. It's just fascinating and I always love reading your posts.

Rubin Carter was my HC at FAMU 06-08. That was one crazy SOB.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm only repeating what I believe Dee has stated or what has been stated on the board.
We thought he was that guy from Brooklyn but apparently he's not.

Hard to understand your cryptic message.

So, he's not Leon?

That would be logical conjecture given that we have not had a lot of players from Brooklyn and I can only think of one LB from the Butch era who had a Brooklyn connection. As a matter of fact, I don't remember if Leon was recruited by Butch or came in after Butch left. Poor Leon was subject to ongoing abuse from our fans on Grassy for quite some time. Despite the fact he was perhaps the highest rated HS LB when we recruited him he never seemed to measure up to his predecessor, who i guess was Vilma. It got so bad that even Leon's mom was posting defending her son on that board. I felt sorry for him. I'm glad he seemed to have a decent NFL career that lasted longer than most.

By the way, I saw somewhere that you said you grew up with the sons of the owner of Lum's. What part of Miami were you from and when did you go to high school? I'm probably an old timer. Started following the Canes as a small kid in the mid-50's and left south Florida in '63, while I was still in HS. To say that things have changed is an understatement. It seems 3/4 of the major HS football programs did not even exist when I left. Schools were just on the verge of integrating. Most top athletes were white, at least as far the media and attention. A while back I think I posted a link to a website with some Orange Bowl history. It had a copy of the All-City team from the mid-60's. One of the top DL's was Willis McGahee's father. There were a few African-American players scattered among the players honored, but it was mostly white.

Since your an old school fan I'll give you a caveat I don't give others. #1 everyone simply assumes when I was coming out of high school that it was from Brooklyn. #2 my father started on the same team as Burgess Owens. That's the last time I'm gonna talk bout this stuff. That's probably too much. I get my amusement from watching everyone guess who I am. Out of all this time I've only seen 2 people get it right.

That's OK, BrooklynDee. So you're not Leon Williams, who is now a photographer and it was weird when I found his website and saw a room with walls plastered with the weekly ads from a grocery chain. Now, it so happens that as a retiree on a fixed income who pores over the grocery ads every week for deals, I recognized that those were the ads from the Giant Food chain, which is a major chain in the mid-Atlantic, especially, the Washington, D.C. area:


I hope Leon is doing well. He was a highly coveted recruit coming out of Brooklyn and we had to beat out Penn State for his services. He might have had some limitations in his play that led to a lot of nastiness from fans on Grassy's site. It really bothered me--these are still college kids, after all. We got spoiled after having the teams we did from '80-'82. I was glad that Leon was able to establish himself as a solid NFL player long enough, I hope, to get a pension. In his rookie year he had 17 tackles against the Bucs while playing for the Browns. He was a 4th round pick--obviously the Browns thought more highly of him as a football player than did a lot of the anonymous people who used to trash him on Grassy. It was so bad his mom got on the board to challenge some of the haters.

I'm just ranting a bit because I realize these are kids and they most often are doing their best and we were fortunate that he chose us when he could have gone anywhere.

Moving on. I find that fascinating that your father played with Burgess Owens. A couple of months ago I posted something here about Burgess. He's a very intelligent guy who thinks very independently and recently published a book on his conservative views. His views are, to say the least, not typical of most in the African-American community. I've heard him on the radio and did see an interview on TV, I think. Burgess came to us from Tallahassee, spurning the hometown team, and became an All-American. That was the early '70s, when our program began a period of decline after some pretty decent success in the '60's. Our '66 and '67 teams were pretty good. I think we beat USC in '66 or '67. That '67 defense was awesome, led by Ted Hendricks, had some other studs, including Bob Tatarek, Tony Cline, etc. My friend **** Sorensen was Harding Award winner in '69, I think; his roommate Ted Hendricks won it in '68.

The program started to decline in '68 or '69. I looked back at some of the freshman teams (freshman played other freshman teams, they were not eligible back then for varsity play) and noticed that one reason for our decline were the small classes. We couldn't recruit the very large classes that our competition, the state schools, could. We also played a lot of national powers regularly, like Notre Dame, and a lot of SEC teams. In the early '70's, we had some terrific players, like Burgess, Chuck Foreman, and Rubin Carter. Still, just not enough talent. I'm not sure we had the greatest coaching staffs, either. Fran Curci's period was controversial. As I recall he dumped us to take a job at Kentucky and tried to take the recruits with him.

The '70's were like the dark ages. I was out of the area and couldn't ever see the team. No internet, no cable, etc. Technology had not yet been invented. A decade of mediocrity and trying to play a suicide schedule for which we didn't have the talent. We had some great individual talent, but not throughout the roster.

I guess Burgess and Rubin Carter overlapped. I talked to Rubin in the late '80's while he was an assistant with Howard Univ. Steve Wilson took over Howard and some staff had been let go from the Broncos and followed him. I'm fascinated by the fact, BrooklynDee, your father played with Burgess. I had trouble getting those links to work--I'll try later to see if I can get them working.

Here's some current stuff on Burgess, who was an all-time great at the U:



Burgess is a Mormon. He criticizes Kaepernick who repeats a lot of the criticisms I used to hear about our society in the '60's and '70's. Things were a lot worse back then. I would think that Burgess would have experienced a lot more discrimination and prejufice growing up when he did, especially in the deep South, as Tallahassee was. I'm not trying to get on soapbox, but I respect Burgess not so much for his views, but his willingness to listen to have and espouse views that are at odds with many others.

Anyway, sorry for writing such a long post. I really get very absorbed in thinking about and discussing UM football history. It's been a passion for so long. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without UM football in my life. Especially since I never attended the school.

Thanks BrooklynDee for the information, and thanks for your very interesting observations and posts about recruiting. It's just fascinating and I always love reading your posts.

Rubin Carter was my HC at FAMU 06-08. That was one crazy SOB.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Crazy but so much knowledge. I would love to have him on staff here.
Dee ,I didn't mean to start up a guessing game regarding who you were.Being a Cane fan since the late 50's it only took a couple minutes to figure out who you were or who I think you were as Ted Hendricks was one of my favorite players growing up and one of my prized possessions is a baseball hat he signed for me and using your last bit of info gave me a great hint.

Being new on here I didn't know if your identity was common knowledge but I will definitely keep my suspicions as to your real identity to myself.

Thanks for not just telling me to mind my own Fing
I'm only repeating what I believe Dee has stated or what has been stated on the board.
We thought he was that guy from Brooklyn but apparently he's not.

Hard to understand your cryptic message.

So, he's not Leon?

That would be logical conjecture given that we have not had a lot of players from Brooklyn and I can only think of one LB from the Butch era who had a Brooklyn connection. As a matter of fact, I don't remember if Leon was recruited by Butch or came in after Butch left. Poor Leon was subject to ongoing abuse from our fans on Grassy for quite some time. Despite the fact he was perhaps the highest rated HS LB when we recruited him he never seemed to measure up to his predecessor, who i guess was Vilma. It got so bad that even Leon's mom was posting defending her son on that board. I felt sorry for him. I'm glad he seemed to have a decent NFL career that lasted longer than most.

By the way, I saw somewhere that you said you grew up with the sons of the owner of Lum's. What part of Miami were you from and when did you go to high school? I'm probably an old timer. Started following the Canes as a small kid in the mid-50's and left south Florida in '63, while I was still in HS. To say that things have changed is an understatement. It seems 3/4 of the major HS football programs did not even exist when I left. Schools were just on the verge of integrating. Most top athletes were white, at least as far the media and attention. A while back I think I posted a link to a website with some Orange Bowl history. It had a copy of the All-City team from the mid-60's. One of the top DL's was Willis McGahee's father. There were a few African-American players scattered among the players honored, but it was mostly white.

Since your an old school fan I'll give you a caveat I don't give others. #1 everyone simply assumes when I was coming out of high school that it was from Brooklyn. #2 my father started on the same team as Burgess Owens. That's the last time I'm gonna talk bout this stuff. That's probably too much. I get my amusement from watching everyone guess who I am. Out of all this time I've only seen 2 people get it right.

That's OK, BrooklynDee. So you're not Leon Williams, who is now a photographer and it was weird when I found his website and saw a room with walls plastered with the weekly ads from a grocery chain. Now, it so happens that as a retiree on a fixed income who pores over the grocery ads every week for deals, I recognized that those were the ads from the Giant Food chain, which is a major chain in the mid-Atlantic, especially, the Washington, D.C. area:


I hope Leon is doing well. He was a highly coveted recruit coming out of Brooklyn and we had to beat out Penn State for his services. He might have had some limitations in his play that led to a lot of nastiness from fans on Grassy's site. It really bothered me--these are still college kids, after all. We got spoiled after having the teams we did from '80-'82. I was glad that Leon was able to establish himself as a solid NFL player long enough, I hope, to get a pension. In his rookie year he had 17 tackles against the Bucs while playing for the Browns. He was a 4th round pick--obviously the Browns thought more highly of him as a football player than did a lot of the anonymous people who used to trash him on Grassy. It was so bad his mom got on the board to challenge some of the haters.

I'm just ranting a bit because I realize these are kids and they most often are doing their best and we were fortunate that he chose us when he could have gone anywhere.

Moving on. I find that fascinating that your father played with Burgess Owens. A couple of months ago I posted something here about Burgess. He's a very intelligent guy who thinks very independently and recently published a book on his conservative views. His views are, to say the least, not typical of most in the African-American community. I've heard him on the radio and did see an interview on TV, I think. Burgess came to us from Tallahassee, spurning the hometown team, and became an All-American. That was the early '70s, when our program began a period of decline after some pretty decent success in the '60's. Our '66 and '67 teams were pretty good. I think we beat USC in '66 or '67. That '67 defense was awesome, led by Ted Hendricks, had some other studs, including Bob Tatarek, Tony Cline, etc. My friend **** Sorensen was Harding Award winner in '69, I think; his roommate Ted Hendricks won it in '68.

The program started to decline in '68 or '69. I looked back at some of the freshman teams (freshman played other freshman teams, they were not eligible back then for varsity play) and noticed that one reason for our decline were the small classes. We couldn't recruit the very large classes that our competition, the state schools, could. We also played a lot of national powers regularly, like Notre Dame, and a lot of SEC teams. In the early '70's, we had some terrific players, like Burgess, Chuck Foreman, and Rubin Carter. Still, just not enough talent. I'm not sure we had the greatest coaching staffs, either. Fran Curci's period was controversial. As I recall he dumped us to take a job at Kentucky and tried to take the recruits with him.

The '70's were like the dark ages. I was out of the area and couldn't ever see the team. No internet, no cable, etc. Technology had not yet been invented. A decade of mediocrity and trying to play a suicide schedule for which we didn't have the talent. We had some great individual talent, but not throughout the roster.

I guess Burgess and Rubin Carter overlapped. I talked to Rubin in the late '80's while he was an assistant with Howard Univ. Steve Wilson took over Howard and some staff had been let go from the Broncos and followed him. I'm fascinated by the fact, BrooklynDee, your father played with Burgess. I had trouble getting those links to work--I'll try later to see if I can get them working.

Here's some current stuff on Burgess, who was an all-time great at the U:



Burgess is a Mormon. He criticizes Kaepernick who repeats a lot of the criticisms I used to hear about our society in the '60's and '70's. Things were a lot worse back then. I would think that Burgess would have experienced a lot more discrimination and prejufice growing up when he did, especially in the deep South, as Tallahassee was. I'm not trying to get on soapbox, but I respect Burgess not so much for his views, but his willingness to listen to have and espouse views that are at odds with many others.

Anyway, sorry for writing such a long post. I really get very absorbed in thinking about and discussing UM football history. It's been a passion for so long. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without UM football in my life. Especially since I never attended the school.

Thanks BrooklynDee for the information, and thanks for your very interesting observations and posts about recruiting. It's just fascinating and I always love reading your posts.

Its a very small world my friend. Funny you mention ****. My father told me many stories about him. Burgess & Ted are my god father's. At desperate points they were both roommates with my father. Do me a favor though please. By what I just told you it should be pretty simple to know who I am. Please keep it to yourself though please. My father passed roughly 7 or so years back... some of the best most insightful conversations I've had throughout life have been with Burgess. He really is an AMAZING man and I'm fortunate to have him as family. I go over to Ted & janets house on a regular. She always ttys to get me to help her with her orchids while Ted & I talk football. Real small world...


next time you see Ted, ask him about a bar fight that involved the ****'s Angels in Vallejo back in the day. Lol.

I have a client who came to my office, saw my Canes paraphernalia, and start sharing stories of 70's The Oakland Raiders, in particular "Kickin" Ted. He said everyone knows him as the Mad Stork, but they know him as Kickin Ted.

He proceeds to tell me about this bar about 8 mins or so from my house that's, til this day, a ****'s Angels bar. Said they had a mutual friend who was shooting pool and got cracked by a cue stick by a ****'s Angel. Long story short, allegedly, Big Ted carried him out, went back to the bar, and came out and said, "Don't you worry, everything is fine now." I gotta know if that story is legit!
Dee ,I didn't mean to start up a guessing game regarding who you were.Being a Cane fan since the late 50's it only took a couple minutes to figure out who you were or who I think you were as Ted Hendricks was one of my favorite players growing up and one of my prized possessions is a baseball hat he signed for me and using your last bit of info gave me a great hint.

Being new on here I didn't know if your identity was common knowledge but I will definitely keep my suspicions as to your real identity to myself.

Thanks for not just telling me to mind my own Fing

No worries brother. Ty for keeping that to yourself. I know it seems petty but I have to worry about my professional life & believe it or not most people really don't understand the true impact that the internet has these days...
Dee ,I didn't mean to start up a guessing game regarding who you were.Being a Cane fan since the late 50's it only took a couple minutes to figure out who you were or who I think you were as Ted Hendricks was one of my favorite players growing up and one of my prized possessions is a baseball hat he signed for me and using your last bit of info gave me a great hint.

Being new on here I didn't know if your identity was common knowledge but I will definitely keep my suspicions as to your real identity to myself.

Thanks for not just telling me to mind my own Fing

No worries brother. Ty for keeping that to yourself. I know it seems petty but I have to worry about my professional life & believe it or not most people really don't understand the true impact that the internet has these days...

Completely understand
Hard to understand your cryptic message.

So, he's not Leon?

That would be logical conjecture given that we have not had a lot of players from Brooklyn and I can only think of one LB from the Butch era who had a Brooklyn connection. As a matter of fact, I don't remember if Leon was recruited by Butch or came in after Butch left. Poor Leon was subject to ongoing abuse from our fans on Grassy for quite some time. Despite the fact he was perhaps the highest rated HS LB when we recruited him he never seemed to measure up to his predecessor, who i guess was Vilma. It got so bad that even Leon's mom was posting defending her son on that board. I felt sorry for him. I'm glad he seemed to have a decent NFL career that lasted longer than most.

By the way, I saw somewhere that you said you grew up with the sons of the owner of Lum's. What part of Miami were you from and when did you go to high school? I'm probably an old timer. Started following the Canes as a small kid in the mid-50's and left south Florida in '63, while I was still in HS. To say that things have changed is an understatement. It seems 3/4 of the major HS football programs did not even exist when I left. Schools were just on the verge of integrating. Most top athletes were white, at least as far the media and attention. A while back I think I posted a link to a website with some Orange Bowl history. It had a copy of the All-City team from the mid-60's. One of the top DL's was Willis McGahee's father. There were a few African-American players scattered among the players honored, but it was mostly white.

Since your an old school fan I'll give you a caveat I don't give others. #1 everyone simply assumes when I was coming out of high school that it was from Brooklyn. #2 my father started on the same team as Burgess Owens. That's the last time I'm gonna talk bout this stuff. That's probably too much. I get my amusement from watching everyone guess who I am. Out of all this time I've only seen 2 people get it right.

That's OK, BrooklynDee. So you're not Leon Williams, who is now a photographer and it was weird when I found his website and saw a room with walls plastered with the weekly ads from a grocery chain. Now, it so happens that as a retiree on a fixed income who pores over the grocery ads every week for deals, I recognized that those were the ads from the Giant Food chain, which is a major chain in the mid-Atlantic, especially, the Washington, D.C. area:


I hope Leon is doing well. He was a highly coveted recruit coming out of Brooklyn and we had to beat out Penn State for his services. He might have had some limitations in his play that led to a lot of nastiness from fans on Grassy's site. It really bothered me--these are still college kids, after all. We got spoiled after having the teams we did from '80-'82. I was glad that Leon was able to establish himself as a solid NFL player long enough, I hope, to get a pension. In his rookie year he had 17 tackles against the Bucs while playing for the Browns. He was a 4th round pick--obviously the Browns thought more highly of him as a football player than did a lot of the anonymous people who used to trash him on Grassy. It was so bad his mom got on the board to challenge some of the haters.

I'm just ranting a bit because I realize these are kids and they most often are doing their best and we were fortunate that he chose us when he could have gone anywhere.

Moving on. I find that fascinating that your father played with Burgess Owens. A couple of months ago I posted something here about Burgess. He's a very intelligent guy who thinks very independently and recently published a book on his conservative views. His views are, to say the least, not typical of most in the African-American community. I've heard him on the radio and did see an interview on TV, I think. Burgess came to us from Tallahassee, spurning the hometown team, and became an All-American. That was the early '70s, when our program began a period of decline after some pretty decent success in the '60's. Our '66 and '67 teams were pretty good. I think we beat USC in '66 or '67. That '67 defense was awesome, led by Ted Hendricks, had some other studs, including Bob Tatarek, Tony Cline, etc. My friend **** Sorensen was Harding Award winner in '69, I think; his roommate Ted Hendricks won it in '68.

The program started to decline in '68 or '69. I looked back at some of the freshman teams (freshman played other freshman teams, they were not eligible back then for varsity play) and noticed that one reason for our decline were the small classes. We couldn't recruit the very large classes that our competition, the state schools, could. We also played a lot of national powers regularly, like Notre Dame, and a lot of SEC teams. In the early '70's, we had some terrific players, like Burgess, Chuck Foreman, and Rubin Carter. Still, just not enough talent. I'm not sure we had the greatest coaching staffs, either. Fran Curci's period was controversial. As I recall he dumped us to take a job at Kentucky and tried to take the recruits with him.

The '70's were like the dark ages. I was out of the area and couldn't ever see the team. No internet, no cable, etc. Technology had not yet been invented. A decade of mediocrity and trying to play a suicide schedule for which we didn't have the talent. We had some great individual talent, but not throughout the roster.

I guess Burgess and Rubin Carter overlapped. I talked to Rubin in the late '80's while he was an assistant with Howard Univ. Steve Wilson took over Howard and some staff had been let go from the Broncos and followed him. I'm fascinated by the fact, BrooklynDee, your father played with Burgess. I had trouble getting those links to work--I'll try later to see if I can get them working.

Here's some current stuff on Burgess, who was an all-time great at the U:



Burgess is a Mormon. He criticizes Kaepernick who repeats a lot of the criticisms I used to hear about our society in the '60's and '70's. Things were a lot worse back then. I would think that Burgess would have experienced a lot more discrimination and prejufice growing up when he did, especially in the deep South, as Tallahassee was. I'm not trying to get on soapbox, but I respect Burgess not so much for his views, but his willingness to listen to have and espouse views that are at odds with many others.

Anyway, sorry for writing such a long post. I really get very absorbed in thinking about and discussing UM football history. It's been a passion for so long. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without UM football in my life. Especially since I never attended the school.

Thanks BrooklynDee for the information, and thanks for your very interesting observations and posts about recruiting. It's just fascinating and I always love reading your posts.

Its a very small world my friend. Funny you mention ****. My father told me many stories about him. Burgess & Ted are my god father's. At desperate points they were both roommates with my father. Do me a favor though please. By what I just told you it should be pretty simple to know who I am. Please keep it to yourself though please. My father passed roughly 7 or so years back... some of the best most insightful conversations I've had throughout life have been with Burgess. He really is an AMAZING man and I'm fortunate to have him as family. I go over to Ted & janets house on a regular. She always ttys to get me to help her with her orchids while Ted & I talk football. Real small world...


next time you see Ted, ask him about a bar fight that involved the ****'s Angels in Vallejo back in the day. Lol.

I have a client who came to my office, saw my Canes paraphernalia, and start sharing stories of 70's The Oakland Raiders, in particular "Kickin" Ted. He said everyone knows him as the Mad Stork, but they know him as Kickin Ted.

He proceeds to tell me about this bar about 8 mins or so from my house that's, til this day, a ****'s Angels bar. Said they had a mutual friend who was shooting pool and got cracked by a cue stick by a ****'s Angel. Long story short, allegedly, Big Ted carried him out, went back to the bar, and came out and said, "Don't you worry, everything is fine now." I gotta know if that story is legit!

Obviously, Bonecrusher Sileo wasn't there with the ****'s Angels. We'd have seen the press clippings in his thread.
Hard to understand your cryptic message.

So, he's not Leon?

That would be logical conjecture given that we have not had a lot of players from Brooklyn and I can only think of one LB from the Butch era who had a Brooklyn connection. As a matter of fact, I don't remember if Leon was recruited by Butch or came in after Butch left. Poor Leon was subject to ongoing abuse from our fans on Grassy for quite some time. Despite the fact he was perhaps the highest rated HS LB when we recruited him he never seemed to measure up to his predecessor, who i guess was Vilma. It got so bad that even Leon's mom was posting defending her son on that board. I felt sorry for him. I'm glad he seemed to have a decent NFL career that lasted longer than most.

By the way, I saw somewhere that you said you grew up with the sons of the owner of Lum's. What part of Miami were you from and when did you go to high school? I'm probably an old timer. Started following the Canes as a small kid in the mid-50's and left south Florida in '63, while I was still in HS. To say that things have changed is an understatement. It seems 3/4 of the major HS football programs did not even exist when I left. Schools were just on the verge of integrating. Most top athletes were white, at least as far the media and attention. A while back I think I posted a link to a website with some Orange Bowl history. It had a copy of the All-City team from the mid-60's. One of the top DL's was Willis McGahee's father. There were a few African-American players scattered among the players honored, but it was mostly white.

Since your an old school fan I'll give you a caveat I don't give others. #1 everyone simply assumes when I was coming out of high school that it was from Brooklyn. #2 my father started on the same team as Burgess Owens. That's the last time I'm gonna talk bout this stuff. That's probably too much. I get my amusement from watching everyone guess who I am. Out of all this time I've only seen 2 people get it right.

That's OK, BrooklynDee. So you're not Leon Williams, who is now a photographer and it was weird when I found his website and saw a room with walls plastered with the weekly ads from a grocery chain. Now, it so happens that as a retiree on a fixed income who pores over the grocery ads every week for deals, I recognized that those were the ads from the Giant Food chain, which is a major chain in the mid-Atlantic, especially, the Washington, D.C. area:


I hope Leon is doing well. He was a highly coveted recruit coming out of Brooklyn and we had to beat out Penn State for his services. He might have had some limitations in his play that led to a lot of nastiness from fans on Grassy's site. It really bothered me--these are still college kids, after all. We got spoiled after having the teams we did from '80-'82. I was glad that Leon was able to establish himself as a solid NFL player long enough, I hope, to get a pension. In his rookie year he had 17 tackles against the Bucs while playing for the Browns. He was a 4th round pick--obviously the Browns thought more highly of him as a football player than did a lot of the anonymous people who used to trash him on Grassy. It was so bad his mom got on the board to challenge some of the haters.

I'm just ranting a bit because I realize these are kids and they most often are doing their best and we were fortunate that he chose us when he could have gone anywhere.

Moving on. I find that fascinating that your father played with Burgess Owens. A couple of months ago I posted something here about Burgess. He's a very intelligent guy who thinks very independently and recently published a book on his conservative views. His views are, to say the least, not typical of most in the African-American community. I've heard him on the radio and did see an interview on TV, I think. Burgess came to us from Tallahassee, spurning the hometown team, and became an All-American. That was the early '70s, when our program began a period of decline after some pretty decent success in the '60's. Our '66 and '67 teams were pretty good. I think we beat USC in '66 or '67. That '67 defense was awesome, led by Ted Hendricks, had some other studs, including Bob Tatarek, Tony Cline, etc. My friend **** Sorensen was Harding Award winner in '69, I think; his roommate Ted Hendricks won it in '68.

The program started to decline in '68 or '69. I looked back at some of the freshman teams (freshman played other freshman teams, they were not eligible back then for varsity play) and noticed that one reason for our decline were the small classes. We couldn't recruit the very large classes that our competition, the state schools, could. We also played a lot of national powers regularly, like Notre Dame, and a lot of SEC teams. In the early '70's, we had some terrific players, like Burgess, Chuck Foreman, and Rubin Carter. Still, just not enough talent. I'm not sure we had the greatest coaching staffs, either. Fran Curci's period was controversial. As I recall he dumped us to take a job at Kentucky and tried to take the recruits with him.

The '70's were like the dark ages. I was out of the area and couldn't ever see the team. No internet, no cable, etc. Technology had not yet been invented. A decade of mediocrity and trying to play a suicide schedule for which we didn't have the talent. We had some great individual talent, but not throughout the roster.

I guess Burgess and Rubin Carter overlapped. I talked to Rubin in the late '80's while he was an assistant with Howard Univ. Steve Wilson took over Howard and some staff had been let go from the Broncos and followed him. I'm fascinated by the fact, BrooklynDee, your father played with Burgess. I had trouble getting those links to work--I'll try later to see if I can get them working.

Here's some current stuff on Burgess, who was an all-time great at the U:



Burgess is a Mormon. He criticizes Kaepernick who repeats a lot of the criticisms I used to hear about our society in the '60's and '70's. Things were a lot worse back then. I would think that Burgess would have experienced a lot more discrimination and prejufice growing up when he did, especially in the deep South, as Tallahassee was. I'm not trying to get on soapbox, but I respect Burgess not so much for his views, but his willingness to listen to have and espouse views that are at odds with many others.

Anyway, sorry for writing such a long post. I really get very absorbed in thinking about and discussing UM football history. It's been a passion for so long. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without UM football in my life. Especially since I never attended the school.

Thanks BrooklynDee for the information, and thanks for your very interesting observations and posts about recruiting. It's just fascinating and I always love reading your posts.

Its a very small world my friend. Funny you mention ****. My father told me many stories about him. Burgess & Ted are my god father's. At desperate points they were both roommates with my father. Do me a favor though please. By what I just told you it should be pretty simple to know who I am. Please keep it to yourself though please. My father passed roughly 7 or so years back... some of the best most insightful conversations I've had throughout life have been with Burgess. He really is an AMAZING man and I'm fortunate to have him as family. I go over to Ted & janets house on a regular. She always ttys to get me to help her with her orchids while Ted & I talk football. Real small world...


next time you see Ted, ask him about a bar fight that involved the ****'s Angels in Vallejo back in the day. Lol.

I have a client who came to my office, saw my Canes paraphernalia, and start sharing stories of 70's The Oakland Raiders, in particular "Kickin" Ted. He said everyone knows him as the Mad Stork, but they know him as Kickin Ted.

He proceeds to tell me about this bar about 8 mins or so from my house that's, til this day, a ****'s Angels bar. Said they had a mutual friend who was shooting pool and got cracked by a cue stick by a ****'s Angel. Long story short, allegedly, Big Ted carried him out, went back to the bar, and came out and said, "Don't you worry, everything is fine now." I gotta know if that story is legit!

I've actually heard that story before myself. Unfortunately Ted's only other vice besides anger is he enjoys his whiskey.