Mario getting started ASAP

Seeing top players practice during HS playoffs.....That's what Miami coaches in South Florida should have been doing more consistently since the Butch days.

Mario don't play. There's a timeline and the recruits are in his backyard.

This type of recruiting is what we have been missing.
I think it's the tip of the iceberg. This effort level and 'relentlessness' (as CMC called it) is the bare minimum/foundation. The evaluation piece needs a ton of investment, people, and innovation. I'm in the assessment and talent development world. Wish our team would apply some of the things just coming out. There's always too large a lag between research and practice.
I think it's the tip of the iceberg. This effort level and 'relentlessness' (as CMC called it) is the bare minimum/foundation. The evaluation piece needs a ton of investment, people, and innovation. I'm in the assessment and talent development world. Wish our team would apply some of the things just coming out. There's always too large a lag between research and practice.
You're on point Lu!
I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone right now!
Man 3 years ago when we hired Manny i was so depressed. I just didn't understand how we passed Mario (or I woulld've settled for someone else good) for Manny. I knew we'd end up where we did. That first year versus FIU was all the indication we needed. But you know what, looking at it now, Mario got 3 years to mature and run a big time program. Did he do perfect? No. Can he still learn more and will there be growing pains? Sure. But he has a chance to build it long term cause hes a great recruiter. And there is a ton of talent here at skill positions and he has the ability to get big boys from outside. So i'm like you, can't believe we are here now. Hope this is the beginning of something great cause I want to go to title games again. That OSU game left a bad taste and we've never had a chance again.
I‘ve barely paid attention to the Recruiting Board since Richt’s Year 2. Now Mario’s here, recruiting in his press conference suit, dragging coaches all over Miami on Day 1.

And here I am, reading thread after thread…

Happy Canes-mas…..
That's the thing.. a solid 60-70% of his most important recruiting trips will be a car ride rather than a ride to the airport, plane flight, and then another ride to a house or high school... Then all the way back home. Had to be a factor in him coming here.

Howard used to say:

“At Miami, all we need for our recruiting budget is a map of the state of florida and a full tank of gas.”