Mario getting started ASAP

Making his presence felt immediately at a powerhouse school. Can he interact with the players right now off-campus? Maybe getting a closer look at:

- Bissainthe
- Lamar Seymore
- Rueben Bain
- ex-Hallandale group
- Joshisa Trader
- Daughtry?

I'm sure he's not actively scouting, probably just shakin' hands and kissin' babies. Let's see where else he goes on this welcome tour.
You mean kissing hands and shaking babies?
ive always kinda assumed so, but never confirmed.

But I’m sure some of this added investment by UM will be pumped into more private plane travels for more recruiting trips.

Mario will never, ever have to fly commercial to recruit at Miami. The assistants will have plenty of private flights as well. It's not about luxury or privilege, it's about moving around the country seeing kids at 3x the speed. It's a competitive advantage. Also many of the flights are on booster's planes. Either entirely comped to the U or just crew/fuel costs.
Lane over Mario, bro............. You think Lane would be out here like this? He would be into about 3 coeds already with 1/2 a Kilo before he even set out to see one recruit.

I liked Lane also. Innovative offensive mind and good coach, but this is why Mario was always my number one and I planted that flag a long time ago. Get me the talent, establish that foundation and infrastructure and build this M'Fer uppppppppppp!

Let's go Mario. Let's go Canes!!!!!
Going in home with Bissainthe, Kelly, and Little on the first day. Then hopping on a plane to Texas and I’m assuming to go see Banks and Williams? Then head out West to start poaching Oregon commits, McMillan, Florence, Tucker, etc.? Maybe at some point hit Alabama to visit with Dudley?