Manny on Joe Rose 10/11

He’s not wrong in that statement. But you also have to connect the dots that he’s the HC and tackling, communication, and leverage are all daily fundamental drills that also fall on the HC.

Nothing in his statement is wrong for the ‘Defensive coordinator’ but all of those issues fall back to whoever is playing the guys that are playing, who coaches all of those things, and what we practice weekly and how it wasn’t addressed pre-season… the HC. Which just happens to also be your DC.
Seemed like a lot of coach speak until the very end when he said it's hard to win when you're only averaging one turnover a game. If that's not a self- indictment of your own defensive scheme then I don't know what is.
Never heard a coach say "our team is too old! Too many veterans!"

Now I've heard it all. He'll turn anything into an excuse to be a loser. But that's what losers do.

It's what makes this whole situation frustrating. Clemson's in a clear down year and the conference and potentially a spot in the playoffs was up for grabs this year. Instead, we have our most experienced team in so long, and we look like the worst team in the conference.
What Joe Rose should have said:

Billy Madison Shut Up GIF
Just listened and have no issue with what he said.

You guys are lunatics. Short of Manny saying "I suck and the only way to fix this is for me to quit" you guys will complain about what he says.

-roster bloated with upper classmen and dealing with PT is difficult- facts. If guys like Bolden could make an NFL roster they would be gone. Managing PT and keeping the locker room running smoothly is a huge challenge and probably something a first time head coach would struggle with.

-tackling and leveraging issues on the defense- when your DEs are incapable of setting the edge it exposes the lack of speed at LB and you rely on the ankle tacklers crashing down from safety. You cant scheme better tackling mid season. What is Manny supposed to say- "in the off season we should have done more tackling drills and better drills- diving at the rolling doughnut doesn't seem to be paying off"

etc etc-

Manny needs to be fired, the job is too big for him. But I don't blame him for wanting to work toward fixing things.
The responsibility of every coach is to play the BEST players. The fact that most of our older players are not our best players is an indictment of our evaluations, development, or both. Even beyond that, you can also detect how reluctant Manny is to relay this messaging to his veterans (that their playing time is decreasing due to better play from younger players). This is admirable in a “friendship” where loyalty trumps performance. Too bad Manny’s job title isn’t Head Friend.