Malachi Nelson

Yeah. Absolutely. My lil nephew(B brother) is going into his Sophomore year. They've both offered him & had some interesting things to say about nil. They're both ready to give him 200 this year on... Basketball is SOOO much more corrupt than all other sports when it relates to recruiting.
Basketball always has been and likely will since 1-2 star players can carry the team. They can shell at all this money for elite QBs but without other players, they won't do anything more than Oklahoma did with all their Heisman QBs and **** poor defenses.

Basketball always has been and likely will since 1-2 star players can carry the team. They can shell at all this money for elite QBs but without other players, they won't do anything more than Oklahoma did with all their Heisman QBs and **** poor defenses.
they're also like a year to 2 years and out so the investment is short terms for a more realized reward (one star recruit can win you a title immediately)
What would film studios want to use college athletes to market? Seems odd.
What's odd about that? Studios are always looking for ways to relate to their core demographic & appeal to the youth (aka stay relevant) SC when they are clicking much like us are a national brand. What better way to relates to the nations youth then by having athletes from national teams promoting your brand. The tricky part is it can easily be tied into roles (extras whatever) & what kid would that not appeal to...
What's odd about that? Studios are always looking for ways to relate to their core demographic & appeal to the youth (aka stay relevant) SC when they are clicking much like us are a national brand. What better way to relates to the nations youth then by having athletes from national teams promoting your brand. The tricky part is it can easily be tied into roles (extras whatever) & what kid would that not appeal to...
I still find it odd unless the studio heads are alumni and fans .... I just don't see how a HS football player with 40-50k followers (ie: Malachi Nelson) drives any kind of brand recognition for a studio .... but then again I think most advertising is bull**** (ie: IDGAF if Tiger Woods drives a Buick and I'm not sure who would buy a Buick b/c he does commercials for them).
I still find it odd unless the studio heads are alumni and fans .... I just don't see how a HS football player with 40-50k followers (ie: Malachi Nelson) drives any kind of brand recognition for a studio .... but then again I think most advertising is bull**** (ie: IDGAF if Tiger Woods drives a Buick and I'm not sure who would buy a Buick b/c he does commercials for them).
I get what you're saying and I sortve agree. But just think. This kid as a high school student who's only relevant to his high school & die hards has that following now. Imagine what it multiplies to once he becomes a usc starting QB... We are talking about one of the most media savy cities in the world & it's these kids future they bank on with nil not their present.
Yeah. Absolutely. My lil nephew(B brother) is going into his Sophomore year. They've both offered him & had some interesting things to say about nil. They're both ready to give him 200 this year on... Basketball is SOOO much more corrupt than all other sports when it relates to recruiting.
It’s easy to see why. Get yourself a couple good guys on a small roster compared to football and there’s excitement which leads to more ticket sales
I still find it odd unless the studio heads are alumni and fans .... I just don't see how a HS football player with 40-50k followers (ie: Malachi Nelson) drives any kind of brand recognition for a studio .... but then again I think most advertising is bull**** (ie: IDGAF if Tiger Woods drives a Buick and I'm not sure who would buy a Buick b/c he does commercials for them).
While I do agree I have started eating at Perkins because of Tiger Woods
Go get him
breakfast noise GIF
Remind yall why i said belly aching that we had Judd committed over the summer is not living in current reality. QB recruiting cannot be viewed thru the lens of 2015
I'm might get dragged for this but true freshman shouldn't be allowed in the portal unless their coach is leaving. You go through all of the trouble of recruiting them. Only for them to dip when they haven't been in the program 12 months.

With that said. I'll be glad if we kicked the tires on this one to sit behind whoever we get as OB1.
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