Latest on Highsmith

The real issue is the public sees Highsmith coming in as an equal to Blake, but being responsible only for football. Or at the very least, someone with authority over Manny even if he has to technically be under Blake.

Blake is spinning this as the administrative helper Stroud was hired to be, thus Manny gets a say in who is hired. Two different end goals yet it lets Blake James say they spoke to Highsmith.

As long as Blake James has no apparent "boss" and seems to have a faction of the $$ people and BOT protecting him, it's going to be tough to get around this.

Your last statement is the most important in this context. And it's inexplicable. And I agree, there must be someone powerful on the BOT who is backing Blake because I refuse to believe that all of them are looking at this mess and are ok with it.
My god father played with him. I cant argue facts as you definitely researched it. That's my bad. I thought burgess told me he was like 6'1 and a scrappy under sized dude. Clearly not the case.🤐 guess I wasnt really paying too much attention at that age.

It's all good, man, I love ya.

When I was at UM in the 80s and wrote for The Miami Hurricane, I knew way too much about all the old and obscure UM players. You could go into the "old" Hecht and see all of the (poorly preserved) portraits hanging randomly around the building. I loved that old photo of Burgess, but UM hadn't taken very good care of it.

I hope the "new" Hecht will restore those old portraits and put them in some consistent frames. The "old" Hecht was like going into your grandma's attic.
Your reading comprehension is pathetic

No, your multiple misleading posts are pathetic.

YOU were the one who promised everyone that this was a done deal. Now you are scrambling to invent a scenario that explains how the deal came undone.

Don't blame others for your incompetence and overpromises. And pick an accurate nickname for Blake.

If this is true everyone needs to attack manny at every turn on social media, phone calls and emails to the Hecht! This arrogant, dog$hit corch mvther****er after the worst season this program has ever had doesn’t want this to happen?! Yea of course that ******* lispy scumbag doesn’t want someone to come in and old him and his incompetence and staff accountable! Fvck Diaz! Fvck his father! There both a disgrace to this city and university. Manny’s name is going on that banner for game one! And you can take that to the bank!
If they didnt can him after that disasterous stretch run, who knows how long they’ll keep him. Whats his old mans’ deal with UM?

the noise will be so loud.. the atmosphere was so toxic at the end of richt, then manny is hired in a sham process, 85% of the fan base was ****ed at the time.. there is no grace period ..even if he was capable at being a CEO, he wont be able to right the ship.. kids know the fans dont believe in him, and if he isnt flexing that in the locker room the kids will give up too..he is a lame duck at this point and i dont see how he can save his job past this one season no matter what the results
I missed alot of post on this thread but you were pretty sure this was a done deal yesterday. Is this not happening now thanks to Blake?

He claimed it was a done deal a week ago.

Now he is spinning some "last minute change to the job description" to explain why the "done deal" was really just a preliminary conversation.
Any and all positive momentum Manny might have had is completely gone at this point unless he pulls Joe Brady, Brendanbough or Yost out of his a$$. His offseason will be worse then the one Golden had after he got blown out by UL and then disappeared for 3 days trying to get the PSU job. This whole scenario could not have gotten any worse for Manny.

If anyone is Lon the Genius here lmk so I can come kick your ***.
this is exactly why the idea was ridiculous in the first place. Highsmith would be taking parts of manny’s job away.of course manny doesn’t want that! Nor does any coach. Manny and blake should both be fired and escorted from the building. Then the new AD should hire his own coach, rather than come up with some fake job to attempt to cover up his latest failure

AH would be acting like a competent AD with decision making authority like any other AD for a successful football program. He would essentially be the AD for the football program...That is the only way it's going to work and be of benefit
Both. The second part happening now. Eventually, after the holidays and the NC game, people go back to their regular lives and things move on.....

Fans have to keep up the pressure and keep it public or it will go away like always.
Smoke and mirrors to deflect attention from the real issues at hand in hopes of the heat dying down sooner rather than later.
Diaz is such a *****. He wants to surround himself with yes men and idiots who buy into his bogus slogans and platitudes. He’s delusional and strongly believes he has sovereign immunity because his daddy is influential. Daddy has always been protecting junior. Highsmith would hold everyone in football operations accountable and that’s why Manny is opposed to it. Fire this loser now!
No, your multiple misleading posts are pathetic.

YOU were the one who promised everyone that this was a done deal. Now you are scrambling to invent a scenario that explains how the deal came undone.

Don't blame others for your incompetence and overpromises. And pick an accurate nickname for Blake.
Learn how to read buddy