As I have been saying again and again. EVEN if Kaaya ends up becoming the starter as a Frosh, he's not going to start the season off as the starter. Not unless Williams cannot go, and Heaps is a disaster.
If its even close, AG will start Heaps first, then bring Kaaya in slowly. Throwing a true Frosh into the fire, in a big game, on the road, right out of the gate, is a recipe for disaster. Very few true Frosh QBs are going to even be decent, much less "good". Those that have the best chance, are mobile Read Option type guys that can compensate with their legs and speed for their gaps as young passers.
Kaaya is a pure pocket passer. Pocket passers have the longest evolution curve because their strength is passing, reading a defense, checking down, etc. Even if he's lighting it up, it would be stupid to throw him in as the starter the first game. You work him in through out the season. Let him get comfortable.