970-980 k per out of HS but boy ole boy is that number going to climb.
From what I read/heard from this board, he was thisclose to him coming (supposedly he said the night before) but in the hours leading up to signing day, from all reports OSU got one more chance on him, heard what we were offering and then said they would top it (and I’m guessing that OSU had to go find the funds immediately before he signed/get approval).
If our offer wasn’t at least double that ($2 mil), than we were way too conservative in our evaluation/analysis of what he would do from day 1. And that’s a shame because he was in our backyard the whole time and we should have absolutely known he was 100 percent the real deal.
If you have 100 percent confidence in someone, not sure you can overpay.
If we had offered him $2m (or even $3m) for this past season and he came here, not sure Day would have got the go ahead to top that offer last year on short notice. We would have been in playoff at the very least and likely in the semis or better. We would have came out ahead.
Now if we had offered 2mil+, and he went to OSU for 1 mil, than he was never coming.