Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I’m not sure anyone knows what Zo’s role is other than “trust Zo, he’s an alpha”…

He may be working 24 hours a day doing everything we need him to do, but he doesn’t appear to have a public facing role so we’re going to have to take people’s word for it and people are inherently biased…
Go and listen to the 3-4 interviews he gave this summer. He was very detailed as to what he is doing.
Can I just say something? As, you know, an actual MANAGEMENT major at UM?

This isn't always about MARIO, per se. You also have an AD (who got his MBA at Miami too) and other people in the administration who discuss the timing and circumstances of personnel moves.

Sadly, you have a contingent of Mope Squad porsters on this board who "learned" everything they know about managerial techniques and personnel decisions by watching The Godfather. Everything is binary. Everything is black-and-white. Either you love an employee and want them forever, or you hate them and want to punish them by publcily firing them. There is no in-between. There are no considerations. Every "hiring" and "firing" decision must follow a strict (and short) timeline.

But...yeah...that's not how things work in the real world. And it's certainly not how things work within the UM culture (and I do not deny that we had a rift in that culture under Beta Blake and in the aftermath of his firing).

Also, people need to look around at the world and see how massive corporations operate. As a recent example, take Disney. For as much as employees disliked Bob Chapek, Disney would have parted ways with him very graciously and ceremoniously. But when Disney found out that Chapek had been misstating certain financial aspects of the business (particularly with Disney+), they ACCELERATED the transition and stripped his name from every building. What that means is that an EXTREME circumstance or example does not disprove the culture, if anything, it can reinforce how the culture operates 99.9% of the time.

It's not purely "MARIO" who is letting these coaches find new jobs, and it's not limited to coaches either. People have talked about how the PLAYERS are being assisted with finding landing spots at other schools. And, yes, as a UM alum, these are some of the same players that I watched LITERALLY QUIT during the F$U game. Some of these are the SAME players that have said negative things about UM during recruiting. At least one player was (on this board) suspected of faking an injury. BUT STILL. Miami is finding landing spots for the guys who can't cut it.

And, sure, maybe one can claim it is in Miami's best interest. We want that high APR, we want everyone to graduate.

So with the coaches, this is NOT about "severance pay". No assistant had a contract longer than 2 years. We are already in Year 2, this is no longer "buyout" territory, it's just "pay the remainder of the contract". This is about everyone moving on with life with positive things to say and no lingering hatred. This is the Miami culture. We aren't motherfvcking Auburn. Good lord, every time you hear about "tracking the tail numbers of private jets", you think about Auburn and their not-so-sneaky pursuit of shiny new coaches while their current coaches are still under contract.

It's just time to back off of Mario. He's not doing ANYTHING with hiring/firing that does not have the complete support of Dan Radakovich. You don't like how Miami rolls, find another program to root for.

Respect. And integrity. The WAY that a 5-7 team can manage to land a Top 5 recruiting class is because we show respect and integrity in our dealings. With both players and coaches. Other schools can slap a smile on and tell a bunch of lies, but Miami is pretty much "as advertised".

And just because I am EXPLAINING this doesn't mean I am "making excuses" or any such nonsense. On a purely personal level, would I like to see Gattis marched out to The Rock and forced to put his head in a guillotine? Sure. But that's not how Miami is going to deal with this. I'd love to see things resolved quickly. But I'd prefer to see things resolved correctly and consistently.
Well said too many teenagers on here that have got everything in life from throwing tantrums

Mario is absolutely considering "gimmicky", at least as far as how you define it.

Won't know the hire until he is hired, but no "system" has been ruled out. Except, maybe, the Wing-T.
UGA would still be in the playoffs running the triple option. Some canes fans need to ask themselves would you rather be 2pac or the backstreet boys
UGA would still be in the playoffs running the triple option. Some canes fans need to ask themselves would you rather be 2pac or the backstreet boys

So we are choosing between really dead and functionally dead.

That's real kind to recruits. Time it after ESD and you know they won't say who the next guy is if there is one. Kids can't keep a secret to save their lives. Not to mention if someone is on the fence and you're trying to get some on the fence recruit here.
That's real kind to recruits. Time it after ESD and you know they won't say who the next guy is if there is one. Kids can't keep a secret to save their lives. Not to mention if someone is on the fence and you're trying to get some on the fence recruit here.

You are making sense

I don’t know the exact timeline of things, I’m making an educated guess is on the Admin side of things, whether that be with Gattis and his new school or Mario and the new OC he is lining up

Cribby, D$, and other reputable poster have been saying Gattis is gone, plus Mario virtually said it last week regarding “systems working at other schools but not here”

Anyone still arguing that Gattis is staying is a moron and has no comprehension
Well said too many teenagers on here that have got everything in life from throwing tantrums
Not necessarily ... there certainly does seem to be a point of view that NOT having a confirmation of the new OC and indication of the offensive scheme that UM will be running will have a negative impact on the recruiting efforts geared towards offensive recruits. At the very least a confirmation that Gattis "has taken another position" so that recruits can at least be advised that "things will be much better" regarding scheme.
Meanwhile, at UK, Mark Stoops is expected to announce his OC in 1 or 2 days.

Many are expecting Liam Cohen to return, who the previous year had UK's offense ranked 21st in the nation after being there for just one year.
Question: what is the benefit of keeping Gattis this long....if he will be let go? This is. Not a situation where an in demand coach is leaving and you trying to keep recruits. He is a actual hindrance. I dont wanna hear none of them 3D taking forever to hire chess yall told us about last season. It brought us Gattis. Its less like chess and more like indecision.
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