Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Got to go to Medellin, best city in all of Colombia
I stepped outside of the airport door there to say I was there. Lol. I’ve read about it otherwise. El Poblado is supposed to be a nice place to do things iirc.

Bogota for steet art is on the agenda. Not sure about Cali.
yea buddy is, for whatever reason, staying. I guess Mario is saying that last year's offensive struggles were on the talent and not the OC. Guess we'll see this year.
I bet you’d like that. You are going on the list too

The Office Ryan GIF
After @Andrew figures out how to censor all the dirty words, his next target is obvious tongue-in-cheek jokes like mine.

Yes, I am fully aware that it's his daily salary. That's why I made the joke. To test the math skills of other posters.
Are your jokes getting that bad that people don’t realize it’s a joke? Or is it a CIS problem? I’ll do some research and get back to you
Guys ..face it...these are pipe dreams. Gattis is coming back for another year. Mario has already laid blame on the lack of talent within the locker room and injuries. He has not held any coaches accountable. There has not been one shred of credible evidence to even suggest Mario is thinking of making a change, only rumors from fans hoping for the best. Gattis is horrible but he's getting a free pass. Mario is gonna give him one more and hope he turns it around so his decision doesn't look bad.
For the millionth time...

There are OTHER factors too. Personality clashes. Decision-making limitations. Personnel authority.

Just because a person watches one TV program one time where they see a guy appearing to say things into a headset (since there is no audio) not some definitive statement on how the HC-OC relationship actually is.

We just don't know at this time. We don't. So how about we save the "I know that Coach X will never come to Miami because it represents a lateral move" bullcrap for AFTER the hire is made?

Come back and scream "I told you so" at the top of your lungs. I don't care, knock yourself out.
My point was Gattis wasn't the play caller at UMich. I have no idea who we are going to get for an OC, just as long as Gattis is gone.
Can someone explain to me why this needed a new thread? It’s merged in the main Gattis sucks thread.
Because you have to read 300 pages of bs to get a legitimate answer. How about you make some threads with less bs and real up dates .
No matter what happens, Mario has handled this all about as poorly as possible. So far the guy is good at recruiting and dog**** at everything else.
Just me being a àss hole lol but if he isn’t firing gattis then technically he didn’t handle it poorly because it’s just going about business as usual
He was a bad fit at Michigan.

He banged a recruits mom. Jim wanted nothing to do with him. He is a cancer in the locker room. Clearly things are off and Mario got one slipped by him like everyone else. More and more is being learned that gattis is not an elite coach or person.

He just seems like a guy who isn't prepared for this. He tweets at fans, and makes obvious lies about his resume.

Some of you may think that sleeping with a recruits mom is cool but, looking deeper, it says something about that man's character.

I, personally, hated how condescending Gattis is when questioned about his terrible offense. Pretending not to understand a reporters question just because it wasn't HIS exact football terminology.

I'll put up with it from a guy scoring 50+ a game. But, when we are getting our ish pushed by MTSU? No way
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