John Ruiz on Paul Finebaum show today

I wonder if those were Paul’s questions or the SEC and NCAA asking lol

What a fantastic interview and breakdown and he basically ripped all the schools that have collectives lol

The NCAA paid Paul to ask certain questions, just as they paid Nevin's attorney to do their investigative work for them.
I wouldn’t phrase it as “the NCAA has no chance against him.”

I think a more accurate statement is that “Life Wallet is in a much stronger position than any collective, because they are an existing business that realizes marketing value through its NIL deals.”

@TheOriginalCane has talked about it the last week or so - the NCAA retroactively changing the rules creates an uncertainty that no one can predict the results of. But Ruiz seems to have an understanding of the rules and where the NCAA might go or have a valid argument, alone with a gameplan moving forward that I haven’t heard from any other school or collective.

Agree completely.

I love John Ruiz, I love his vision. I agree with about 95% of what he's done, and I only suggest some changes with the other 5% to insulate him from investigation, innuendo, and insult. Take the NCAA's ammo away. Use corporations to protect the individual. Nothing I've said is a criticism of John Ruiz, just positive suggestions to avoid being pulled into a future cesspool of NCAA nonsense.
People don't have to like us, but they can respect our mad advocacy skillz...
I know we differ on him tossing out the $400k for Peck but you can’t argue that even now he is getting a ROI on that tweet by people like Finebaum still talking about it and obsessing over it. This was a very, very good interview going behind enemy lines in an clear and concise manner. I can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics it would take to still say “collective good, Ruiz bad.”
Here’s an example of a cry baby…

Yeah, the problem is that if the NCAA comes, they won’t come for Ruiz, they’ll come for Miami. Everyone focuses on how the NCAA can’t control NIL, but that misses the point. It’ll be about recruiting, as we’re already seeing, and that is something they can claim to have provenance over.

I can’t see the future, but I suspect the NCAA isn’t as powerless as people assume.
But what do they have on Miami? Miami can claim to be hands off the whole thing. This is between players and a business. I can guarantee you there is nothing in writing about which players to contact and it’s likely done through a contact’s contact’s contact. Godfather style.
I never really listened to Paul before, but he is a terrible speaker. Is this new with his age? Dude is mumbling and switching topics in the middle of the sentence nonstop.
Maybe, I think he was just shocked at how intelligent Ruiz is and I really think Paul began to buy into what he was saying. He is a believer in what Ruiz is selling after that interview. We are finally in business again.
Yeah, the problem is that if the NCAA comes, they won’t come for Ruiz, they’ll come for Miami. Everyone focuses on how the NCAA can’t control NIL, but that misses the point. It’ll be about recruiting, as we’re already seeing, and that is something they can claim to have provenance over.

I can’t see the future, but I suspect the NCAA isn’t as powerless as people assume.
I think there is just media hyperbole against Miami. The NCAA must focus on collectives. That's the biggest problem. If the NCAA is looking at Miami, the fix is in because what Texas, Texas A&M and Tennessee have done and continue to do is straight up "pay for play" with no value returned to the payer.
Agree completely.

I love John Ruiz, I love his vision. I agree with about 95% of what he's done, and I only suggest some changes with the other 5% to insulate him from investigation, innuendo, and insult. Take the NCAA's ammo away. Use corporations to protect the individual. Nothing I've said is a criticism of John Ruiz, just positive suggestions to avoid being pulled into a future cesspool of NCAA nonsense.

You have already basically implied he’s already done enough to get us in trouble with the NCAA.