Jobe tweet

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The writing is on the wall from the staff on this one too. Has to be a reason we haven’t sent a single coach to meet with him or his family this week. Either our coaches know he’s gone, or they are all on the same page with his little troll game.

Come on guys. Would would anyone choose to believe he is trolling Bama? If anything, he is trolling our coaches, program and fans. Don’t believe that JJ will be signing with Miami.

some people warned us about him a long time ago. For awhile there i chose not to believe it, and i wanted our staff to fight for him.

at this point though, AND after seeing what he's actually accomplished on the football field the last 2 years (show the tape), i'm completely fine with our staff cutting him loose and going after another player like divaad wilson.

our secondary class is still ELITE without him.
Dudes legs should be broken.

It takes a special kind of ******* to **** around with the lives and careers of coaches.

Karma is a and the majority of these attention whores end up doing nothing in college (Bryant, Byrd, etc).
jobe said miami is dangerous for him its not safe therefore i guess he is going to go to bama.....
He posted a picture on instagram of Saban with his family, he's definitely gone. Why the f0ck would he treat his hometown team like this

Remember when Keif was Keifing and we got holding the bag? Kids that play games are really not ones I typically like anyway. If he chooses Bama he is def not a player we want anyway. Not saying that because he chose them but because of him playing this social media game. Richt has the foundation laid and we will be getting way too many kids that are in and not wavering then to have to deal with this **** anymore.
some people warned us about him a long time ago. For awhile there i chose not to believe it, and i wanted our staff to fight for him.

at this point though, AND after seeing what he's actually accomplished on the football field the last 2 years (show the tape), i'm completely fine with our staff cutting him loose and going after another player like divaad wilson.

our secondary class is still ELITE without him.

They’re not going after Divaad Wilson because he doesn’t have the skill set to play Safety...the backup plan is Keidron Smith and John Huggins. Now we know why both of those kids were going to games late in the year...the staff has known for a while
What do they serve in that Columbus cafeteria, man? So many flakes.

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With the year that we have had, if he doesn't sign with us then he never was going to. I'd love to have him in the class but it won't stop what we are doing. Go and be just another guy in Bama, or be one of the legends that brought the U back for Pt 3.. seems like an easy choice.
some people warned us about him a long time ago. For awhile there i chose not to believe it, and i wanted our staff to fight for him.

at this point though, AND after seeing what he's actually accomplished on the football field the last 2 years (show the tape), i'm completely fine with our staff cutting him loose and going after another player like divaad wilson.

our secondary class is still ELITE without him.

They’re not going after Divaad Wilson because he doesn’t have the skill set to play Safety...the backup plan is Keidron Smith and John Huggins. Now we know why both of those kids were going to games late in the year...the staff has known for a while

LOL at doesnt have the skill set to play safety.

first off, you dont know that.

secondly, so what? frierson does. hall does.

with frierson as safety, you make room for wilson at CB.

dont @ me
Good news is he is signing early so if he tries to stick it to our staff we have 2 months to make up for it.
Guys give it up. He’s signing with Bama.

We have to accept it and move on.
some people warned us about him a long time ago. For awhile there i chose not to believe it, and i wanted our staff to fight for him.

at this point though, AND after seeing what he's actually accomplished on the football field the last 2 years (show the tape), i'm completely fine with our staff cutting him loose and going after another player like divaad wilson.

our secondary class is still ELITE without him.

They’re not going after Divaad Wilson because he doesn’t have the skill set to play Safety...the backup plan is Keidron Smith and John Huggins. Now we know why both of those kids were going to games late in the year...the staff has known for a while

LOL at doesnt have the skill set to play safety.

first off, you dont know that.

secondly, so what? frierson does. hall does.

with frierson as safety, you make room for wilson at CB.

dont @ me

1) Uhh yea I do. If they did then he would’ve been recruited there and guess what? No one is recruiting him as a safety.

2) Frierson will probably move to safety if we get Surtain, other than that he’s staying put.

3) It’s pretty obvious the plan B has been in place for awhile and it doesn’t involve Divaad Wilson. Apparently you’re not smart enough to pick it up.

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Looking like we are going to have a decision to respect, guys. I think most posters that haven't bought the bull**** hook, line and sinker and have stayed away from the "I'ma ride wit Pete" crowd have mentally prepared for this for about, idk, 10 months. Hopefully we can get a replacement, but if not I still like what we did in the secondary.
Over this kid.

Sean Taylor Jr heading to Baga...

And for those of you who think he isn't getting paid, I got some beach front property to sell your naive asses.
All good. 2021. Zo’, Jordan and Realus gon’ dig in that ***. 10000000000000% committed to give that child the whoopin he always needed and never got.
The only question left to answer is did he get the crimson red or all black charger?
Nick Satan runs away from south florida but is down here like a resident. This **** is wild man to come down here and get Williams, Joseph, and Jobe. Man I hate that guy
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