What's with all this talk about the slick roads cancelling Thomas's trip to Louisville? He wasn't driving there. Did they cancel all the flights to Louisville because it was 42 degrees there? Pfffft.
313 dude... You know ice can do that to an airport but that was the point I was making from the Loserville board... The ice was all cleared up...he should've been able to get on the plane. Maybe he chose not to???
I know more about ice than a polar bear. Was the airport closed? If it wasn't then Thomas just didn't feel like going there.
Couple things I found from 15 seconds of browsing the internet.
The airports weren't closed. STL had some cancelled flights on friday around noonish, all of them from Southwest airlines, majority of which were because they were heading to icy parts of north america. Plenty of commercial flights left on friday. Louisville was a full go.
There's no direct flight from St. Louis to Louisville. Doesn't exist to or from. He'd have to take a connecting flight or get driven over. If he really wanted to get there by plane, he could've easily passed by Dallas, N.O., Houston, or any non-icy city south of him. Usually Detroit is a go-to stop but in the winter it's easier to pass south, making the trip a minimum of 5 hours and nonsensical to ever fly. (Miami-St. Louie is a 2:30 hour flight, for reference.)
How much is the drive? 4 hours by car, again making it quicker to drive than fly. Louisville staff knows all of this, so all these arguments of whether the airport was open is bull****, he was never going to fly. He didn't want to get driven over for whatever reason. Either way good for us.