JC Jackson, someone contact Rumph and tell him to offer him.

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Overcoming obstacles/adversity such as poverty and being homeless (Oher) are markedly different than overcoming "obstacles" that are criminal acts and CHOICES.

The two should not be grouped together in any way.

[MENTION=1972]ucrew02[/MENTION] - What a coincident that you conveniently stopped at one to prove your point. How well does the other four stack up? Obstacles, adversity, choices or whatever you want to call it can have the same impact on a persons life no matter the severity.
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When the **** did JC Jackson become Ray Lewis?

What exactly is Ray Lewis crime? I know he was tried for being associated with bad friends who were convicted of a murder. But from what I remember, he wasn't present during the murder nor was found a conspirator. Am I missing something here?

I'm not even sure why Ray is in this conversation.
@AngryIbis - Really? If so, then stay on the sidelines because this conversation is too deep for you.
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