Jason Taylor Interviewed By Joy Taylor On Cowherd

https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/coral-gables/article285690871.html - yeah just completely investigated him for no reason at all

that again is a crime to report a false accusation and she did it with quite some detail but she's a liar right?

also you should know that lawyers just dont take on case and file suit. they'd be out of business quickly esp ones against a major corporation. this is the same **** people said when they tried to defend Deshaun Watson
... lol, dummy, I meant prove I had that opinion lol

Lawyers don't just do ****? ok. Guess there are never any frivolous lawsuits lol
nice company you have there. another dude w allegations of sexual assault at work
See that last part is a poor reflection on your part and that you just believe anything you read just cause Business insider of all places wrote an article lol. I'm sure you didn't read his defense huh lol... It was abundantly clear that was a hit piece.
Aren’t there a bunch of beta simps on here that white knight for this thot?

The only agency a woman has is her sexuality. She is living proof.
It was a meteoric rise, too. Also, my boy got axed I wanna say in 2010 or so for the same thing. Lost his family & career. I’m 99% sure it was consensual, but the other party moved on to some big wig at another network, & my bro wouldn’t leave it alone. The crazy part? His wife looked way better, but allegedly ole girl was a buss down that had that fire.
The bussdowns always do have that fire. They dont have anything else going for them so they gotta have that snappa