Jason Taylor Interviewed By Joy Taylor On Cowherd

fox as a whole gets sued every week for sexual harassment. theyre a **** show. the joy taylor stuff lines up because how quickly her husband and she got divorced after being together forever.

It was a meteoric rise, too. Also, my boy got axed I wanna say in 2010 or so for the same thing. Lost his family & career. I’m 99% sure it was consensual, but the other party moved on to some big wig at another network, & my bro wouldn’t leave it alone. The crazy part? His wife looked way better, but allegedly ole girl was a buss down that had that fire.

also, Earl Watson and Joy were engaged and mysteriously broke up.

Bro, I don’t mean this disparagingly or being offensive, but im saying this from either my personal life’s experiences, friend’s life experiences, or just an astute observation:

If a woman (sometimes men, but just knowing how men operate) that’s attractive & is still single or have been divorced/engaged multiple times before the age of 40 = 🚩 🚩🚩.

One of my good friend is a legit Milf in her 50’s. She’s been married 3x, & engaged 5. On my mama she looks like a carbon copy of Lela Rochon in her prime (actually how I met her). That’s my dog, but her attitude & mentality sucks. Lol. She’s all about herself, & the bag by any means.

Now at 53 & 3 kids later, she wants love. Lol. My exact words last night to her was “ninja, what? U had love w husband #3 & u smashed the coordinator of ur division for a promotion! FOH.” Now I know some simp will attempt to make her into an honest woman, & I’ll wish him good luck. Lol
Love her as a friend, love her for the eye candy when she comes in town, but wouldn’t touch her w a 10 ft pole (pause).
Gents - regarding the hair dresser - they are gossipy for starters (why people share any details with them is beyond me) but from a ******* perspective - are they not in the same category as strippers?

1) Never Marry them
2) If you **** them, you probably are going to be dealing with a lot of ******* drama

To my homies who have strippers and hair stylist as wife’s/girlfriends - no disrespect intended.


Game Of Thrones Drinking GIF by Sky
No, strippers will let you **** their coworkers…

Think About It GIF by Identity
The Lawsuit Bringer
View attachment 316764

Skip ain't a real one. You dap your barber/hairstylist, you don't hug them--especially them females and especially if you getting paid. Women out there hunting. Deny them what they want.

"Don't **** where you eat." Valuable career advice that Acho seems to have disregarded. Bruh, there is estimated to be about 4.007 billion women in the world and this fool chooses to hook up with probably the most less-than-mid one he works with. There has got to be someone at FS1 that is unwed and a 10--cut that **** out. Even the blonde bimbo hairdresser better looking than Joy.

REF: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/emmanuel-acho-deleted-video-raises-045933494.html
1.5 mil for that Skip is insane
Bro, I don’t mean this disparagingly or being offensive, but im saying this from either my personal life’s experiences, friend’s life experiences, or just an astute observation:

If a woman (sometimes men, but just knowing how men operate) that’s attractive & is still single or have been divorced/engaged multiple times before the age of 40 = 🚩 🚩🚩.

One of my good friend is a legit Milf in her 50’s. She’s been married 3x, & engaged 5. On my mama she looks like a carbon copy of Lela Rochon in her prime (actually how I met her). That’s my dog, but her attitude & mentality sucks. Lol. She’s all about herself, & the bag by any means.

Now at 53 & 3 kids later, she wants love. Lol. My exact words last night to her was “ninja, what? U had love w husband #3 & u smashed the coordinator of ur division for a promotion! FOH.” Now I know some simp will attempt to make her into an honest woman, & I’ll wish him good luck. Lol
Love her as a friend, love her for the eye candy when she comes in town, but wouldn’t touch her w a 10 ft pole (pause).
brother one day we'll spend time drinking and just talking life and I can't wait for that day to happen
So is this just all based off some hair stylists talking ****? Lol. May be true about Joy Taylor, but idk why anyone would believe an ugly *** hair stylist claiming she had a million dollar offer to sleep with skip Bayless who is just yappin lol. You seen the pics of this lady? Skip ain't offering a mill for here lol.

Also if she slept with Acho that isn't some big deal or surprise or necessarily "trying to get ahead" lol. Dude was an NFL player. He's kinda an idiot most segments I've seen but he's well spoken and not just some bum lol. Now If she slept with that dusty *** white dude? Yeah that's sleeping to get ahead lol. But again you trusting some random *** gossiping hair stylist about that?
Bro, I don’t mean this disparagingly or being offensive, but im saying this from either my personal life’s experiences, friend’s life experiences, or just an astute observation:

If a woman (sometimes men, but just knowing how men operate) that’s attractive & is still single or have been divorced/engaged multiple times before the age of 40 = 🚩 🚩🚩.

One of my good friend is a legit Milf in her 50’s. She’s been married 3x, & engaged 5. On my mama she looks like a carbon copy of Lela Rochon in her prime (actually how I met her). That’s my dog, but her attitude & mentality sucks. Lol. She’s all about herself, & the bag by any means.

Now at 53 & 3 kids later, she wants love. Lol. My exact words last night to her was “ninja, what? U had love w husband #3 & u smashed the coordinator of ur division for a promotion! FOH.” Now I know some simp will attempt to make her into an honest woman, & I’ll wish him good luck. Lol
Love her as a friend, love her for the eye candy when she comes in town, but wouldn’t touch her w a 10 ft pole (pause).
My boy!!! Me and my guys have the same conversation all the time. But I’m of the opinion that the age is 35 for those 🚩🚩🚩. I gotta homegirl much like yours that I’ve known for 20+ years who has dated pro athletes and others making 7 figures but no one will wife her. She don’t get it… I’ve told her on two occasions what she needs to do to get right. Now at the ripe old age of 43 she’s ready to listen 😂.

Women like that make the absolute best wingmen though… she’s put me on more girls (unknowingly) than any guy ever could.