James Williams will be a cane

You really think this brand is a LOT STRONGER THAN IT IS. An independent Miami would be on telemundo basically. There is very little national interest in us for quite awhile. That's the biggest factor. You can't successfully market something no one wants. You keep bringing us up because you see us as a fan rather than anyone outside of that base.
They keep looking at things as fans and can't step out of that fan box.

You really think this brand is a LOT STRONGER THAN IT IS. An independent Miami would be on telemundo basically. There is very little national interest in us for quite awhile. That's the biggest factor. You can't successfully market something no one wants. You keep bringing us up because you see us as a fan rather than anyone outside of that base.

There is lots of national interest when Miami is winning. It's not a coincidence that 3 of the top 12 highest rated games all-time involve the Hurricanes. Just this past year, Miami-UF gave ESPN it's highest ratings since Nov 2016, and Miami has been down for a long time (and it was ESPN's highest rated season opener EVER). The U is one of the most iconic brands in football. That's not the fan in me talking, that's just a fact.

As you know, no matter how many years go by without incident, Miami will ALWAYS have the reputation of being one of the most hated programs (and people love to hate-watch). Miami generates an animosity that other schools can't approach. Take a school like Bama. Casual fans don't really have a strong hatred for Alabama. They are tired of Bama, but that program is just devoid of personality. They are defined by the coach (as is Clemson). But casual fans know Miami and see the chains, the dancing, and what-not and will tend to watch Miami in order to root against us.

That's also why I didn't say Miami should go independent like ND. I know the market won't support Miami by itself. But there are other schools that might be interested. USC, for example. The Pac 12 TV contract is garbage. It's by far the worst run of the conferences. USC is losing a lot of potential revenue. The big networks are larded with the these massive contracts as viewership continues to sink. They can't do much about it- they have to pay to keep the programs because of the ad revenue, but at the same time fewer and fewer people are watching cable tv. And the streaming services are looking for new content. I know Amazon has been interested in CFB, and I guarantee that in the future, they will eventually ink a deal with some program(s) or conference and make them very rich. Hopefully Miami is part of it.
You really think this brand is a LOT STRONGER THAN IT IS. An independent Miami would be on telemundo basically. There is very little national interest in us for quite awhile. That's the biggest factor. You can't successfully market something no one wants. You keep bringing us up because you see us as a fan rather than anyone outside of that base.

I wondered about this when Nike cut ties. Seemed like they didn't even bother. They wouldn't have let Miami go to Adidas if the brand was still hot. Not with all the history there.

The worst case scenario this season is 8-5 & another 3rd+ place finish in the coastal. Its just good enough for Blake James to preach about seeing improvement (despite the schedule) & just bad enough for upper tier recruits wanting/needing to see 10+ wins.
Need to win consistently and things will take care of themselves for the most part. I’m not talking National titles, need good coaching for that, more along the lines of recruiting and national & local interest. Miami is a front running city and we haven’t been good in a long time

You really think this brand is a LOT STRONGER THAN IT IS. An independent Miami would be on telemundo basically. There is very little national interest in us for quite awhile. That's the biggest factor. You can't successfully market something no one wants. You keep bringing us up because you see us as a fan rather than anyone outside of that base.
They keep looking at things as fans and can't step out of that fan box.

It's true, I can only distance myself from the program to a point. But the recruiting success underlines my point. Right now Miami is sitting at #11 in the 2021 recruiting rankings, coming off a 6 win season. Every single program ahead of Miami is a notorious cheater and bag dropper- every single one. Miami had the #15 class in 2020, again, coming off a terrible year. And now Miami stands a decent chance of being in the top 10 in 2021 (I don't know how far it moves if Williams and Taylor sign with Miami, but I figure it gets us into top 6). How can you explain that? Diaz's magnetic personality? Or do you think Miami is dropping bags as well?
You brought up a point I forgot to mention. This isn't an issue of Miami carving out a permanent absolute advantage. Eventually everyone copies a successful model- whether it's going into inner cities to recruit, the Miami 4-3, the single back offense- in time the big schools will adapt and they have the resources to dominate in those areas. It's a matter of having a small window to innovate and be ahead of the curve while the other schools continue to conduct business as usual. Eventually they will catch up and because of their resources probably surpass Miami, but then Miami just has to innovate again (as I've mentioned in other threads, I think the next frontier where Miami could get an edge is leaving the ACC and joining up other private schools like Baylor, USC, Stanford, Northwestern, BYU, TCU, and SMU to ink a big $$$ deal with streaming online services like Amazon or Netflix). The advantage that a small school like Miami has over a large institution like Bama is that, in theory, Miami should be more flexible and implement changes faster. Suppose Miami went out right now and created had a dedicated marketing team that was helping players land NIL contracts and build their own brand- in the "look at me" generation that would play very, very well. You know that dictators like Saban and Dabo don't want players who are bigger than the team. Dabo has said many times he hates the idea of players profiting from CFB. It's something that Miami could do right now to get an edge. Of course, in 3-4 years Bamas and Ohio States would drop 10x on a similar marketing team and Miami would lose the advantage. But at least a small window of time, Miami could do something that other schools aren't doing. And that's pretty much the same path that has made Miami so successful. Innovate, then when schools catch up, innovate again.
I know @dsddcane can speak on this more, but schools are already doing the social media, marketing and NIL angle. You hear recruits talk about this as part of school’s pitches. I want to say Ohio State is doing a lot with this already. In any case, when they say you can start doing this in 2021, everyone has time to put these departments and ideas together. I just think people really overestimate Miami being a big market with glitz and glam and underestimate the money and dedication to it in the south. This is their religion, and they will pay their tithe through this.
Also dsdd keep me updated on your fight man.....dm or here. Keeping those prayers up for u dog
Thank u brother. And just like all other fights worth fighting it's not a preacher it's a choir. The more people giving them facts maybe we can force some kind of change. I know I finally opened the eyes of a certain dumb *** board member who thinks the school itself is all that matters. You just gotta find a common point they can all understand than break it down for them. In the boards case that's all numbers.
You really think this brand is a LOT STRONGER THAN IT IS. An independent Miami would be on telemundo basically. There is very little national interest in us for quite awhile. That's the biggest factor. You can't successfully market something no one wants. You keep bringing us up because you see us as a fan rather than anyone outside of that base.

I'll have to dig it up but I read something online that talked about TV ratings and even up until a year or 2 ago, we were still a hot ticket in terms of TV viewers.
There is lots of national interest when Miami is winning. It's not a coincidence that 3 of the top 12 highest rated games all-time involve the Hurricanes. Just this past year, Miami-UF gave ESPN it's highest ratings since Nov 2016, and Miami has been down for a long time (and it was ESPN's highest rated season opener EVER). The U is one of the most iconic brands in football. That's not the fan in me talking, that's just a fact.

As you know, no matter how many years go by without incident, Miami will ALWAYS have the reputation of being one of the most hated programs (and people love to hate-watch). Miami generates an animosity that other schools can't approach. Take a school like Bama. Casual fans don't really have a strong hatred for Alabama. They are tired of Bama, but that program is just devoid of personality. They are defined by the coach (as is Clemson). But casual fans know Miami and see the chains, the dancing, and what-not and will tend to watch Miami in order to root against us.

That's also why I didn't say Miami should go independent like ND. I know the market won't support Miami by itself. But there are other schools that might be interested. USC, for example. The Pac 12 TV contract is garbage. It's by far the worst run of the conferences. USC is losing a lot of potential revenue. The big networks are larded with the these massive contracts as viewership continues to sink. They can't do much about it- they have to pay to keep the programs because of the ad revenue, but at the same time fewer and fewer people are watching cable tv. And the streaming services are looking for new content. I know Amazon has been interested in CFB, and I guarantee that in the future, they will eventually ink a deal with some program(s) or conference and make them very rich. Hopefully Miami is part of it.
By your own admission there has been little interest in us in roughly twenty years... Let that narrative sink in. You mention the opener and it just sounds more and more like the argument people make for our defense stats... We were playing a top team( that does have a huge fan base by the way) & most importantly IT WAS BEING PLAYED ON A NIGHT THAT HAD ZERO OTHER COMPETITION FOR VIEWERS... I agree streaming is certainly the wave of the future but it's a space that's already being tapped into by conferences as well. Without the ACC deal we'd be struggling for air as a program. What you say with that platform has merit but it's not possible unless schools can negotiate that outside of their conference commitment. Anotherwords in the music industry we have groups that have group rights and contracts. Than those same members are able to diversify themselves into solo contracts. Sort've like revenue for downloads or ring tones. But to be apart of a conference or start some form of allegiance with other independents simply wouldn't work because as Notre Dame has shown the key to it is your following.
I wondered about this when Nike cut ties. Seemed like they didn't even bother. They wouldn't have let Miami go to Adidas if the brand was still hot. Not with all the history there.

The worst case scenario this season is 8-5 & another 3rd+ place finish in the coastal. Its just good enough for Blake James to preach about seeing improvement (despite the schedule) & just bad enough for upper tier recruits wanting/needing to see 10+ wins.
If this team goes 8-5 there better be some liberty city style riots jumpin off. That'll be all anyone with a brain needs to see. 10 wins should be the floor this year.
I don't think it really moves the needle for the bag schools. In practicality, there is a limit to the bags because it becomes increasingly difficult to hide ever larger amounts. You can hide 250k with smoke and mirrors (giving parents new jobs, drastically overpaying when they "sell" their house, etc) but if you give a recruit a couple million straight up, you will probably get caught. With the NIL, local media market will be the primary factor. Why not national media? Because CFB fanbases tend to be local. Is Joe Bob's Chevy Dealership is podunk Alabama going to pay some kid 250k to show up in a commercial? Possibly. But there are a limited number of Joe Bob's in that market.

On the other hand, there are 500x more businesses in a major market like S Florida. They might not pay 250k, but if you add up a certain percentage of them paying a more reasonable 5-10k to have players be in their ads, that crushes the amount of what the small market can offer. It becomes a numbers game. Sure a 5 star recruit can take a 250k illegal bag, then hope that Joe Bob will pay him 250k to be in his ads, but he has blindly trust Joe Bob. And Joe Bob will likely expect that the player will give him special treatment because of his largesse. There are no free lunches. On the other hand, if the Miami program gets smart has an internal marketing program goes around town on behalf of players looking for ad opportunities, the chances of striking it rich are much higher, and they don't have to be Joe Bob's personal entertainment.

The thing I see in all this is now you take the money from under the table to above board leagally.From having to hide it from the IRS and the NCAA to legal tax write offs.

A fan base the size of an SEC school or a school like Mich.,OSU or Texas for example has a lot more businessmen willing to get involved with “ donating” to the program since now it’s legal. They have a lot more people that now don’t have to worry about his name being dragged through the mud for giving money To kids under the table and now has a legal tax write off Than a school like Miami that has a limited amount of alumni and those type of people that are willing to throw hundreds of thousands of dollars around.

Going to be interesting to see what happens when this thing spirals out of control as I think will happen cause afterall what will stop Joe Bobs Chevy from buying say 1000-1500 jerseys of a 5 star kid and then hand them out to people that buys cars.Joe Bobs gets an advertising Tax write off and the kid gets a few hundred thousand bucks and it’s all above board.What’s to stop a local grocery store chain from holding a signing to “ bring in customers”and pay the kid say 100 grand for the day while the store gives out signed footballs to the first 5000 customers.The scenarios are endless and will all be above board and the first time someone tries to have it shut down there will be a lawsuit which the booster and the kid will win.

I don’t think this helps a school like my Miami at all. In fact I think it will put them at a disadvantage cause now even the ****** schools that no kid would Ever go to before can now be bought by that same school that is now willing to give him a truckload of cash.Schools that have been garbage for years but have a ton of fans that want to see there sacred school compete with the big boys.

Going to be interesting to see how the ncaa handles this when the smaller schools start raising ****.One thing is for sure though you will have a whole lot more kids riding around in fancy new cars with wads of money in their pocketS cause now it won’t just be the 5 stars getting the cash.It will ALL the kids that can contribute to team wins...
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It's true, I can only distance myself from the program to a point. But the recruiting success underlines my point. Right now Miami is sitting at #11 in the 2021 recruiting rankings, coming off a 6 win season. Every single program ahead of Miami is a notorious cheater and bag dropper- every single one. Miami had the #15 class in 2020, again, coming off a terrible year. And now Miami stands a decent chance of being in the top 10 in 2021 (I don't know how far it moves if Williams and Taylor sign with Miami, but I figure it gets us into top 6). How can you explain that? Diaz's magnetic personality? Or do you think Miami is dropping bags as well?
This stuff isn't as hard as people make it out to be. What effect do you think this Corona virus has had on families and their desire to be close to one another? Someone has to be able to capitalize off of that. Not really sure why it's not understood yet though how rankings work. This early in the year isn't about anything for the powers. They close and get the kids they really want to flip. Every year our numbers look great cause we get so many early commitments. It's volume not value... But hey I ain't gonna **** on ur parade no longer. Life is all about choice and perception. I pray daily I'm wrong bout the stuff I see with my own eyes when I stop by. Is what it is I suppose. Personally I don't see the success you speak about...
I'll have to dig it up but I read something online that talked about TV ratings and even up until a year or 2 ago, we were still a hot ticket in terms of TV viewers.
Locally yes... That's the fan bases argument for why they don't actually support the team and come to the games. We are picked up regionally by ESPN two or fsn or sunshine... That has zero to do with the brand on a national scale. It's actually simply an indictment of our fan base. I've had this conversation several times with Vilma. Makes us all crack up. See how often we are on ABC as a national game period let alone how people watch if u wanna see the truth to that statement. We are literally the noon or 2 pm game on a weekly basis. You do understand the time of kickoff has more to do with your brand than viewers right?we get lucky enough that well get some 2 pm games or 3:30 local because of how unbearable the sun can be. We are literally a regional brand now. But it don't help for me to keep pointing this **** out. We just need it to change to get where we all want again.
This stuff isn't as hard as people make it out to be. What effect do you think this Corona virus has had on families and their desire to be close to one another? Someone has to be able to capitalize off of that. Not really sure why it's not understood yet though how rankings work. This early in the year isn't about anything for the powers. They close and get the kids they really want to flip. Every year our numbers look great cause we get so many early commitments. It's volume not value... But hey I ain't gonna **** on ur parade no longer. Life is all about choice and perception. I pray daily I'm wrong bout the stuff I see with my own eyes when I stop by. Is what it is I suppose. Personally I don't see the success you speak about...

2020 class is already done. #15 is damned impressive on a 6 win season. The 2021 rankings will be hugely different- Bama is actually behind Miami in 2021 right now. That of course wont be the case come signing day. Who are the projected drops or dudes playing games? Collins? As far as I can tell, the class should be about what it is now. We are just waiting on a couple big possibilities like Garcia, Taylor, and Williams. If they sign (and I think they do if Miami has a good season), I don't think it's a stretch to say we end up with top 8 class.
The thing I see in all this is now you take the money from under the table to above board leagally.From having to hide it from the IRS and the NCAA to legal tax write offs.

A fan base the size of an SEC school or a school like Mich.,OSU or Texas for example has a lot more businessmen willing to get involved with “ donating” to the program since now it’s legal. They have a lot more people that now don’t have to worry about his name being dragged through the mud for giving money To kids under the table and now has a legal tax write Than a school like Miami that has a limited amount of alumni and those type people that are willing to throw hundreds of thousands of dollars around.

Going to be interesting to see what happens when this thing spirals out of control as I think will happen cause afterall what will stop Joe Bobs Chevy from buying say 1000-1500 jerseys of a 5 star kid and hand them out to people that buys cars.Joe Bobs gets an advertising Tax write off and the kid gets a few hundred thousand bucks and it’s all above board.What’s to stop a local grocery chain from holding a signing to “ bring in customers”and pay the kid say 100000 grand for the day while the store gives out signed footballs to the first 5000 customers.The scenarios are endless and will all be above board and the first time someone tries to have it shut down there will be a lawsuit which the booster and the kid will win.

I don’t think this helps a school like my Miami at all. In fact I think it will put them at a disadvantage cause now even the ****** schools that no kid would Ever go to before can now be bought by that same school that’s is now willing to give him a truckload of cash.Schools that have been garbage for years but have a ton of fans that want to see there sacred school compete with the big boys.

Going to be interesting to see how the ncaa handles this when the smaller schools start raising ****.One thing is for sure though you will have a whole lot more kids riding around in fancy new cars with wads of money in their pocketS cause now it won’t just be the 5 stars getting the cash.It will ALL the kids that can contribute to team wins...
All good points. And I’ll say this, schools better have CPAs and financial planners on retainer when this starts in addition to marketing and social media optimization staffers, or you will see a lot of kids getting cash and not having any to pay taxes come that next year. Not exactly hard for the IRS to track this stuff either once it is above board with 1099s and tax forms filed.

Here’s a creative one - UF can have their players do marketing with personal experiences for the local criminal defense firms.
2020 class is already done. #15 is damned impressive on a 6 win season. The 2021 rankings will be hugely different- Bama is actually behind Miami in 2021 right now. That of course wont be the case come signing day. Who are the projected drops or dudes playing games? Collins? As far as I can tell, the class should be about what it is now. We are just waiting on a couple big possibilities like Garcia, Taylor, and Williams. If they sign (and I think they do if Miami has a good season), I don't think it's a stretch to say we end up with top 8 class.
Okie doke. I'll just say again,I disagree that ANY OF THIS IS ACTUALLY IMPRESSIVE... Maybe it's just me. Maybe I don't like what I see since all Butch ever taught us required substance. All I see out of this is smoke and mirrors. I think so far he's doing exactly what he did last off-season and building up things off hype and nonsense.
Locally yes... That's the fan bases argument for why they don't actually support the team and come to the games. We are picked up regionally by ESPN two or fsn or sunshine... That has zero to do with the brand on a national scale. It's actually simply an indictment of our fan base. I've had this conversation several times with Vilma. Makes us all crack up. See how often we are on ABC as a national game period let alone how people watch if u wanna see the truth to that statement. We are literally the noon or 2 pm game on a weekly basis. You do understand the time of kickoff has more to do with your brand than viewers right?we get lucky enough that well get some 2 pm games or 3:30 local because of how unbearable the sun can be. We are literally a regional brand now. But it don't help for me to keep pointing this **** out. We just need it to change to get where we all want again.

Just curious as to why you think ESPN would pay for and air THREE 30 for 30s about the Miami Hurricanes if there isnt a large national audience?
All good points. And I’ll say this, schools better have CPAs and financial planners on retainer when this starts in addition to marketing and social media optimization staffers, or you will see a lot of kids getting cash and not having any to pay taxes come that next year. Not exactly hard for the IRS to track this stuff either once it is above board with 1099s and tax forms filed.

Here’s a creative one - UF can have their players do marketing with personal experiences for the local criminal defense firms.

Your right And the Joe Bobs Chevys of the world will care less about the Kids and The IRS After they’ve moved on cause they will send out A 1099 to the kids and it will be up to the kids to pay the taxes.
There will be A LOT of kids that 5 years after they finish school and all the moneys been spent and the shiny new car is on blocks or has been re-sold that will have the IRS come knocking at their door looking for their 30-40% on all the extra money/gifts they received and the kids won’t know what to do and Joe Bobs Chevy wont give a sHT that they now owe the IRS 40-50 grand .
That’s where the money that’s given now in the bags And under the table differs from the money that will now be legal and CLAIMED In tax write-offs by All the Joe Bobs of the world going forward.They have people to take care of that money and the kid doesn’t have to worry about the IRS cause it is under the table.An 18-19 year old kid who was a star out of high school and took that money “cause everyone said it was ok “ that now works at a paint store Living check to check won’t have a clue WTF to do when his check gets Garnished and his bank account gets seized.They will have long forgotten about all those signatures they got paid for or all those jerseys Joe Bob gave to customers.I hope they are warned about this going in.
Like I said...gonna get interesting.
There is lots of national interest when Miami is winning. It's not a coincidence that 3 of the top 12 highest rated games all-time involve the Hurricanes. Just this past year, Miami-UF gave ESPN it's highest ratings since Nov 2016, and Miami has been down for a long time (and it was ESPN's highest rated season opener EVER). The U is one of the most iconic brands in football. That's not the fan in me talking, that's just a fact.

As you know, no matter how many years go by without incident, Miami will ALWAYS have the reputation of being one of the most hated programs (and people love to hate-watch). Miami generates an animosity that other schools can't approach. Take a school like Bama. Casual fans don't really have a strong hatred for Alabama. They are tired of Bama, but that program is just devoid of personality. They are defined by the coach (as is Clemson). But casual fans know Miami and see the chains, the dancing, and what-not and will tend to watch Miami in order to root against us.

That's also why I didn't say Miami should go independent like ND. I know the market won't support Miami by itself. But there are other schools that might be interested. USC, for example. The Pac 12 TV contract is garbage. It's by far the worst run of the conferences. USC is losing a lot of potential revenue. The big networks are larded with the these massive contracts as viewership continues to sink. They can't do much about it- they have to pay to keep the programs because of the ad revenue, but at the same time fewer and fewer people are watching cable tv. And the streaming services are looking for new content. I know Amazon has been interested in CFB, and I guarantee that in the future, they will eventually ink a deal with some program(s) or conference and make them very rich. Hopefully Miami is part of it.
All of this. Well stated and true. The brand is for real like duke basketball but we are hated instead of loved.