Jaden Harris Mom is not having it

I don’t condone it-

These kids are getting paid now-

It’s really professional football now-

Fans are gonna get upset they can boo all they want-

That’s fine as long as it doesn’t go over the line.
Man fxk all that nice sh*t.

If a player sucks, they suck.

All this sugar-coating & protecting feelings sh*t is for elementary school kids.

This is big boy ball & the players get paid now. Either step up & play better, suck it up & deal with it.

Mama's defending their sons, wtf else is new?

All this be nice participation trophy horsesh*t that keeps getting pushed to absolve players from their porous play is weak.

Jaden Harris played like SH*T for most of the season. Don't like it, PLAY BETTER & PROVE US ALL WRONG.


I don’t condone it-

These kids are getting paid now-

It’s really professional football now-

Fans are gonna get upset they can boo all they want-

That’s fine as long as it doesn’t go over the line.

I’ve always been from the “it’s OK to boo/ridicule coaches or players who are getting paid to do a job” school as it comes with the territory.

CFB is by far the nation’s second most popular sport and the “kids” are (finally) deservedly getting a share of the revenue pie.

But they’re absolutely fair game now. This is officially big-boy football.

Don’t like it, go play for a D3 school in front of 200 people.
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Jaden had a terrible year and I'm glad we're seeking better players at that position. But I'm with Mom here with the name-calling. Too many of our fans are too fast and loose calling players "jags" and "garbage". This is not the NFL.
then we have to be critical of the opposite too
we are way to quick to call someone elite
and overhype their skill level too
nothing wrong with calling a bad player a jag
in life there are winners and losers
and more losers so it is what it is
we cant all be winners
We all just gonna skip over the part where she mentions he's not an NFL player?

Bachelor Dang Girl GIF by The Bachelorette
it's his mom. what do you expect?

Honestly, this kid wasn't bad last year, something went wrong this year. it is likely mental.
It's crazy to me guidry was a safety specialist and couldnt teach anyone how to play safety.
I get the differences in safety vs corner, played both. But he just flat out could not defend after the catch, it was painful to watch.
This. The second they started getting paid, it’s fair game. Even then, once you’re an “adult” playing at this level, it was fair game.

Kid ******* sucks and is arguably the worst safety we have had in decades.
And I love people calling 18-27 year olds- "kids." 20+ in coaching and education these "kids" are making some adult *** choices.
It’s really not that difficult...

You perform well, in any line of work...you get praised.

You don't perform well...you get criticized.

If more emphasis was placed on empowering our children to properly deal with the realities of life, which IS NOT expecting everyone to kiss your ***, then maybe we can develop mature adults instead of under developed children in adult bodies.
bashing players instead of the Men making millions to either make them better or get someone better is strange behavior.
Pretty sure his coach not only got bashed on social media but also got fired.

I don’t make it personal with insults but if a player isn’t good, he’s just not good. There’s a limit what coaches can do with a player. They can teach them technique, they can try to mask deficiencies. You could hire the best defensive back coach in history and he wouldn’t be able to turn me into a capable coverage corner because I suck.

He’s in a spotlight position/job you will get criticism that’s how it works. Sucks for the family to read I get where she’s coming from that **** has to be rough. I called a lot of players *** and I know it’s how we talk but I do understand it has to bother them. It would bother me as a dad but I’m honest and if my kid is *** I’ll tell him myself and agree. I try to be the Charles Barkley in my family, just speak facts
It probably sounds dumb but I think there’s a difference between saying someone plays like trash and someone is trash. Like criticize the play not the person unless the person does some ****ed up stuff

With this team I usually try and criticize the coaches anyway. If a kid is out there playing like **** that’s the coaches fault to me
You want the praise, you want to get paid NIL, but you want no negative talk. So you just want the good stuff. Sounds about right.
Mom lashing out on social media and issuing threats does more harm to her son than she understands....
I thought I share this in here. Jaden Harris Mom went after a Hurricane youtuber (Jordan Harris) cause he called him trash in one of his previous videos.

Edit: I watched Jordan video. She's upset cause he listed Jaden as his worst 10 Hurricane player ever. I do find it funny that she's still scrolling thru the fanbase to see what they gotta say about her son.

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As a parent, I can't help myself much like mamma Harris.

Why this is even an issue is weird. What the **** do folks expect a parent to say? Yeah my son cheeks. He's headed to MacDonalds now to apply. But yeah I cringe anytime mom and dad get involved. Feel sorry for all parties. ***** not that serious