Jaden Harris Mom is not having it

it's his mom. what do you expect?

Honestly, this kid wasn't bad last year, something went wrong this year. it is likely mental.
It's crazy to me guidry was a safety specialist and couldnt teach anyone how to play safety.
Act like a grown up and stay off social media. Rise above the antics. The dude is headed for a new start at Georgia.
Unfortunately when things or people are in a public position they are subject to public opinion. I wouldn't call him trash but he wasn't good. Hope he can do well at Georgia.
Thanks and good fortune in the future for Jaden. It wasn’t because a lack of effort on his part. The split is best for both parties no doubt. With that said…

Stupidity, name calling, yelling, etc is just part of the deal. Not saying it’s right, but it’s part of it at every level. It’s unacceptable for it to be directed at kids. But these aren’t kids. They aren’t even amateur collegiate athletes anymore. They are pros as they make money from what they do. Jaden’s confidence was lower than whale **** in the Mariana Trench. Unfortunately, “the guys who make it”, or at least most of them, are built differently upstairs. I’d say it’s an easy argue thats what separates performance more than physical traits. Went through it myself with the position I played and do my best to instruct my kids of that as well.

I get mom being upset but punching words on a keyboard is useless. I get its the day and age but maybe the day and age sucks. My oldest recently moved up north and is a goaltender on his own at 15, almost 16 years old. Right or wrong he’s blamed and praised beyond anyone in any sport. It sucks but it’s called being mature and setting an example for your son that’s struggling to tune that **** out. Mom should give that a try.
He's getting paid six figures now. He's not some kid playing here for the love of the game.

Grown man, making six figures, and his mom is complaining online because fans are calling her adult man son a bad football player and she cites video game ratings to support her argument.

Go tell your son you love'em and log off.