It Appears That Our Wigger Fans Have Scared Off da GATA

Delusional is an understatement. These fools have went through what is now a 5 day complete meltdown as a fanbase. I've never seen a group of fans just completely lose their **** over a loss like these guys have. I think its better the game was close, that our offense had a sub par day, and they had 5 turnovers....than it would have been to blow them out. They get blown out they just walk away and shut up. But this, this has turned into something beautiful. A meltdown we are all gonna remember for a very very longtime. And they can't do **** about it, you know why? Because there is no revenge game, there is no "we'll get them next year". Because they won't schedule us and will have to deal with this sour *** taste in their mouths from this game for years to come.
Delusional is an understatement. These fools have went through what is now a 5 day complete meltdown as a fanbase. I've never seen a group of fans just completely lose their **** over a loss like these guys have. I think its better the game was close, that our offense had a sub par day, and they had 5 turnovers....than it would have been to blow them out. They get blown out they just walk away and shut up. But this, this has turned into something beautiful. A meltdown we are all gonna remember for a very very longtime. And they can't do **** about it, you know why? Because there is no revenge game, there is no "we'll get them next year". Because they won't schedule us and will have to deal with this sour *** taste in their mouths from this game for years to come.

You'd think after losing 7 out of the last 8 and needing the SEC refs to recuse them against Randy and a bunch of Freshmen in 2008 they'd be used to losing to Miami.
The vile **** said to me and my family the last time I was in Gainesville and they have the nerve to point fingers, oh the irony!
This win just gets better every day. Now all this stuff about their fans hating it and throwing crap on coach, qb and team. Love it. Trashing our fans-- great. I have extremely limited mobility so attending games is almost impossible. I would like to thank any and all fans who by whatever means offended, intimidated and just ****ed off the gator. Please give your self a heartfelt pat on the back for job well done. Normally I would be pleasant to other fans but some just do not deserve it. The gator deserve the worst possible treatment at all times. It is scum and lowest form of life.

I as Catholics v Convicts and got beat with an umbrella by a Nun. As much as I hate domers, and I do, they still actually had something to be "all that" about from their history. If I saw a gator on one side of the road and domer on the other, I would run the gator over and back up to make sure of the kill, before I chase the domer, if he was dumn enough to still be around.

To the gator in you can and are reading this, please understand we are not that way with all fans, just you. I can remember buying Cornhuskers and Sooners drinks. Of course they have a degree of class that is beyond you. We took our throne from the Sooners and they hate us in ways you can never understand. We took thier place as most hated team and raised the level exponentionally. You are the other hand never had anything anyone wanted. Go back to you little backwater sawmp; in due course we will take care of the little elephant problem that has arisen and restore the proper balance. You can go back to your meaningless little anual drinking contest with your dog neighbors while the big boys return to center stage.
All I know is I did my part. I punched two in the face.

It's called home field advantage for a reason. You want to make it as scary as possible for the opposition. This ain't some puzzy *** family reunion bbq. Canes hate those f#gggots with every fiber of our being, so if they're stupid enough to roll into our house with their uf#g gear on jumping up and down, then I owe them a punch. And we should go out of our way to intimdate them and their families. Fck a gaytor in the eye socket.

Good job Canes fans! The more they cry the prouder you've made me.
It would be hilarious to see someone pick that kid up and throw him off the upper deck, breaking his neck. Now, that would be funny.
It feels like being an American going to a USA vs. Brazil soccer game in Brazil. It doesn't even feel like you are in America and it doesn't even feel like a college football game

Just a geography lesson for our hick friends in turdville....BRAZIL IS IN SOUTH AMERICA! Dumb hillbilly cluck
So just for review, the following guy would be a wigger, no? I was sitting next to 10 guys that looked like this.

UF fans don't curse and are the nicest group of people ever.

And their players aren't thugs and murderers...
Just finished reading this entire thread. God****, that's some fine work, everybody. Now the Turds have to choke on their own bile and vomit until they muster up the courage to play us again (and you just know they'll offer up some ****amemie "neutral field" environment, say in Orlando, where they'll have 50k Turds in the stands.)

That's fine. Pick up the phone and call us. Any time, anywhere when it comes to you ****** inbred retards. And when we beat you again, you'll find new excuses not to play us.
Delusional is an understatement. These fools have went through what is now a 5 day complete meltdown as a fanbase. I've never seen a group of fans just completely lose their **** over a loss like these guys have. I think its better the game was close, that our offense had a sub par day, and they had 5 turnovers....than it would have been to blow them out. They get blown out they just walk away and shut up. But this, this has turned into something beautiful. A meltdown we are all gonna remember for a very very longtime. And they can't do **** about it, you know why? Because there is no revenge game, there is no "we'll get them next year". Because they won't schedule us and will have to deal with this sour *** taste in their mouths from this game for years to come.
