It Appears That Our Wigger Fans Have Scared Off da GATA

I've been told to "go back to Cuba" a bunch of times by Gator fans even though I am not from Qub-AH
No mercy when it came to those *****-pack ******s. Everyone I saw was met with ruthlessness, let them know that day was not going to be enjoyable for them.

LOL @ those pathetic losers that have never left Gainesville. Oh my god, people that aren't white and aren't rednecks! HOW DO WE HANDLE THIS!!!

LOL @ their idea of America. What a bunch of dumb****s.
That was actually one of the things I was most excited about for Saturday . The new bread of gater fans getting a proper welcome to Mia.
You know what kills me about FU fans? They act like ALL of their fans attended college at FU. I know **** well that most of those backwoods, dimwit, 3 teeth, mullet having, jort wearing, Tebow praising, inbred, call u a N**** in a minute, racist, redneck hicks NEVER went to A college, let alone FU! They're just trying to justify in their minds, why they don't want to play us anymore. They are scared. Always have been, Always will be! They know they can't beat us, so they run! Chicken Gators
People who grow up in the hood love UM thats the truth, but they def mad f%k them. They went in there thinking it was an easy win and got blasted in there own physical game. The U is back because we finally have a real of CFB DEAL WITH IT.
Stupidest bunch of cryin' *** sore losin' ******* I've ever seen in my life.
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"If the Gators want to start another rivalry with a South Florida university, pick FIU or FAU. They both have on-campus stadiums and relatively civilized fanbases made up of actual alumni.

Hahaha -- how furious the Hurriclown "faithful" (ha!) would be if we left them on our ignore list and instead started a home-and-home series with FIU! I'd love it."


el oh el at expecting FIU to be a bunch of classy fans. Morans - the whole lot.
H-Y-O-P-O-C-R-I-T-S. At the 2002 game in Canesville i was verbally abused by a redneck middle aged lady who was besides herself over the a$$ whooping the canes were giving the Gaytors. she was so red with rage i actually thought she was going to blow a blood vessel.
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It feels like being an American going to a USA vs. Brazil soccer game in Brazil. It doesn't even feel like you are in America

I learned something today, brazil does not feel like america