Issues with coach Mike Rumph

Well, if our secondary looks good this year I say the people crying about twitter wars are the biggest failure.

And if our secondary plays great, then what? How about we play some **** games first. I want wins, not tweeter warriors.

And if it doesn't, then what? Ready to throw a season away for a failed recruiter who is pumping a gator commitment and scaring a top local high school's recruits away like it is his job?

He wasn't brought in to coach, because there is no evidence that he knows how to coach. He has ZERO resume. All he can do is bring in talent at the private high school level. If he can't make that happen with the best of them at the next level, he has no business here. Richt took a gamble, because he assembled a ton of talent at his high school. It is not paying off.
Stanford Samuels?? mean the FSU legacy lol. Look we only wanted Kai-Leon(who looks overrated) and Marco so he's "0-2" per say not 0-4

Quick Question if we somehow get Darnay Holmes who came down here on his own dime and the AH kids next year(we're actively recruiting every single one of them) would you guys still call for his head??

How bout if our CB unit plays head and shoulders better than units years guys are getting upset about losing recruits in August.
That was an utter embarrassment yesterday.

We need to get the banners going, early and often. Dude has got to go. He can go get a paycheck somewhere else to fail to bring in his former players (everyone at heritage), to wish kids good luck when they rub dirt in our eyes (Byrd), to promote the commitment of a recruit to an in state rival.


The dude hasn't even coached in a single game yet. Recruiting well comes along with winning. The staff is doing the best it can right now right off the heels of the sh**show that was Al Golden. Give the guy more that a couple months for God's sake.
That was an utter embarrassment yesterday.

We need to get the banners going, early and often. Dude has got to go. He can go get a paycheck somewhere else to fail to bring in his former players (everyone at heritage), to wish kids good luck when they rub dirt in our eyes (Byrd), to promote the commitment of a recruit to an in state rival.

Are you being sarcastic?
I cant take this thread or OP serious, the guy got hired in January and already a talk about the bigger bust? LMAO gtfoh.
And if our secondary plays great, then what? How about we play some **** games first. I want wins, not tweeter warriors.

And if it doesn't, then what? Ready to throw a season away for a failed recruiter who is pumping a gator commitment and scaring a top local high school's recruits away like it is his job?

He wasn't brought in to coach, because there is no evidence that he knows how to coach. He has ZERO resume. All he can do is bring in talent at the private high school level. If he can't make that happen with the best of them at the next level, he has no business here. Richt took a gamble, because he assembled a ton of talent at his high school. It is not paying off.

Cant coach? Uh he only led AH to championship games and playoffs in HS lol. Jesus Christ you sir need to be revoked of your Canes fan card. Maybe well fly banners to get you banned. No reason to hate on a former cane player who hasnt even coached a game yet!! Give the man a break. Besides I would rather not sign a ton of AH players. Gotta recruit from multiple schools. Look what happen in 08 when all them Miami Central kids came here. These are 18 year old kids, if they wanna play elsewhere and experience life than good for them. We got plenty of studs coming for 2017
That was an utter embarrassment yesterday.

We need to get the banners going, early and often. Dude has got to go. He can go get a paycheck somewhere else to fail to bring in his former players (everyone at heritage), to wish kids good luck when they rub dirt in our eyes (Byrd), to promote the commitment of a recruit to an in state rival.

Are you being sarcastic?

Afraid not
And if our secondary plays great, then what? How about we play some **** games first. I want wins, not tweeter warriors.

And if it doesn't, then what? Ready to throw a season away for a failed recruiter who is pumping a gator commitment and scaring a top local high school's recruits away like it is his job?

He wasn't brought in to coach, because there is no evidence that he knows how to coach. He has ZERO resume. All he can do is bring in talent at the private high school level. If he can't make that happen with the best of them at the next level, he has no business here. Richt took a gamble, because he assembled a ton of talent at his high school. It is not paying off.

I'm not sure if you realize this, but a large percentage of college football coaches get their start in High School
And if our secondary plays great, then what? How about we play some **** games first. I want wins, not tweeter warriors.

And if it doesn't, then what? Ready to throw a season away for a failed recruiter who is pumping a gator commitment and scaring a top local high school's recruits away like it is his job?

He wasn't brought in to coach, because there is no evidence that he knows how to coach. He has ZERO resume. All he can do is bring in talent at the private high school level. If he can't make that happen with the best of them at the next level, he has no business here. Richt took a gamble, because he assembled a ton of talent at his high school. It is not paying off.

Dumb *** post. You dont bring in a recruiter at a important position like cb coach. You stash recruit we s at rb coach or te coach. Richt must believe in him as a coach.
Rumph just seems out of his league.

I understand why Richt took a risk on hiring him (former Cane & NFL player, good HS coach, young), BUT we're not established enought to be taking these risks.

Maybe Rumph can turn it around, but with missing on 0-4 Heritage kids, poor CB depth to begin with, and not much backup plan his seat has to already be hot imo.

We're also not even in it for Stanford Samuels, who is more talented than Bandy and Wilson.

Those AH kids were not going to come here with or without Rumph. This is us paying for Al Golden and his crew ******** up Quincy's recruitment and then telling Quincy and Chad that they don't know what they're talking about. The well was poisoned. It will take another cycle for us to get over some of the things the previous staff did and said.


F-cking hilarious all the whining.

If you want to whine about something, whine about Richt not going out and spending 1.2 million on a NFL DB coach or some **** to get the most immediate results.

He chose to go a route that he believes will bring good results down the road. It starts with Rumph proving he can coach at THIS level. His ties to S.FLA will pay much more of a dividend in recruiting once that is proven.

I'm sure Richt was hoping to land more kids just out of sheer familiarity with Rumph this year, but your basically calling Richt a f-cking moron if you think he didn't have a clue what he was getting into with a first time college coach at the position.
