
DMoney some or many of these fans get it from message boards like these where calling the players names is allowed and really even encouraged by fellow posters. I think that to a great extent it spills over to the games. I think the site should moderate the boards much more closely and delete personal ridiculing references to the players and coaches. Criticize, fine, but not personal and ugly. Set the tone here D$ and convey to the fanbase that the crap won't be tolerated here anymore and maybe the carryover behavior in the stands will start to get cleaned up.

Where can I buy tickets to the fantasy you're living in?
Teddy Bridgewater said one of the reasons he picked Louisville is because he didn't like how our fanbase treated its players.

Three years later, Bridgewater is lighting us up while our "fans" are flipping off Morris and cussing at Perryman.

A disgrace on the field and a disgrace in Section 110.

That's not irony. You can say it's poetic justice, but it's not ironic.
Teddy Bridgewater said one of the reasons he picked Louisville is because he didn't like how our fanbase treated its players.

Three years later, Bridgewater is lighting us up while our "fans" are flipping off Morris and cussing at Perryman.

A disgrace on the field and a disgrace in Section 110.

Negged for quoting Teddy '****made' Bridgewater.

Dude's full of excuses on why he didn't chose Miami. The biggest fault I find with our team is not that they lost some meaningless bowl game, but that they didn't kneecap him after the throat slash. Miami has done nothing but show him respect, the fact that he did that, on a whim, in a blow out, is the ultimate indictment of his integrity.

Whether you want to admit it or not, Teddy made the better decision. Pains me to say it, but where would you rather be as a player the last three years? And now he'll be a first round pick.
Teddy Bridgewater said one of the reasons he picked Louisville is because he didn't like how our fanbase treated its players.

Three years later, Bridgewater is lighting us up while our "fans" are flipping off Morris and cussing at Perryman.

A disgrace on the field and a disgrace in Section 110.

That's not irony. You can say it's poetic justice, but it's not ironic.

What it is, with all due respect to these so called fans, is PATHETIC and an EMBARASSMENT. Look, I'm as disappointed as everyone at the outcome and it will take me awhile to get over this performance. As a graduate of the U and a lifelong fan whose son is about to attend also, this result was certainly not what we were hoping for. Nonetheless, the people who berate college kids and throw things at them like I heard people did last night should just find another team to support because they do not represent true Canes fans. We talk about needing better players here but why would parents want to send their sons to the U as recruits only to expose them to this type of treatment? To those recruits and their parents who read our message boards, please know that the individuals who behaved poorly last night DO NOT represent all Canes fans.
Like I said a million times, blame the people that recruit and let these kids play. If you sent your kid to elementary school and when he got home he couldn't spell his name or his abc's, would you call him an idiot and a moron. Or would you go to the school and ask the teachers wtf are they doing?
I was ****ed last night but man I never bag on the players,they are kids! Our fan base for the most part are fair weather fans except for the diehards who stood with the U in the 80's.Yes I hate this product this coaching puts on the field but this will hurt our chance to be elite again,this technology and access to so much media good and bad has an effect on recruiting
That's a BS OP.
All fan bases are the same. All have morons. This site is **** up as is program
Dmoney, THIS IS THE BUSINESS THEY'VE CHOSEN! I'm sorry but I can't agree with u on this. This stuff has been going on since the beginning of time. When we lost to Washington in 94' when they broke the streak our fans in the wez end zone were HORRIBLE! People were throwing there cane gear away at the stadium! Saying they were never going back to the OB again!

And the kids who play HS football in dade and broward are even more use to this. When Central lost to BTW this year I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. CEN fans cursing the players out as they walked off the field! Davonte Phillips tried to jump in the stands to fight someone! It was a circus! In HS!

Sorry bruh, but this ain't the game to be bringing up this BS. It was a GREAT PHUCKIN CROWD in Orlando. People came out in droves to support those players and they $hitted on us by not even putting up a fight. Letting UL totally disrespect them and the U. For once WE deserved better as a fanbase!

Yes. The coaches are obviously the ones I hate the most right about now. But I'm not giving those players a pass either. This was a team failure!
82,How would you feel if that was your kid catching the abuse? Do you have kids? If so tell me where he plays and i will go and tell him what a piece of **** he is.
The whole "other schools are worse" stuff is ******* garbage. They might, but they haven't been mediocre for 10 years. We have too much crap going against us, we don't need the fans working against us too. Those are the same fans that will be ****ed when a kid like Ermin Lane, who they **** on, goes elsewhere and torches us. ******* Cretins.
More importantly would our staff have maximized Teddy's talents, surrounded him with competent personnel and done so at the level to make him a top-3 pick?

Maybe Teddy is taking the easy way out by making a general critique that affects no one in particular, while all along he knew (what we we all know now) Strong>Golden.
Ibcanefan1, I'm 65. Of course I got kids. And I also was in Orlando spending my hard earned retirement money to go support the team AND I been a season ticket holder since 1982. And I'm here to tell ya that our fans been like this since the mid 80s. When vinny lost us the fiesta bowl they put a bounty on that kids head! ( not reslly but u know what I mean).

Look I'm not condoning what those fans did. I just don't wanna hear that **** right now after that **** poor showing! If we had gotten beat by a last second FG that's one thing. But we got our a$$es handed to us for 4 qtrs. sorry, I don't give a crap about they feelings right now. Tell that to charłes Gaines when he was practically walking up and down our sidelines chumpin every cane in sight! And y'all mad about what some drunk fans were saying? Lol! Wow!
Teddy Bridgewater said one of the reasons he picked Louisville is because he didn't like how our fanbase treated its players.

Three years later, Bridgewater is lighting us up while our "fans" are flipping off Morris and cussing at Perryman.

A disgrace on the field and a disgrace in Section 110.

I have a question for you. Why post this garbage on YOUR site, which potential recruits will likely be reading?

Because people need to understand that their actions are having an effect on wins and losses. Brad Kaaya was in the crowd today. Think that's a good look? Some ****wad called Braxton Berrios a midget in his dad's face. A Canes fan. It's absurd and I'm frustrated.

Holy crap! Are you serious! Dude, if I were Braxton, I might be thinking twice after that! I hope others said positive thing to him.

Smh, these fans sometimes....
DMoney some or many of these fans get it from message boards like these where calling the players names is allowed and really even encouraged by fellow posters. I think that to a great extent it spills over to the games. I think the site should moderate the boards much more closely and delete personal ridiculing references to the players and coaches. Criticize, fine, but not personal and ugly. Set the tone here D$ and convey to the fanbase that the crap won't be tolerated here anymore and maybe the carryover behavior in the stands will start to get cleaned up.

Where can I buy tickets to the fantasy you're living in?
He's got a point. On more than one occasion I've heard fans in the stands regurgitating message board fodder.
Well something has to be done. If our fans got to talk **** to the players till their blue in the face, so be it. Maybe eventually the players will get so fed up with it, they'll rivals against our pussified coaches and administration and start kickin ***. **** at least let me see a player show some anger towards a **** talking fan. Some ******* emotion, I beg you!
Teddy is a hypocrite. His whole premise for leaving is completely negated by the way he "acted" last night after what his reasons for signing with UL were. Also wonder what his reasons were for not signing with the other teams he committed to.
Teddy Bridgewater said one of the reasons he picked Louisville is because he didn't like how our fanbase treated its players.

Three years later, Bridgewater is lighting us up while our "fans" are flipping off Morris and cussing at Perryman.

A disgrace on the field and a disgrace in Section 110.

Sorry D I don't speak that losers name out of my mouth.. He's been disrespectful and that is why he went to Loserville and I guarantee you he doesn't do ish in the pros.. Teddy you're too small man.. Lol keep make throat slashes and taking cheap shots.. He sounded bitter all night long.
It is irony. And then we are the main ones saying how bad other schools fans are and how racist Alabama, auburn, West Virginia, Arkansas is as soon as a player picks them over us. We're always posting other schools fans tweets like Miami fans are the holy grail fans of college football. No.. Most of you suck worse than Golden.

The reason this lost stings so bad is because you guys are ****y and pompous and living in the past. We are not who we once were as a football program but the fans weekly believe that "this will be feh week the sleeping giant awakes". Not w golden, not anytime soon.

Just bend over sand take it quietly. We have possibly THE WORST fan base in America.
For what it's worth, a lady sitting behind us claimed to know teddy since he was a kid. Flat out said dude was paid to go to UL