IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

Oh well , this company has been here 50 years I've been here 40 of it ,I know 90 % here would know it family run great people here , you both would enjoy the visit.

You'd be posting of the visit , saying this GOCANES is nothing what you all see here unreal sense of humor, any way private message me totally confidential you can still rip into me with Brock after no problem , no names nothing.

Anyway figured I'd offer if your in the area just something nice.


No problem.

Look, I’m going to be honest, maybe I’ve misjudged you, but in the written page, or screen, to be technically correct, you come off as crazy. Literally.

I’m not playing around.

It’s possible you’re just not sophisticated at expressing yourself in this medium, and therefore, I’ve misjudged what I’m seeing on the screen.

So, I’m taking into consideration that you might be an older gentleman that possibly is just not an effective verbal/written communicator and who is unsophisticated in expressing himself in this medium. That’s probably not uncommon in construction and contracting I guess. So I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt there.

As far as the IPF stuff, you have to realize you are contradicting yourself on an almost daily basis. That’s really the only issue I have with you regarding that.

No problem.

Look, I’m going to be honest, maybe I’ve misjudged you, but in the written page, or screen, to be technically correct, you come off as crazy. Literally.

I’m not playing around.

It’s possible you’re just not sophisticated at expressing yourself in this medium, and therefore, I’ve misjudged what I’m seeing on the screen.

So, I’m taking into consideration that you might be an older gentleman that possibly is just not an effective verbal/written communicator and who is unsophisticated in expressing himself in this medium. That’s probably not uncommon in construction and contracting I guess. So I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt there.

As far as the IPF stuff, you have to realize you are contradicting yourself on an almost daily basis. That’s really the only issue I have with you regarding that.

The reason why I said everything is fine was just playing to what people wanted to hear , I also will meet you half way in miss judging you in my wise cracks.

Would it be inline in clearing the slate of past aggression , I'm not the person whom all this makes me out to be and same in return. I respect your post here in ways it does make sense I get it , I'm a realest and do see your point.

Original, I think we can be on good terms here moving forward and if a post is awkward we can say were missing the intent instead of jumping to conclusion and need to expand for clarification.

Are we good Original,I would like it to be extending a hand shake here :smug:

Hey Brock if you can and your in the area of the Pinecrest why don't you stop by and see me


I must say I enjoy the heck out of all this , I step away work a project a bit take a break hit this topic then leave as it simmers and see the reaction later.

Can't beat it for fun awesome.

You can't make this Ish up .... Who knew the IPF would end up providing us with so much summer entertainment.

How about some new photos of the severely behind schedule IPF? So is the weight room going to be extended into the IPF?
Can anyone convince the program to place a live webcam in it? some of you on here have any juice?
Guys I just rode by it and there is no way in **** they can have it connected to the pork n beans project by the time the season starts.