IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

Some people here have issues with the things I share , but this is all normal in construction business every single day. I've tried to convey this wholeheartedly and been called names and made fun of.
All I can do is let everyone here learn the hard way about this business and sit back and read post saying all kinds of crazy thing now hear this please.





No one should be mad at you for sharing. If they open it in August, Miami closed that budget gap. If they don't, there may be a number of reasons why. Heck, they could close the gap and still make changes which push things back yet again.

It ain't that serious.


You are spot on , it really isn't in my world I wake up and all this going on here is every single phone call or email , I can't even describe in words how the Baptist Hospital Lazer knife went let alone Mt Sinai remodel is going to name just (2) monster projects oh Doctors Hospital another one.

But again for the laymen outside looking in can only attempt to understand the things I tell them for being an insider on these project I deal with constantly for 40 years .

But yes it's not that serious the best of the best are wotking this project and it will be SPECTACULAR when it done just let them do there jobs.

Say again.

It sounds like you just delivered a MUSCO lighting LED driver that wasn't working or normally doesn't work but now does or something but this sentence was a run on so I really couldn't tell. LOL Thanks for sharing, just joking about the post.

90SCANE, no problem at all , I type fast in between working (2) estimating programs in electrical swithcgear all day longat same time right now working a huge hotel in Anguilla " THE REEF" anybody hear of it , there bugging me to fly over NOT unless it's all paid LMAO.

^^^Attention ***** gonna attention *****.


It's not seeking attention at all , just trying to keep everyone updated , to others in this business what I do is NOT enough my competitors are very formidable and competition is fierce just like our Canes some call them attentions whores or show offs but we being there fans don't see it that way we call it SWAGGER .

In my business you need swagger in your confidence to compete if not your DEAD no orders , just this AM I was being threaten by one one my valued customers who I did Bimini World Resort in Bahamas with couple years ago ,he was saying I want my price now on a project or he'll go somewhere else , I wasn't confident my price way ready and accurate so I told GO BUY IT SOMEWHERE ELSE , he's taking a chance on the accuracy big chance.

I've got to be confident like our Canes , I guess it works been 40 years going strong in experience.

Where I question your information is when you discuss Musco lighting, the highest rated, most well respected sports lighting company in the business, you allude to issues, but then when asked to clarify, you change the subject to some nonsense about the fire alarm system. So you're now saying that they system has to be switched and all the work has to be ripped out...I call bull****.
Where I question your information is when you discuss Musco lighting, the highest rated, most well respected sports lighting company in the business, you allude to issues, but then when asked to clarify, you change the subject to some nonsense about the fire alarm system. So you're now saying that they system has to be switched and all the work has to be ripped out...I call bull****.

When the lighting was being designed with MUSCO and making the panel boards to feed the fixtures it was determined they would be single phase when fixtures were being designed they came three phase so they have to be returned (LED drivers) to redesigned .

The fire alarm, I found out after the fact just was sharing the other hold up , but yes the alarm system was set up as normal horns and so on when you change to voice the speakers for lack of better name need to be positioned so no quite spots and it uniform through out the building. With this being said conduit and mounting of the speakers have to be redesigned to code.

Hope this helps alarm systems are super complicated way out of my league but I tried to explain here.

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You are spot on , it really isn't in my world I wake up and all this going on here is every single phone call or email , I can't even describe in words how the Baptist Hospital Lazer knife went let alone Mt Sinai remodel is going to name just (2) monster projects oh Doctors Hospital another one.

But again for the laymen outside looking in can only attempt to understand the things I tell them for being an insider on these project I deal with constantly for 40 years .

But yes it's not that serious the best of the best are wotking this project and it will be SPECTACULAR when it done just let them do there jobs.


I'm merely replying to the people who are losing their **** over this. It will finish when it finishes. It wont make or break the season barring an FIU structural collapse that wipes out the entire team Marshall style.

We won 6 titles without it.

Having said that the new dorms and IPF look fantastic and only help.
OH the complete fire alarm system has to be ripped out and changed to a verbal annunciator type alarm ,which means every foot of piping for alarm has to be replaced with new plans for City of Coral Gables approval to install verbal alarm , massive change order add 3-4 weeks more best guess.


Well if this is true then the GC, Architect, Egineer, and fire alarm company should be fired on principal alone. I own a complete fire protection business. My prepubescent son knows from the get go that is clearly an audible alarm system.

Alarm company absolutely knew.... Under bid to get the job..... Then change ordered the **** out of our U.

But they're not completely at fault. It's ridiculous Architect and Engineer sent it out to bid that way. They should be back charged but that will never happen.

If the GC was worth a **** he should have known as well. I mean that's basic ****.

Again if this is true.
lol at anyone believing this guy

So funny Brock reading all this stuff you write aggressively at me when you have no idea from which you make these statements. Then as time goes by I read more and more here of posters saying what's going on something isn't right , when I've mentioned many many times here of inside facts on the project that no one here has and when I do Brock you and someone else here comes aggressively at me for sharing insight.

Maybe it's best just to read all this stuff from posters here guessing and wondering why the IPF has slowed down and a very very good chance it will miss it's completion date.

So keep attacking the person whom is sharing information you'll get know where else , like I said earlier the layman outside looking in has no idea but to guess and condemn when they have no recollection of why from which they make false statements.

So I'll sit back for awhile and watch the grinding of teeth and wonder why people say these things.


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I want to also add that some posters actually ask honest questions on the MUSCO and fire alarm change orders / revisions and I try to answer the best I can .

The construction business is organized confusion , like I said earlier blue print / drawing are fine and good but once brick an mortar are layed and the building takes shape job changes and revision ALWAYS occurs with new ideas and design changes ALL normal because in the construction face that's the time to make things even better.

When the IPF is finished it will be JAW dropping awesome master piece of EPIC proportions for all to enjoy bank on it.

Yeah sitting here thinking about it a bit more. Makes no sense to have to "rip out" conduit. It's low voltage wire no matter what. Conduit size doesn't matter for all intents and purposes. If anything they can just add on. Ripping out is horse crap

MLB it has to since the positioning of the verbal annunciatior (speakers) have to be rearranged so voice alarm can be heard evenly with no quite spots therefore all the conduit runs have to run again to satisfy Dade and Coral Gables code requirements.

It's not the GC or Architects fault the U wanted the IPF alarm system to match the other facilities existing system , again this is all normal since in the design the U nor anyone else brought it up THIS ALL normal in large project as building goes up , new idea juixces always starts flowing once owners see it going up....AGAIN NORMAL.

So funny Brock reading all this stuff you write aggressively at me when you have no idea from which you make these statements. Then as time goes by I read more and more here of posters saying what's going on something isn't right , when I've mentioned many many times here of inside facts on the project that no one here has and when I do Brock you and someone else here comes aggressively at me for sharing insight.

Maybe it's best just to read all this stuff from posters here guessing and wondering why the IPF has slowed down and a very very good chance it will miss it's completion date.

So keep attacking the person whom is sharing information you'll get know where else , like I said earlier the layman outside looking in has no idea but to guess and condemn when they have no recollection of why from which they make false statements.

So I'll sit back for awhile and watch the grinding of teeth and wonder why people say these things.


YOU are the only one saying it’s slowing down meanwhile we are seeing progress little by little everyday