Interesting Tidbit From Scout

LOL. Anyone that believes that Golden can be forced to make changes to his staff he doesn't want to make on his own probably believes what they read on the Internet.

They could all live up to their word, and she (**************) will still throw them out of her office and not act on it.

The bottom line is, no college president is going to make decisions based on a movement of unhappy fans. Especially, emotional, out of control UM fans, who are unhappy a 9-2 record isn't good enough for them.

Its just not going to happen.

Want to withhold your HC donations? That's your choice.

Choose not to buy tickets for a UM game again? Again, your choice.

Think doing so is going to strong arm Donna That ******************? That's not only not going to happen, its going to be handled like it was a joke. That's how pathetic it is.

Folks who engage in this need to realize one thing. You are spectators, not participants. Sports is an enterprise where, if you don't like the product, don't go. If you like the product, support it.

However, when you start believing you will determine what that product is, all I can say is, you better be a college president or a group of Board of Trustee members, who have enough votes to make a change. Anything short of that will not bring about any change.

I don't care how much money these folks put up, and it won't be nearly as much as they will brag about, Donna That************** is not getting blackmailed by any UM fans.

It will go down in UM history in the same laughable fashion as the infamous, "Hang Coker in effegy" party that was supposed to take place at Mark Light after the Washington game in 2000.

-Joe Casale

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This is Al Golden's scheme.

This is Al Golden's scheme.

This is Al Golden's scheme.

This is Al Golden's scheme.

This is Al Golden's scheme.

This is Al Golden's scheme.

This is Al Golden's scheme.

Unless Al has decided to totally scrap the defense he's been running for over a decade, scapegoating the DC probably isn't going to change much. Before anything drastic happens schematically, Golden has to decide that he can't install his defense successfully.
Yep. And I don't see that happening.
Let the season end first before we bring out the pitchforks. Is it too much to ask for that?

I mean, thinking comparatively, our defense isn't good at all, but it isn't nearly as bad as A&M's (#103) with such juggernauts as SMU, Sam Houston State, UTEP and Rice on their schedule, and yet Aggies fans aren't calling for Mark Synder to be guillotined.

If Dorito needs to go, he'll go, but compared to what posters have commented on this forum the past few days, he isn't the worst thing ever.
Let the season end first before we bring out the pitchforks. Is it too much to ask for that?

I mean, thinking comparatively, our defense isn't good at all, but it isn't nearly as bad as A&M's (#103) with such juggernauts as SMU, Sam Houston State, UTEP and Rice on their schedule, and yet Aggies fans aren't calling for Mark Synder to be guillotined.

If Dorito needs to go, he'll go, but compared to what posters have commented on this forum the past few days, he isn't the worst thing ever.

Georgia want their DC gone and is most likely gone this offseason. Georgia's DC lost 8-12 guys to the NFL or graduation.
Let the season end first before we bring out the pitchforks. Is it too much to ask for that?

I mean, thinking comparatively, our defense isn't good at all, but it isn't nearly as bad as A&M's (#103) with such juggernauts as SMU, Sam Houston State, UTEP and Rice on their schedule, and yet Aggies fans aren't calling for Mark Synder to be guillotined.

If Dorito needs to go, he'll go, but compared to what posters have commented on this forum the past few days, he isn't the worst thing ever.

Georgia want their DC gone and is most likely gone this offseason. Georgia's DC lost 8-12 guys to the NFL or graduation.

If the scheme isn't the problem, then he has a legitimate excuse, no? Also, Georgia has a ton of injuries, so he'll probably have his job for at least this year.

If Golden does dump NO-D, I'd prefer his replacement to be a young, up and coming coach who plays aggressive defense (Similar to Jeremy Pruitt at FSU). Whether it is a 3-4 or 4-3 is not my concern, Pruitt runs a 3-4 at FSU and has a Top #5 Defense, so it can be elite, you just have to have the right coach.

Yea, I lol'd at that.

i knew it was a winner when i made that one
This is a thread that should have stayed with Scout. There is only one person at UM that counts when it comes to making football decisions and that's Al Golden. There is no one higher up then he is where football is concerned.
Let the season end first before we bring out the pitchforks. Is it too much to ask for that?

I mean, thinking comparatively, our defense isn't good at all, but it isn't nearly as bad as A&M's (#103) with such juggernauts as SMU, Sam Houston State, UTEP and Rice on their schedule, and yet Aggies fans aren't calling for Mark Synder to be guillotined.

If Dorito needs to go, he'll go, but compared to what posters have commented on this forum the past few days, he isn't the worst thing ever.

They will be next year when Manziel is gone. He is the only reason they are winning games. If we had him and not Stepicky it's highly doubtful we would care about our D either. Manziel is worth 4-5 touchdowns per game himself, add in a rushing Td or defensive TD and they just out score you covering up defensive issues.
Let the season end first before we bring out the pitchforks. Is it too much to ask for that?

I mean, thinking comparatively, our defense isn't good at all, but it isn't nearly as bad as A&M's (#103) with such juggernauts as SMU, Sam Houston State, UTEP and Rice on their schedule, and yet Aggies fans aren't calling for Mark Synder to be guillotined.

If Dorito needs to go, he'll go, but compared to what posters have commented on this forum the past few days, he isn't the worst thing ever.

Georgia want their DC gone and is most likely gone this offseason. Georgia's DC lost 8-12 guys to the NFL or graduation.

If the scheme isn't the problem, then he has a legitimate excuse, no? Also, Georgia has a ton of injuries, so he'll probably have his job for at least this year.

If Golden does dump NO-D, I'd prefer his replacement to be a young, up and coming coach who plays aggressive defense (Similar to Jeremy Pruitt at FSU). Whether it is a 3-4 or 4-3 is not my concern, Pruitt runs a 3-4 at FSU and has a Top #5 Defense, so it can be elite, you just have to have the right coach.

Yeah, but FSU has 4/5 star players running Pruitt's "Nick Saban influenced" system. Also, FSU does not have any Highsmiths, Armbristers, K. Rogers, Greens (with bad knees) or J.Gaines starting for them and running their system either.

We need talent, no doubt. However, my biggest concern is that we may end up losing talent due to the non-aggressive scheme Coach D is running. This is Miami. We need the horses up front to get penetration so that guys like Howard and Gunter can run man-to-man, bump-and-run coverage.
I doubt D'onofrio is going to get fired. Hopefully Golden will at least fire Jethro and get us a D-line coach that can teach how to pass rush.

Classic fake insider lingo littered throughout. No offense OP, thanks for sharing.