Increase in Scholarship Limits

I just don’t understand what was the impetus behind this. There are twelve to fifteen 60 minute games a year.

More and more complaints about playing time. Harder and harder to gauge who’s deserving and how to divide the practice and game reps. This seems like it will just cause even more chaos.

105 scholarships for football is crazy. Schools should be able to offer full rides for a full scout team at this point.

Even with that increase I have already heard that a few SEC schools are evaluating the idea of building "club" style scout teams that aren't affiliated with the NCAA, but the school is going to offer private funded scholarships to them, so that the football team has someone to practice against. Then those club teams would play their own season against other schools with these club teams. Sort of like UM's hockey team.

Apparently the 105 limit is impacting these schools that hold 120-130 on their roster
Does the 105 limit impact the schools w/ 125 on their roster because this effectively outlaws walkons? Or what is the reasoning for them being hurt?
From my understanding.. maybe someone else can chime in here that is closer or has a different perspective... but JD is already making rounds to rally troops of his key boosters to push it. But from an administration perspective in Rad's shoes.. if that is how he sees the budget.. he is going to ask which one of them is going to fork out an extra $100k for 10 scholarships per year.. extra $1M subsidy annually.. The room will be silent if that happens.
Its funny because in all reality this is like max a $20K/person cost to the actual school.... Including room and board lol.
Football scholarships were originally limited because top programs would just hoard talent. Alabama would sign guys they didn’t even want, only because Auburn was interested in them. Limits brought some sense of parity to the game. It I guess now, with the transfer portal, teams can’t just stash players on their bench for four years anymore so anyone can just transfer out. Still, I’m not sure why football needed 20 extra scholarships. I don’t understand why they felt it was necessary.
Two private schools have won the CWS since 2003, Vandy won 2x, Rice won in 03. The rest are public.

Prior to '03 you had USC, Stanford, Miami, Pepperdine back to Miami's '82 title team.
Private schools won 8 titles in that run.


And what many do not realize is that Vandy and Rice have MASSIVE endowments (relative to their student population) and can give a TON of scholarship money to every single student, not just athletes.

If your family makes less than $140K, you get a full-ride at Rice.

Vanderbilt now offers full rides to students from families that make less than $150K.
