In person game observations

My original reply was to Edge who stated don't blow it all up my man

"5. Cardinals fans were totally classless. Instead of the throwing up the L it was always throwing down the U. We let them know as they exited. "

Regarding your quite emotional comments above (1) Last I checked Miami has RARE SELLOUTS too. Don't forget when in Florida I make it to at least one game a year at Hard Rock and watch the games on TV, I know the attendance struggles at UM games so you can't throw attendance smack towards any other school and (2) Louisville does have in-game announcements about reporting unruly fans. Perhaps you missed it during the overall game experience. Might I add Hard Rock is an NFL stadium with NFL security experience, even during the college games played there. L&N stadium is a college stadium. It doesn't have all the resources that Miami has. With that being said, I'm done on this topic. There's a better discussion to take place regarding the upcoming game with FSwho.

Look, genius, I made it clear that there are TWO situations where schools are better prepared for jackass home-fan behavior: (a) large-attendance stadiums like Florida/Florida State/Clemson, and (b) NFL stadiums like Miami, USF, Pitt. Sorry you can't comprehend that. It wasn't attendance-smack, junior, it was about a lack-of-preparedness for a large crowd, which is not something that afflicts Miami, what with playing in an NFL stadium.

"In-game announcements". Yeah, that ******* works. Fans are supposed to remember something that was announced while they were trying to take a ****.

Get the **** out of here with that bull****. You chose to come on this thread and white-knight for Louisville. Nobody asked you to do that, certainly not as many times as you've done it. Don't talk to anyone about "blowing it all up", you seized upon ONE 7-word sentence from ONE poster to lecture us all about "not poking the bear" during some apparently bacchanalian noon game.

Meanwhile, I posted multiple suggestions for what Louisville can do to control their out-of-control fans and you just kept denying and minimizing until you just now SUDDENLY remembered that there was an in-game PA announcment. So sorry THAT announcement wasn't played as frequently as your third-down-defense sound effects.

Finally, don't play the "resources" excuse. It's bull****. There are plenty of college stadiums IN SMALLER TOWNS that figure out how to hire enough event staff to prevent problems. Louisville is a much larger metropolitan area than Hogtown or Clemson or Talla-*******-hassee. The "resources" are ticket sales. If you sell more tickets, then you hire more security. Stop making up reasons to allow drunken Ken****ians to behave poorly towards their guests.

I was east side lower bowl 35 yard line upper part of lower deck I didn't feel a breeze all day. And despite it being not that hot temp wise. The sun made it fell like it was 100. Completely agree on the Louisville fans. We had a couple different end of games bad encounters. No alcohol involved from our side in the stadium either

I have no idea whether that upper deck on the away side blocked anything. I was sitting behind the Louisville marching band, I was in Row J between the goalline and the 5 yard line. There were people around me wearing sweatshirts and jackets all game long. The Miami fan sitting next to me had a jacket on. The wind was not constant, but when it blew in our corner, I was kicking myself for not bringing my UM jacket in (I was just wearing a white UM jersey). I can respect the fact that fans in other areas of the stadium did not feel a breeze, I don't profess to be an expert on stadium architecture, but there was definitely a breeze at times.

As for the fan behavior, it's so weird to blame it on bourbon. I parked in the CanesUnited area, which was a heavy concentration of Louisville fans. I did not see a lot of heavy drinking, not at pre-game, not on my walk into the stadium, not during the game. I didn't see anyone staggering around or displaying any out-of-control-drunken behavior. Maybe some fans had been drinking, but the behavior that I saw was the product of sober hatred.

Again, it's not a complaint. We are commenting on a Miami board among Miami fans (except for dip****s that are simply trying to start fights, like Angry Ibis). We are allowed to share our experiences without having some poster try to gaslight us into telling us how the Louisville fans are so well-behaved, and the Louisville AD won't tolerate bad behavior, even though we've had posters recounting their experiences over the past decade while this Louisville fan tries to victim-blame Miami fans and put the blame on bourbon.

I have no idea whether that upper deck on the away side blocked anything. I was sitting behind the Louisville marching band, I was in Row J between the goalline and the 5 yard line. There were people around me wearing sweatshirts and jackets all game long. The Miami fan sitting next to me had a jacket on. The wind was not constant, but when it blew in our corner, I was kicking myself for not bringing my UM jacket in (I was just wearing a white UM jersey). I can respect the fact that fans in other areas of the stadium did not feel a breeze, I don't profess to be an expert on stadium architecture, but there was definitely a breeze at times.

As for the fan behavior, it's so weird to blame it on bourbon. I parked in the CanesUnited area, which was a heavy concentration of Louisville fans. I did not see a lot of heavy drinking, not at pre-game, not on my walk into the stadium, not during the game. I didn't see anyone staggering around or displaying any out-of-control-drunken behavior. Maybe some fans had been drinking, but the behavior that I saw was the product of sober hatred.

Again, it's not a complaint. We are commenting on a Miami board among Miami fans (except for dip****s that are simply trying to start fights, like Angry Ibis). We are allowed to share our experiences without having some poster try to gaslight us into telling us how the Louisville fans are so well-behaved, and the Louisville AD won't tolerate bad behavior, even though we've had posters recounting their experiences over the past decade while this Louisville fan tries to victim-blame Miami fans and put the blame on bourbon.

We were in the shade up until kick off and I agree in the shade it was cool and I couldn't wait for the sun to hit us. Then it got hot fast. It was like losing turned the Ville fans into A holes at the end. I was in the Canesunited lot also. Good times always.
Have heard Tennessee, UVA, Washington, and VT fans are pretty good hosts. Penn St, WVU, and Taint Fans at the Terry Porter Bowl were the worst. FSU and UF fans are surprisingly less bad than most other ACC fan bases.
You ever been to a Nebraska game? Wow. Like friendly to the point where it was borderline annoying. I work with a Ucla alum who echoed the same.

Also, I've been to Penn State twice and both times was treated fairly. Not to say that they were all nice, nor am I in any way supporting those pedos.
You ever been to a Nebraska game? Wow. Like friendly to the point where it was borderline annoying. I work with a Ucla alum who echoed the same.

Also, I've been to Penn State twice and both times was treated fairly. Not to say that they were all nice, nor am I in any way supporting those pedos.
Nebby fans are notoriously hospitable...crazy friendly.
Have heard Tennessee, UVA, Washington, and VT fans are pretty good hosts. Penn St, WVU, and Taint Fans at the Terry Porter Bowl were the worst. FSU and UF fans are surprisingly less bad than most other ACC fan bases.
Can confirm UVA was very chill. Tennessee... **** no. I've worn Miami gear to Tennessee games where they're playing Florida and Georgia and they go at me more than the opposing fans for no reason.

My experience with VT was not that good in 2022 but prior years they were hospitable. Of course I sat in a VT section closer to the field on their sideline because I got the tickets from a VT fan co-worker who donates a lot of money. So surrounded by their diehards.

I also talked a lot of **** and we almost blew the game and had me sweating. They let me know about it.

Had a good experience with Clemson fans in Charlotte and at Clemson but I watched those games with a former Clemson OL that won a title for them in 1981.

GT fans are great other than the students. They have a false sense of superiority or something. Once they get older they mellow out.

UNC fans are horrible. Worst students I've ever experienced and the 26-40 year old crowd is just as bad still trying to be students/frats and picking fights.
You ever been to a Nebraska game? Wow. Like friendly to the point where it was borderline annoying. I work with a Ucla alum who echoed the same.

Also, I've been to Penn State twice and both times was treated fairly. Not to say that they were all nice, nor am I in any way supporting those pedos.
Yea typically Nebraska fans are chill unless they're young and drunk but that goes goes for everyone. I forgot to mention NC St as a fan base that's pretty awful.
We were in the shade up until kick off and I agree in the shade it was cool and I couldn't wait for the sun to hit us. Then it got hot fast. It was like losing turned the Ville fans into A holes at the end. I was in the Canesunited lot also. Good times always.

Absolutely true, good times.

I parked in the lot, and then I went in to Wagners to get some food. When I came out, two of my best friends from undergrad (who live in Louisville) were parked right next to me.

Completely random and shocking. But a great surprise.