Tue, Oct 22 at 5:01 PM
Good evening Mr Heird. I just wanted to make you aware of a situation I'm finding out about from several Miami fans from their section of the stadium from this past Saturday.
They are saying someone from the upper deck kept throwing down nickels, trash etc etc at the end of the game. I'm getting this from the canesinsight thread on their message board.
It might be something to look at for future games and post up security in that area to watch for this.
I'm sure this will do the trick.
Problem solved.
This doesn't change the fact that you tried to gaslight us for pages, telling us what angels the Louisville fans are, and how we invited all this on us by "poking the bear" (which never happened).
For the record, I do expect a certain level of antagonism at away games. I will go to five out of six of Miami's away games this year.
But you refuse to acknowledge two primary components of our posts.
1. Pre-game and during-game, there was no mythical "poking of the bear", and you had ONE person say that AFTER the game, to people RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, he returned the favor of the "downward U" nonsense, which (of course) had no bearing on what people did from the upper deck.
2. There is NO EXCUSE for throwing trash from great height. And, yes, the REASON I cited West Virginia was for the permanent injury that Randy Shannon suffered when West Virginia fans dropped a trash can from the upper deck which hit Randy Shannon.
And these two points do NOT ADDRESS the need for Louisville to have more security FOR A RARE SELLOUT, as well as IN-GAME methods for reporting abusive behavior, as we have at Hard Rock Stadium. There was FAR BETTER security at the UF and USF games than at the Cal and Louisville games. I realize that Florida is an SEC-SEC-SEC program that does this routinely, and USF plays in an NFL stadium, as UM does. But the drop-off in security at Cal and Louisville was shocking and egregious.
Sure, we appreciate you contacting the oh-so-wonderful Louisville AD, and I'm sure we'll here more about how this will "not be tolerated" at Louisville.
Except that it was. And I say that not as a complaint, but to assure you that it happens more than your pearl-clutching self chooses to believe.
The answer is not a next-week-email. The answer is for Louisville (and other ACC schools) to institute policies and controls that are in place at MORE-PREPARED venues, such as Miami, Clemson, F$U, Pitt, and North Carolina. These are schools that routinely host large crowds and/or play in NFL facilities.
I suspect that this oh-so-wonderful Louisville AD is going to laugh at this thread and do nothing. So be it. I guess we are all "asking for it" because we attended an away game in a state known for making bourbon, at least that's what you told us.
If your oh-so-wonderful AD actually gives a ****, I'll be happy to tell him my section, row, and seat. Not that it will matter, because I tried very hard not to engage with the abusive ******** behind me. I'm no "bear-poker". But from the stories I've heard from Miami fans, this kind of behavior took place all over the stadium, and I'm sure the wonderful Louisville AD can't possibly pull the season tickets of 10 or 20 thousand people.
Fix the problem. Do what other (better) stadiums do, and give everyone an avenue to report abusive behavior immediately, not weeks later. And renovate certain parts of the stadium where people can drop stuff off the back side down onto people. And have cameras that can catch people doing that if they throw stuff from the upper deck into the lower deck seats.
But thank you for the e-mail.